FamilyToday - Contributors

Our Network of writers join us with the shared mission of helping you navigate the stages of life with the people you love most. With a diverse set of voices and perspectives, we offer a credible and honest place you can rely on for knowledge and advice that you need to keep your family together and happy.

our contributors

Laura Abbott has many passions: her children, her husband, writing, dance and yoga, contact with nature, sharing with friends, books, music.  

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Mariana Abeid-McDougall is a dreamer, a wife, and a mother to three young kiddos. Her family doesn't fit into any neat boxes, and if yours doesn't either, come embrace your dreams with us at

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Stephanie Abney, eternal optimist, retired school teacher and freelance writer, lives in Mesa, Ariz., with her husband, Jim. They have five children and 18 grandchildren.

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Michael Ohene Aboagye lives in Accra, Ghana. He is a graduate of the prestigious Ghana Institute of Journalism, holding a bachelor's degree in communication studies.

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Key Acanto is a writer and editor of since 2015. She is also a contributor of different sites, specifically self-improvement, motivational, business and marketing sites.

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Owner of one of the most popular Instagram profiles on motherhood, maternity blogger Mirela Acioly shows motherhood as it is.

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Erin Adair lives in the Rocky Mountains with her husband & tiny dog Violet. She has an alarming obsession with books and is often seen with her hands stained by ink or splashed with paint.

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April Adams is a graduate of Charter Oaks State College in Connecticut.

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Sana is a corporate professional with a quench to write and explore the territories of fashion, beauty, health and lifestyle. If not writing an article you can find her devouring fashion magazines, reading or planning her next travel adventure.

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Health Specialist

Katherine Agranovich is a Certified Medical and Anesthesiology Hypnotherapist, and has completed comprehensive programs in Professional Hypnosis, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Psychology of Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP). Most recently, she received certification in Reconnective Healing and as an Integrative Mental Health practitioner. In 2004, she established Achieve Health Center, Inc., a holistic health center in Newport Beach, CA, helping people with a wide variety of mental, emotional and physical challenge

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  Marilia Aguilar is an attorney, wife and mother. She lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil with her husband and three kids. She loves reading, studying and writing.

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Marta Martínez es de Uruguay. Posee una licenciatura en Psicología, y un posgrado en Logoterapia. Ama todo lo que hace y adora servir. Es especialista en atención psicológica domiciliaria.

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Miriam Aguirre nació en México D.F. y actualmente vive en Argentina. Tiene un título en Educación Infantil. En su tiempo libre disfruta de leer novelas románticas, caminatas con su esposo y jugar con sus dos hermosas hijas.

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Ken is a professional web developer for Deseret Digital Media. He is also a licensed commercial pilot, certified personal trainer, and armchair economist. He can be found online at

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Kristin is a teacher, blogger and a mom.

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Communicator fan who tells children about daily adventures of music and sports, likes to read and believes the most revolutionary act that can exist is to laugh.

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Lauren is a wife, mother of two, teacher and writer. She blogs at about finding a healthy lifestyle full of adventure, authenticity and grace.

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Marriage Specialist

Dr Corey Allan is the main voice behind Sexy Marriage Radio, and is also a husband, father, author, speaker, and Marriage and Family Therapist with a Ph.D. in Family Therapy. He and his wife Pam host the weekly podcast, Sexy Marriage Radio, where they help frame the conversation for couples to experience the best sex possible in their marriage. Check out more at

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Emma Allen recently graduated from BYU’s School of Family Life and will soon begin her master’s degree program in Marriage and Family Therapy.

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Kathryn S. Allen has a bachelor's degree in Family, Consumer, and Human Development. Her blogs include, and

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Family Specialist

    Alicia is a senior at BYU-Idaho studying Child Development. She is currently applying to graduate school for Social Work. She loves spending time with her family, trying new foods, hanging out with friends, and running.          

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Roger and his wife Sue have nine children and 21 grandchildren, so far. He has worked in many different jobs and in many different positions including a COO of a health care company, a teacher, the CFO of a feed mill, a CPA and the CEO of a power plant. In 2011, he received a heart transplant. In 2012, he and his wife hiked 60 miles in 6 days and summited Mt. Whitney to celebrate their 60th birthdays and the first anniversary of Roger's heart transplant. Roger currently works as a management consultant.

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Carla Alves is a Brazilian mother of two and wife. She likes good books about all kinds of subjects especially those related to family. She loves to read and write and to be with her husband and children.

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Hi I'm Karissa, a wife and mother to an amazing daughter. I'd love for you to come over and visit my blog where you will find a lot of organizational ideas, budgeting tips, parenting advice and ways to become a better blogger yourself. I love being able to grow my blog and my blogging community and welcome you to be a part of it.

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Health Specialist

Dr. Ken Andersen is a Chiropractic Physician at Andersen Chiropractic, LLC in Sandy, UT that specializes in the spinal rehabilitation and treatment of the spine. He is also an adjunct member of Salt Lake Community College Biology Department.

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Kristin Anderson is a mother, wife, social worker, writer and proponent of happiness. She believes in second chances and the power of children.

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Nick received a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication at Dixie State University in Utah where we was Opinion Editor at Dixie Sun News. Now he interns for Deseret News National. Follow him on Twitter at

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Family Specialist

Denise is a published author with an Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology. Additional writings are found at

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Deborah Anderson is a versatile and published author, playwright, professional actress, music composer and journalist. As an experienced teacher of writing, she has taught students in elementary schools, high schools and colleges, and privately mentors writers across the United States. 

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Christine B Anderson is a PhD candidate, infertility survivor, and adoptive Mama of three. Visit her blog, Counting Blessings Not Sheep.

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Jehanne Anderson would be happy to hear from and counsel with you if you need her advice or just someone to talk to. Contact her at:

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Marriage Specialist

Aaron Anderson is a therapist and Director of The Marriage and Family Clinic in Denver, CO. He is a writer, speaker and relationship expert. Checkout his blog for expert information on how to improve your relationship.

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Jessica Anderson is currently a freelance writer/blogger and frequent recipient of the (sarcastic) mother-of-the-year award. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in English with an emphisis in creative writing. From there she went on to help create and co-author the mommy blog - a site dedicated to providing answers to life's most perplexing parenting questions.

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Health Specialist

Karleen Andresen is a mediator and conflict professional. She has a specialty in crisis and suicide issues. Focusing her work on the mainstream, Andresen hosts half day workshops to share how hostage negotiators help others deal with stress - and you can too! If they can talk someone from the ledge, it works.

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Tequitia Andrews is a freelance writer and artist based in Virginia catch up with her at

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Paisley loves her family, writing and playing her guitar on stormy days.

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I’m Anna - New York wife and mama. I love my man, my babies, my Faith, and all things home-related. Except ironing. DO NOT ASK ME TO IRON.

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Cris Antonio is the Chief Editor of She’s currently focused on helping healthcare workers find better career opportunities through Cris also enjoys painting, collecting toys, and reading German novels.

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Ben grew up in Hingham, Massachusetts, a small town 40 miles southeast of Boston, and currently lives in Lehi, Utah. He and his wife, Gina, have 6 beautiful children and he currently works as Payroll Manager at Ben also manages his daughter's YouTube channel, The Piano Gal, which recently hit 50,000 views in less than a year. He loves the power that words have to evoke positive emotion, and his aim is to have people feel something when they read his work.

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Dawn L. Armstrong is a humanitarian, speaker, blogger and lover of all people. Her autobiography, “A New Dawn,” highlights the struggle to break the chains of abuse, neglect and poverty. In it she provides insight on how to heal from the wounds of this world, and go on to have an extraordinary life. Look for it in book stores later this year.

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Ruthie Armstrong is the mother of five - we're a step family! That means she's been divorced, a single mom, and now blending a step family.  She is also passionate about helping children have healthy eating and exercise habits. Ruthie trys to be genuine and open in her writing... she writes from life's experiences and blogs at!

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Kadie is a DIY Lifestyle blogger at, and mother to 5 energetic children. Her pastimes include reading, crocheting, playing with power-tools, painting, laying floors, chasing children, and eating all the round cookies she can find.

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As a former youth worker, business owner, school teacher, coach and inmate, Rod has the unique ability to relate to almost anyone in whatever situation they are in. His thought-provoking blog about life, mistakes, faith, hope & grace has been read in over 175 countries. A popular writer & speaker, Rod draws from his deep well of biblical knowledge and personal pain to encourage others along the broken journey to wholeness. He hosts a private Facebook group for hurting men (called the Man Cave) and enjoys helping others find Hope in the midst of their painful situations. He is divorced with three children.

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Holly is a 21-year-old woman who loves life, loves her family, and loves helping others! She is married with no children yet, but hopes to have a large family in the future.

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Amy is a senior at Brigham Young University-Idaho who is studying Marriage and Family Studies. With her love for the sanctity of the family she has pursued this degree to help others become informed.

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  Emma is from Riverside, California. She is currently a student studying Marriage and Family Studies and will graduate with her bachelor's degree in April 2014.      

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Jennifer Autry has called many states home, and is currently an American military wife with two beautiful girls. She is an aspiring author.

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Lisa is the founder and writer of Simple & Soul, a simple living blog for women seeking purpose and presence in the imperfect every day. She's a soul-pursuer, Christ follower, and minimalist wife and mama of two in San Diego, CA.

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Susan Aylworth is a retired professor of English from California State University, Chico, where she taught writing for 30 years, a wife of 42 years, a mother of seven children, gramma to 21, and the author of 10 novels. Her books have been published by three publishing houses and in five languages. Her poems have appeared in the Broad River Review and Sand Canyon Review. One favorite work is “Gertrude,” a one-woman play about Hamlet’s mother. Susan loves poems, plays, words in almost all forms, and good raspberry jam. She wishes the grandchildren would visit more often.

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C. A. Ayres is a mother, wife, author and photographer, with background in Journalism and Psychoanalysis.

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Nana Baah is a staff writer for covering sex, relationships, the internet and young people.

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Mike Babcock has worked in healthcare public relations for 15 years. He teaches writing for strategic communication, public relations and advocacy courses at the University of Utah. EMAIL:

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Hi, I’m Mallory Bacon, blogger. Our little family of 3 lives on the northwest side of Chicago. I don’t claim to be a financial expert by any means; I’m in the trenches with you all trying to figure out how to best manage our resources. I’m just here to share things I’m learning along the way on this tumultuous journey called “Budgeting.” Because despite the trendy last name, I’m actually turning out to be quite thrifty.

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Shannon is a graduate of the University of Oregon, and a mother of five. She has published several articles and has written her own column for the local newspaper.

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Nisha is passionate about writing and loves to share her thoughts with the world. She has written many articles on yoga, fitness, wellness, remedies, and beauty. She keeps herself updated by going through interesting blogs every day. This fuels her passion and motivates her to write appealing and engaging articles. She is a regular contributor to and a few other websites. She has done her masters in Mass Communication. You can follow her on twitter.

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Marcus does not consider himself a writer, but the struggles in his life have given him something to write about. He believes that stories of life's lessons can help others, and that makes writing worthwhile.

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Nate Bagley is the creator of The Loveumentary and a founder of Unbox Love. He loves helping people create amazing love in their lives. He loves hearing from his readers. You can reach him at

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Megan Bailey is graduate of James Madison University where she received a degree in psychology and a minor in sociology. Megan has been writing to help inspire and improve families since 2015. Her work can be seen on sites such as FamilyToday and Beliefnet.

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Misty Bailey is a Christian wife and work at home homeschool mom. She resides with her family in Southern Ohio. She loves helping new homeschoolers and has a Homeschool 101 eBook for those getting started. She shares her struggles with time management, becoming unglued and finding joy in the everyday moments on her blog Joy in the Journey.

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A busy boy mom of 2 and a coffee drinker out of necessity, Maggie calls for wives + mamas to become Indwelt Women who dwell richly in the Word of God in the midst of life's chaos. Connect with Maggie over at for more biblical encouragement and practical resources.

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Health Specialist

Gina is a nurse, mom, entrepreneur, photographer, artist in training, athlete and more. She graduated with a masters degree in nursing informatics.

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Cindy Baldwin is a homemaker and freelance writer who is expecting her first child. Her poetry and prose have been featured in several publications, and she blogs regularly at Being Cindy.

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Jared is a licensed insurance agent who strives to help others navigate the sometimes complicated insurance market.

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I’m a passionate traveler and the founder of DesToDis as well. I’ve traveled to over 50 countries and have knocked some big adventures off my bucket list. I created the blog with the main aim to share guidelines, tips, gadget reviews and my personal experiences on all things travel. By this way, I hope to inspire and help people to wander around the world safely, easily and adventurously.

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Nancy is a Catholic Mother of 4 little ones who lives and loves and crafts and cooks and enjoys all things messy in the Kansas City area. To find out more about her, visit her blog.

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Jeet Banerjee is a 22 year old serial entrepreneur, TEDx speaker, best-selling author, and digital marketing consultant. After selling his first business at 17, Jeet has since launched numerous other technical startups and has helped others achieve massive success with their businesses.

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Karen Banes is a freelance writer specializing in parenting, lifestyle and entrepreneurship. Contact her at her website or via Twitter where she tweets as @karenbanes.

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Anne Banks is a mother of two active boys, and wife to the love of her life. She blogs at Travel Parent Eat. She received her master degree at Utah State University and has loved using this degree to teach online. As evidenced by her posts, she loves running, cooking, crafting and spending time with her family.

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Russell is the VP of Global products for Deseret Digital Media

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I am a mom of two toddlers, a wife of a baseball coach, and a daughter of a Heavenly Father. Being a former teacher, I am overly obsessed with learning activities, mini parties, and sharing tips with parents.

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Julia is a student graduating with her BS in Accountancy.

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Heather is a student studying Marriage and Family. She has a passion for families and children. She hopes to further her education so that she can be an advocate for families and children in this world. Heather has been married for about three years to her awesome husband and they have a sweet 1-year-old boy who they love like crazy!

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Health Specialist

Whitney Barrell, LCSW holds a master's degree in Social Work from the University of Utah. She works as a child therapist focused on mental health issues in children and families.

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Norda Barrowes is a mom of three and a wife to one. She enjoys spending time with her family, loves food, the outdoors, and playing almost any kind of sport.

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Attorney turned SAHM of four girls, ages four and under. Blogs at "Tales from the Mommy Trenches." Lover of sweet things (food and babies) and any movie with Cary Grant in it.

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Family Specialist

Daniel Bates is a Graduate with two master degrees. He owns and operates his own small counseling business, Better Lives Counseling.

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Parenting Specialist

Derold E. Bates is a retired educator. His latest book, "Three Steps to Success in Parenting and in Life," may be found on line at

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Crystalee Beck is a writer, marketer, and traveler. By day, she is a full-time marketing writer for Fortune 500 clients like Microsoft and Yahoo. By night, she takes graduate classes to earn a master's degree. 

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Joshua Becker is the Founder and Editor of Becoming Minimalist, a website that inspires people to find more life by owning less stuff.

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Brooke is a senior studying Marriage and Family Studies. She is married and a soon-to-be mother. She loves to play sports and is passionate about the family and its importance in the world today.                                                          

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Health Specialist

Millie Behera is the Founder & Medical Director at Bloom Reproductive Institute. She is board certified in Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology. Dr.Behera has published a number of research papers and international presentations in the field of in-vitro fertilization, non-invasive treatment of fibroids, fertility preservation therapies, and advanced robotic surgery. With the help of advanced reproduction and fertility treatments, her expert team is committed to helping patients achieve their dream of starting a family.

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Lydia Beiler loves sharing simple, easy recipes, money saving ideas and homemaking inspiration on her blog, Thrifty Frugal Mom. She and her husband of nearly 10 years have been blessed with the gift of 4 amazing, and sometimes exasperating, children. They enjoy the adventure of living in the city, located near the beautiful Pennsylvania Amish countryside.

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Allison Bell is a University of Utah graduate who loves writing, teaching teenagers, hanging out with her husband and being a mother.

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Jason Bell is a graduate of the University of Utah and works as a telecom manager based out of Salt Lake City. He enjoys teaching, consulting, spending time with his wife, family, friends, cars, movies, and books. Contact at

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Lindsey Bell is the author of the parenting devotional, Searching for Sanity. She's also a speaker for women's events, a blogger, and a stay-at-home mother to two crazy boys.

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Shaun Bell is a husband and father of three daughters. He is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University and currently resides in the Cleveland Ohio area.

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Family Specialist

Braden Bell has a Ph.D. in Educational Theatre from New York University. He and have wife have five children of their own. Braden has worked with middle school-aged children in a variety of contexts for over 25 years. He currently teaches theater and choir in a middle school in Tennessee.

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Douglas Bell is the author of Defenders of Faith: The Book of Mormon from a Soldier's Perspective.

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Virginia Bell is a bookworm and resides in Saratoga Springs, Utah with her husband and two girls.

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Top Influencer

Hi! I'm Annette Belnap. I'm a typical wife and mom to 5 kids ages 20, 19, 17, 14 and 9. I love to share family friendly recipes, parenting advice, cleaning and organizing tips and product reviews.

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Katie is a young mom of three, blogger and writer! She strives to live a life devoted to Jesus, and she loves to write about eternal perspective and finding freedom and meaning through simplicity and hard work as a mom and homemaker.

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Health Specialist

Kristin Marie Bennion, LCSW, is a therapist at Intimate Connections Counseling, LLC, where she treats issues related to intimacy, sexuality, eating disorders, and other relationship and mood concerns. Visit for i

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Jessica is the mother of one wonderful 2-year-old with one on the way. She is obtaining a bachelor's degree in child development and has already received her associates degree. She has been married for four years this upcoming May and enjoys crafting, organizing, doing any activity outdoors, and of course spending time with her wonderful family.

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Health Specialist

Timothy Berman is a licensed Chemical Dependency Professional in Seattle, Washington. He presently writes, and publishes, a variety of web based contact, and is actively involved in working with people who are suffering substance use disorders, seeking fulfillment in their lives, and writes informative Op-Ed, inspirational articles, and actively involved with ongoing conversations regarding.

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Hilary Bernstein is a Christ follower, wife, mama and writer who wants to help homemakers grow in their faith, care for their families, and manage their homes. The author of several eBooks, Hilary loves to chat with homemakers on Facebook and Pinterest.

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Elissa is a communication strategist, branding expert and personal development junkie who helps creative small business owners write words that people actually want to read. She blogs about personal and professional communication, building a successful business and living a bold life.

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Malini Bhatia is the founder of

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Elizabeth lives in Breckenridge, Colorado with her family. They are avid pet lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. They enjoy hiking with their dog, Rita, in the Rocky Mountains. When she isn't hiking, camping, or exploring, Elizabeth likes to build unique aquariums with fish from all over the world.

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Ashlee Birk is the author of The Moments We Stand, the blog and book series of her healing journey after the secret infidelity and murder of her husband in 2011. Graduate of Utah State. Mom of six. Contact www.themomentswestand

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Elli is the head of outreach and community safety manager at SafeWise.

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Charushila Biswas is a Post Graduate in MSc. Biotech and is currently pursuing a course in nutrition and fitness. Contact her at

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Amanda is a wife, writer, student and amateur chef. She and her husband recently relocated from busy Southern California to beautiful Colorado Springs and they are loving the change to the mountains, cooler weather and slower pace of life. She writes honest encouragement to live a more grace-filled and slower life, a life full of rest, intentional productivity and delicious food.

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Marriage Specialist

Kim Blackham is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Emotionally Focused Therapist. She has extensive training in sex therapy and sexual addition therapy and is a frequent contributor to both online and print media. As the wife of a surgeon, she is passionate about and uniquely qualified to help couples in medical marriages.

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Jessica is a social media coordinator for The Younique Foundation. Volunteering for non-profit organizations, traveling to different places and trying new things is what she lives for.

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Loa is President and CEP of Haze's Beans, a charity dedicated to empowering women through health awareness. She is the mother of four productive, happy children who are engaged in making the world a better place and, cherishes her role as a grandmother above all else. Author of the award winning book All Health's Breaking Loose, reach Loa for questions or comments at

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Money maker for celebrities and high net worth entrepreneurs, Ashleigh Blatt came out of her behind-the-scenes role to the forefront as the Chief Curator & Master Motivator within The Power Squad Project, an email community for women entrepreneurs who want to connec​t ​with like-minded women entrepreneurs interested building a giant business that gives them freedom, a challenge and an impact on the world.

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  Emily is currently studying child development with a minor in psychology at Brigham Young University-Idaho. She is originally from Las Vegas, Nevada. Emily is the youngest of four children. Emily loves the outdoors, elephants, hot air balloons, and astronomy. She loves studying the family and has goals of becoming involved politically. She plans on earning a master’s degree in public policy. Emily looks forward to having a family of her own and influencing those around her. She seeks to inspire action and educate others on topics affecting the family.  

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Jackie lost his job, his family was homeless, and his life was changed! Today, he shares his lessons as a blogger and bestselling author of "The 7 Rings of Marriage," as a nationally known speaker, and co-founder of the Happily Married Couples Community. You can find his words in cool places like The Huffington Post, All Pro Dad, Disney's Babble, The Good Men Project, and more! He's been featured locally, nationally, and internationally on NBC, The 700 Club, HuffPost Live, Yahoo!, Moody Radio, CBN’s Turning Point International, and more. Jackie's goal is to help spouses grow together, not apart, and to equip and encourage leaders of all types to lead with love and live with purpose.

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Welcome to the chaos! I’m Katy, the writing Mama behind Chaos & Kiddos, a blog dedicated to helping working mothers claim a more manageable life as they seek to achieve balance and order in both the professional arena and their home lives. In between juggling twin toddler boys, a rowdy teenage stepdaughter, a handful of fish, a newly acquired snail, and one rescue pup as a single Mom, I also work full time in sales and run a boudoir photography business in Virginia Beach, VA. When I’m not elbows-deep in kiddo crazy, you can find me behind the camera, teaching basic photography and small business management, or managing The Studio Hampton Roads.

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Health Specialist

School Security Analyst at Idaho Office of School Safety and Security

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Jennifer Bly is the author of "My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool" and creator of The Deliberate Mom. She passionately writes about intentional parenting, her faith, homeschool, and living life with her husband and two girls.

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Trina Boice is an author of 17 books, mother of 4 awesome sons, a twin, faculty at two colleges, Ham radio geek, and money-saving expert.

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Jonathan Boldt is the Deseret Connect Preps Editor generating content for both and and is the author of Shooting Blanks: a humorous book on infertility Follow him on Twitter @jboldt24 -

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Jackie Bolen is a tree-hugging, friend of the Earth who can usually be found catching a wave, drinking organic coffee, or on top of a mountain around Vancouver, Canada. When not outside, she's a part-time online entrepreneur, and part-time self-published author. Her hope is that one day, a reusable feminine hygiene product will be found in the hands of every single menstruating person, because this has the potential to change the world for the better.

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Rachael is the proud single mama of three wild angels. She learned the hard way to never say never but believes firmly that our messes make us beautiful. She has her Master's Degree in Social Work and works full time as an Oncology Social Worker. She spends her "spare time" loving on her boys and enjoying life, one moment at a time. Rachael is also a contributor to sites including The Huffington Post, Scary Mommy,, For Every Mom and many others. Join her in her crazy, messy, beautiful journey and follow her on her blog.

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Tana is a student with a passion for words. She believes that written words can touch people in ways unimaginable. In her spare time she enjoys singing, hiking, cuddling in a fuzzy blanket, and spending time with her friends and family.

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Caroline Bologna is a New York-based reporter covering culture and parenting at HuffPost. She is a New Orleans native and graduate of Brown University.

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Beth Bonilha graduated in Business Administration and has an MBA in Entrepreneurship. She is currently working as an Analyst Sebrae SP program in Entrepreneurial Education. She serves as a volunteer in these programs: CASP Own Business and is the President of the Relief Society in the Ward Progress Sorocaba. She is married and is a mother of six and a grandmother of two. Her hobbies include crocheting and embroidery, reading and listening to good music.

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Family Specialist

Nicci Bontrager, MA, LPC-Intern, NCC practices counseling in the Austin, Texas area. On her blog,, she writes about strengthening families, marriage, emotional health, & finding joy. She graduated from Texas State University.

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Marisa is a homeschooling mom of two and author of "Bucking The System: Reclaiming Our Children’s Minds For Christ," published in January 2016. She writes to encourage women to find purpose and joy in their God-given calling as mothers, helping them raise children with a biblical worldview. She relies on Jesus and coffee to get her through the day, and loves marveling at the cultural differences between New Jersey where she grew up and Oklahoma where her family has been transplanted! You can find more of her writings on her blog.

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Sara Borgstede is a triathlete, speaker, and writer. She has been maintaining a 100 lb weight loss for 10 years, and runs an online faith and fitness program for women, She is mom to 5 kids through birth and special needs adoption, and she and her husband Mike were foster parents to 35 children. Sara takes a lot of power naps.

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Kelsey Borresen is a senior reporter at HuffPost Life, covering love, sex and relationships. She is a graduate of the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and lives in Los Angeles.

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Marriage Specialist

Alain de Botton was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1969 and now lives in London. He is a writer of essayistic books that have been described as a ‘philosophy of everyday life.’ He’s written on love, travel, architecture and literature. His books have been bestsellers in 30 countries.

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Jacy Clemons Boyack, Founder and Director of The Togetherness Project, is a blogger (My Name is Jacy), speaker and life coach. She's passionate about helping women rediscover their self-worth and inner strength (especially after hardships) and believes that by helping others, she continues to heal. Jacy is a mom to the coolest second grader and with her husband, just welcomed another little boy in April. Together they are figuring out the whole "blended family thing" and reside in sunny Gilbert, Arizona.

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Merrilee Boyack is a mom of four sons, grandma to two and an attorney, author, and professional speaker.  

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Emily Brady is a member of the FamilyShare content team. She studied Communication with an emphasis in journalism. She loves photography and finding a good book to read in her hammock on a sunny, breezy day.

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Karlie Brand is a Utah State University graduate. A desk jockey by day, she enjoys hiking, running, skiing, and playing volleyball at any opportunity.

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Rebecca writes at Mom's Mustard Seeds — helping parents move mountains by thinking outside the box.

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Samanta Brannon is an entrepreneur and freelancer. She is also a contributing blogger for several websites. Samanta loves writing and rock music. Samanta works in essay writing service at TrustEssays.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Ethan Bratt, LMFT is a licensed marriage and family therapist, a husband, and father of four. He owns a private practice in northern Colorado. Feel free to reach him at .

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Wellness Specialist

Alessandra is a thrive and transformational life coach focusing on helping women quit surviving and move towards thriving in their personal lives, career, and relationships. She has a Masters in Social Work, loves herself a good motivational book, and used to be a college athlete so knows what discipline, determination, and passion look like. She currently lives on an island in Washington with her husband and baby girl.

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Pamela Brayton lives in northern New York and is a life-long student of creative writing.

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Amy Brazier is the great mind behind Courageous Writing, which was born out of her desire to discuss life. She wanted to create content that can start a conversation; maybe spark change where it’s needed and shed a bit of light into the darkness.

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Tracey Brewer is a wife and mom to two teenage daughters. She enjoys connecting with other moms while blogging about parenting and related topics on her blog Girls to Grow.

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Kira Bridges is pursuing joy by seeking the life God intended. She writes at Joy Pursued, sharing lessons learned and resources to help women draw close to God and experience His joy. Living in Oregon with her husband, daughter and two dogs; Kira believes living with joy is a lifelong journey and would love for you to join her.

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Parenting Specialist

Tess Brigham is a licensed therapist and coach whose mission in life is to empower 20-somethings to live their best lives. If you want to learn how to create lasting change and truly enjoy your life, visit her website.

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A devoted Christian, wife and mother, Brittany loves helping other women grow in these roles as well. When she isn’t busy taking care of her growing family, you can find her at Equipping Godly Women, where she regularly shares tips, tricks and encouragement to help you be the amazing woman God created you to be. Brittany also has a thriving online community on Facebook as well.

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Briana lives in Richmond, Virginia with her wonderful children and partner. She is a skeeball and coffee enthusiast and loves to unwind with a good book. After being raised Catholic she chose to go on a spiritual journey of self-discovery and enjoys embracing all that is possible.

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Kalyn Brooke is the founder of the popular frugal lifestyle blog,, which reaches over 300,000 readers per month. As an expert saver on a limited income, she pulls from personal experience and a passion for lifelong learning to show women that it’s possible to have more, on less. Kalyn has been featured on WINK News,,, and writes for Times of the Islands Magazine.

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Aly is mom to three adorable littles and wife to the man of her dreams. She holds a degree from Brigham Young University in Marriage, Family and Human Development. Her kids and her husband are her true love but she is also passionate about interior design, fitness, writing, and social media. Aly works as a social media consultant for several large companies as well as her own small company that she started with her sister, My Sister's Tee. Her goal is to never stop learning and improving and she loves to inspire others to do the same.

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Harrison Brooks combines his expertise in family therapy with a knack for crafting relatable content. His writing delves into the intricacies of romantic partnerships and family life, offering practical advice and heartfelt inspiration. Harrison's goal is to empower readers to create loving and supportive relationships.

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Crystal Brothers blogs at Serving Joyfully, a blog dedicated to encouraging and equipping women to serve God and their families, with a joyful spirit. It is built upon the principle that everything we do should be done in the name of Jesus and to the glory of God (Col 3:17; Col 3:23; 1 Cor 10:31).

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My name is Carmen Brown. I am first a woman chasing after God. Wife to a husband that I love serving the Lord with and a mother of four beautiful children that keeps me drinking coffee constantly. I am passionate about encouraging women to live in Christ and to build a home with His mercy and grace. Blogger at Married by His Grace.

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Katie Brown is the author of the award-winning family and parenting blog, ​Marriage Confessions​. Her works have been featured in publications such as ​Newsweek​, ​Southern Weddings Magazine​, ​TheKnot​, ​Family Circle,​ ​SheKnows Media, ​and ​The​ ​Huffington Post. She is married to her high school sweetheart, is the mother of two, and is a middle school language arts teacher. She enjoys long naps, burning baked goods, getting lost in Target, and Girl Scout cookie season. You can find Katie on ​Facebook​, ​Twitter,​ and ​Instagram​.

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Kennedy is a child development major and loves learning about children. She currently teaches preschool and enjoys every minute of it!

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Sarah Brown is a business student with a love of outdoor adventures.

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Holly Brown is a self described loner who likes people from a distance, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, texting etc.

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Jana Brown is a freelance writer and editor, wife and mother. She is an excellent cook and avid reader, who resolves one day to have a full database of all the books in the house.

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Shelly Brown is a substitute teacher in Northern Utah and author of "Mustaches for Maddie", now available on Amazon. Learn more at Connect with Shelly on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads.

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Arianne is a freelance writer, frequently writing about fitness, family and running.

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Jennifer Bruce is a Philadelphia native, graduate of Brigham Young University, and wife and mother of 3.

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Michelle is the mother to two young daughters (one with special needs) and a hard working husband. She blogs at Trust Me, I'm a Mom & inspires moms to serve with their kids. Serve with Michelle and get easy ideas on how to serve with your children t

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I am MBA student from San Jose, California. I'm a big movie classics fan and love to share my opinion on different thing happening in the spheres of film industry, blogging and lifestyle.

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Cecilia Buchanan is first a follower of Christ, wife to her wonderful husband, and blessed mother of three beautiful girls. She is an avid Inklings nerd and would spend all day reading if she could. She has a passion for writing about Christian living and culture, homeschooling, and adoption.

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Adriana Acosta studied communication, is the mother of a teenager, and is currently engaged in teaching and research on a university level in Puerto Vallarta. She publishes his writings in hopes to help people.

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Laura Bunker lives in Lehi, and is the President of United Families International, and a co-chair of the Utah First Freedoms Coalition.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Suely is a conflict counselor, an educator and has a MBA in Strategic People Management. She's the host of the program "Deixa Disso," which offers relationships advice. She has also published two books, “Uma fênix em Praga” and, “Mediando Conflitos no Relacionamento a Dois”.

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Nicole Burkholder is the creator of 365(ish) Days of Pinterest where she writes about recipes, tips and tricks and ideas for kids. She is a wife and mother of three boys and when she isn't busy with church activities, trying out new pins from Pinterest, teaching piano lessons or blogging, she likes to spend her time reading, cooking and learning new things like photography.

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Alberto Buruca is studying broadcasting and photography.

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Ariel is a stay-at-home-mom whose 3-year-old has been asking “Please I come out?” of quiet time for the past 15 minutes, non-stop. She has a background in reporting, editing, publication layout, and digital libraries, and wishes she could spend all day doing family history research. She and her husband have two tiny humans and not enough coffee.

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Glenn Alma Butterfield is a husband, dad and grandfather and is a graduate of BYU and Russell Sage College.

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I'm a former athlete and creative writer. I write for different websites about things that matters to me, like motivation, self-improvement, health and sports. I have my own educational blog. Take a look.

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Nina Caldwell is dedicated to exploring the joys and challenges of family and romantic relationships. With a background in communications and a passion for storytelling, she provides readers with thoughtful and engaging content. Nina's work aims to celebrate love and offer guidance for nurturing meaningful connections.

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Family Specialist

Nicholas Call LCSW is the owner and therapist at Tree of Life Counseling Center in North Ogden, Utah. He holds a Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of Utah and a Bachelors Degrees from Weber State University.

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Laura Callisen is a freelance blogger and journalist. Today she works as a business consultant and contributes many posts about education, family relations, children development and culture. Follow her on Twitter to see her portfolio!

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Maureen Campaiola is the founder of A Debt Free Stress Free Life, a personal finance and home management website devoted to helping people pay off debt, live contently with less, with some cleaning and life lessons thrown in for good measure. After abusing credit cards and racking up over 50K in debt, Maureen is finally debt free. She’s a business owner, certified money specialist, and published writer. You’ll find the resources you need to help you pay off your debt and grow in your understanding of money both financially and emotionally. Follower her on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook or contact her at .

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Jennifer is a personal trainer, who specializes in working with pre & postnatal women. She is passionate about educating women about their bodies and guiding them through training during pregnancy and postpartum. She knows from experience when mothers are healthy and happy, their families and communities will be too. She co-founded Healthy Habit Happy Moms, a highly sought after free online community that includes training programs, healthy habit practices, and a support network. She lives in Canada with her husband and three young boys.

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Carly is a just-left-her-twenties, small-town girl who accidentally fell into blogging and can't get out. She loves to travel, drink wine, and share practical tips and thoughts on living your best life and kicking your bad habits on her blog.

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Sou Helia Maria Morozini de Campos, moro em Três Lagoas-Pr-Brasil, sou casada e sou mãe de um rapaz de 25 anos, gosto de ler, escrever e ensinar .

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Caroline é uma jornalista catarinense que optou por ser mãe em tempo integral depois do nascimento dos filhos. Ama escrever e ainda acredita que pode mudar o mundo com isso.

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Ronelle Cannon is a paranoid-mother-turned-avid-adventurer. You can find more from her at EMAIL:

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Katelyn Carmen is a freelance content marketer, writer and graphic designer. She loves her husband, family, friends and faith.

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Emma Carpenter grew up in American Fork, Utah, within a block of her big Hawaiian extended family. She is currently studying Family Life and Creative Writing at Brigham Young University. When she’s not writing about family relationships, you’ll find her canoeing, cooking, or playing board games with her husband

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Robyn Carr graduated in English and is the mother of five and grandmother to two adorable granddaughters. She currently lives in Windermere, FL.  

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Kara Carrero is an intentional parenting, motherhood, and lifestyle blogger at She has two small girls at home and survives the mayhem that each day brings. She is passionate about helping others while depicting real life struggles and victories that motherhood brings. Follow her adventures for parenting tips, advice, and glimpses into her life.

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Kierste lives in a small Northern Utah town with her husband of seven years. She loves being a stay-at-home mom to her two young boys. Kierste graduated from Utah State University, where she majored in Family, Consumer and Human Development with an emphasis in Family Finance. She recently began writing about home and money related topics on her blog

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Courtney is studying pre-communication and broadcasting. She is an aspiring writer and enjoys reading books, especially books set in the lifestyle of another culture. She would be interested in serving in the Foreign Service and Central Intelligence Agency someday.

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Angela is a writer, editor, and overall lover of words. You can visit her blog at:

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Mary Carver is a writer, speaker and recovering perfectionist. She lives for good books, spicy queso and television marathons, but she lives because of God’s grace. Mary writes with humor and honesty about giving up on perfect and finding truth in unexpected places on her blog, She is also a regular contributor to,, and

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Fernanda is Argentine. She loves being a mother and working in journalism. She loves animals, dance, reading and family life. Writing about family and motherhood has become her passion.

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Sara Casalino is a freelance writer, author, and blogger. Her website is Contact her at .

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Allie Casazza is a blogger, author, speaker and intentional living coach. Her passion is helping her fellow women find hope and light when Satan has stolen their motherhood, and infusing them with the truth and purpose God has for them. She believes motherhood and humor should always go hand-in-hand, otherwise you'll never get through it. Allie is the wife of Brian, her seventh grade algebra partner turned sweetheart. They have four small kids, and they're SoCal natives living in the beautiful Northwest corner of Arkansas.

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Kaylin Cash | A wife and full-time student at Brigham Young University, Kaylin is passionate about improving practices within the family. She enjoys playing card games, writing in her journal, and going on creative dates with her husband. She believes in the importance of validating emotions and taking “me” time in order to live a happy and healthy life.

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Lauren Casper blogs about family life, adoption and faith, and she wrote a book about how to pay for adoption.

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Rachel is a wife, writer and content manager. She has a background in political science. She believes that the world has enough negative, so she writes to motivate and inspire people. To contact her, visit her website.

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Arelly Vela has her Masters in Chemical Sciences. She is the mother of two girls and a marriage counselor.

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Rita is a wife and mother of five children who is embarking on new adventures.

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Cassie Celestain is a wife, mom, runner and a marriage and family blogger at TrueAgape. She believes respect, trust, understanding and willingness creates happy marriages and families. She strives to keep those things the main focus in her daily life and wants to challenge others to do the same. You can get her free 6 page guide “The Secret to Making your Husband Feel Loved” now.

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Amanda is a dedicated mother, wife, and blogger! Through her blog she gives you a behind the scenes look at how parenting, marriage, and life awkwardly collide for her! You can contact her at:

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Sarah Centeno is a homeschooling mom of 4 kids. She writes about the little things she is learning through her days at home, and loves to share the strategies she has found that help to build a haven amidst the chaos of life with kids.

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Relationship Specialist

We are a collection of nationally-known experts who specialize in the emotional, legal, physical, financial and relationship aspects of divorce and the change it brings about in your life. We are here to tell you that there is Hope After Divorce.

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Sue Chacko is a wife, and stay at home mom to 3 energetic little boys. She has earned a doctorate degree in pharmacy, and worked as a consultant pharmacist in the greater New York area. She enjoys traveling with her husband and writing words of encouragement in her spare time.

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Mel Borup Chandler lives in California. He writes about science-related topics, technological breakthroughs and medicine.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Denhi Chaney has a master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. Denhi is also a wife and mother of a child.

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Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most her time hiking, biking and gardening. She graduated with a degree in Journalism from the University of New Mexico and loves to use her writing skills in a variety of areas from family life to health and science topics. You can follow her on twitter @BrookeChaplan

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Katie Chase is the creator and resident blogger at Mom is More, a blog created to inspire moms like you to rediscover what makes you … well, you!

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Davison Cheney attended a university to became proficient in music and theater, preparing him to be unemployed and to over-react. Check out his blog

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Top Influencer

Carrian and her husband Cade began the Oh, Sweet Basil blog in 2008 as a way to share their recipes and to promote their philosophy that spending time together in the kitchen is about more than the meal. As the parents of three children, they have found that cooking and eating together as a family helps them stay involved, try new things, create memories, and develop stronger bonds. You can visit their family friendly recipes on her blog.

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Katie is a mother, writer and wife. She spends the days exploring and creating with her three little ones and completely believes in the power of play. She is often found with a cup of coffee in her hand and always has a stash of chocolate hidden somewhere.

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Rachel Chipman graduated with a bachelors degree in family life and human development. Her current goals are to read more, to write more, and to learn to type while holding her infant daughter.

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Ali Chovanec writes about the real challenges of Christian motherhood on her blog, Dust Bunnies & Blessings. Encouraging women to embrace their imperfections and have faith that God always has a treasure on the other side of every trial, she shatters the expectation that motherhood requires perfection.

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Jane Christensen is a senior in the family life major at Brigham Young University. She loves God, geeking out about family life classes, and writing out her reflections on life as well as deep conversations with plenty of tangents and good laughs.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Emily Christensen lives with her husband in Oklahoma. Her Ph.D. is in marriage and family therapy and she is pursuing a second degree in Hebrew and Jewish studies.

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Danielle is a senior studying English at Brigham Young University with an emphasis in creative writing. A believer of clean literature, Danielle reviews books on and adores compliments, good food, and traveling.

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Cindy A. Christiansen is a multi-published, award-winning sweet romance author. She deals with multiple chronic health issues and has two special-needs children. 

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Gaye Groover Christmus, MPH is a wife and mom to two almost-grown sons. In her “day job” she works as a writer and editor in a health field. Her passion, though, is encouraging married women to slow down, live with vitality and energy, and create joy and intimacy in their marriages. She believes that small steps can lead to big changes, and that women armed with knowledge and a plan can transform their hurried, hectic lives. Gaye blogs at CalmHealthySexy. She’d love to send you her ebook, 17 Ways to Live Calmer, Healthier and Sexier – Starting Today – as a gift when you subscribe to the blog.

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Family Specialist

Alison Chrun is a wife and mother of two who writes about parenting, relationships and self-development on her blog Appetite for Honesty. She's a mental health rehabilitation specialist who is currently receiving her Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy.

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Hannah Chudleigh joined FamilyShare because of its positive influence on families worldwide. She has a bachelor's degree in English and loves reading, writing, and running.

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Asheritah Ciuciu is the author of Unwrapping the Names of Jesus and an avid blogger. Asheritah grew up in Romania as a missionary kid and then studied English and Women's Ministry at Cedarville University in Ohio. Her passion is helping women find joy in Jesus through a deeper walk with God, and she shares vulnerably from her own life experiences on She is married to Flaviu, a web programmer and artist, and together they raise their spunky daughter in northeast Ohio.

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Diana Clark has gone a long path from being a teacher to a successful career and life coach. She loves guiding people through their daily routine. Diana attended:"Teamworks: Building Support Groups That Guarantee Success" designed by Barbara Sher. She uses some Barbara's ideas while writing. Diana's faith motivates her to use her unique gifts to inspire and help others reclaim their power. Spirituality is a huge and wonderful part of her life. She finds motivation in something that means the most to her: her family. You can find her on LinkedIn at: or Twitter at:

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Top Influencer

Katie Clark is an undergraduate at BYU majoring in Print Journalism. She is originally from Colorado, but currently lives in Provo, Utah, with her husband and son.

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Shannon Clark has a degree in Exercise Science and is an AFLCA certified personal trainer. She has written on the topics of health, fitness and nutrition for the last 9 years. Her insights are regularly published on, and FitRated is a leading fitness equipment review site offering fitness insights on equipment, workout plans and weight loss strategies.

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Loving child of Almighty God, adoring wife, homeschooling mother of three, and foster mom to more, Jennifer is active in teaching and music ministries in her local church. She's passionate about encountering her Savior and about encouraging others to do the same. She would be honored to have you visit her at A Divine Encounter, where she writes about building a real-life faith through relationship with God. Jennifer would love to connect with you; please look for A Divine Encounter on Facebook!

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Nathan Clarkson is an actor, best-selling author, filmmaker, and all-around creative person with a passion to inspire people to know their creator and live the story God has for them to tell. Nathan has appeared in national commercials, TV-shows, and major feature films. In addition Nathan has written and produced his own hit indie films Confessions of a Prodigal Son and The Unlikely Good Samaritan starring himself and A-list Hollywood actors, seen trending on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Nathan has released his first book Different; a personal memoir of stories and thoughts about how God uses the "differences" in our lives to tell the story He has for us to tell. The book quickly became a national best seller, inspiring thousands to embrace their differences. Nathan was featured and interviewed on NBC's Today Show with Kathie Lee and Hoda.

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Family Specialist

Frank Clayton is a licensed professional counselor specializing in happiness.

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Sharron Clear is a strong, self-made single mom of three. Gaining widespread attention for her positive outlook and unique approach to fashion, Sharron has worked with global fashion, beauty, and lifestyle brands such as TreSemme, Aerie, Aveeno, Vici Dolls, Walgreens, GoDaddy, ROKU, IHG Hotels and Resorts, and many more. A fighter and self-made inspiration, Sharron creates content, in vibrant color, that uplifts and motivates others to do what makes them happy. Check out @arrayoffaces and for style, beauty, travel, & lifestyle content for the #GirlBoss.

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Newlywed student attending Brigham Young University, Megan is passionate about family sciences, strengthening the family, and providing children with nurturing and healthy environments. Part time nanny, part time piano teacher, and outdoor enthusiast.

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Erick Clifford is a freelance write, blogger & designer. He has a Bachelor degree in Interior Design from the Design Institute of San Diego. And currently lives in San Diego, CA, and has been writing for blogs since 2013. Writing has always been his passion. Therefore he thinks the best way to take advantage of it, is to share his stories with others; to inspire more people to know the world and follow their passion too!

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Meg is a photographer, designer and a wish-I-owned-a-house-er. She and her husband blog about food, DIY and parenting adventures from sunny San Diego.

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Health Specialist

Rebecca is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a master's degree in exercise and sport science, she blogs over at, works at the University of Utah at a health and fitness testing facility, as a clinical inpatient hospital dietitian. She has a passion for wellness and focuses on making positive changes with clients, not restricting eating. She promotes intuitive and mindful eating and exercise philosophies as well as eating desserts. No cheat meals needed when you allow yourself to eat what you like!

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Family Specialist

Hilary Cobb currently works as a family and individual therapist. She blogs at Blessed By His Love.

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Amiel Cocco Verbauwen graduated with a Bachelors (BA) in Marketing Communications at Brigham Young University and as professor of piano from the Ibero-Americano Rossini Conservatory. He currently lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina with his wife and two daughters.

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Relationship Specialist

Toni Coleman, LCSW, is a licensed psychotherapist. She is a well-known relationship expert and author, working with many publications, television and radio programs. Follow her on Twitter @CoachToni and FB at Toni writes for and

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Lois M. Collins is a reporter and columnist for the Deseret News. While she writes primarily on family issues for the national and news sections, she also writes a biweekly column and her work appears often in the feature section. Collins spent most of her childhood in Idaho Falls and graduated a long time ago from the University of Utah with a degree in communications. She's won numerous national, regional and local writing awards, but is most proud of the fact she once stepped out of a perfectly good airplane in midair for a story. She and her husband, Beaux, have two nearly grown daughters and live in Salt Lake City. She uses her middle initial because there are a LOT of Lois Collinses out there. Follow her on Twitter

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Family Specialist

Michele Colucci, JD, is a lawyer, entrepreneur, CEO of and divorced mother of four. She is a regular contributor for The Huffington Post, eLocal, and Follow Michele on Twitter

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  Makayla Colwell is a Child Development/Preschool Education Major at Brigham Young University Idaho. In July Makayla will graduate from college. She has been married to her loving husband Chris since April of 2013. She enjoys reading, crafts, playing with children, and going on adventures with friends. She hopes to be a mother someday and influence the lives of her children for good  

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Mayra Colón is a freelance writer, former independent author and avid reader. She holds a MBA from the University of Phoenix and completed the Freelance Writing and Selling Online course from Rutgers University of Arts and Sciences.

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FamilyToday Contributors are a dedicated team of writers passionate about strengthening family bonds and fostering love. With diverse backgrounds and expert insights, they provide valuable advice and heartfelt stories to inspire and support families in their daily lives.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Dr. Amy Osmond Cook received her Ph.D. from the University of Utah in Communication. She is Dir. of Provider Relations at North American Health Care and taught writing, communication, and marketing classes at ASU, BYU, and Univ of Utah.

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Health Specialist

Greg is a board-certified pathologist who is currently at Harvard on a dermatopathology fellowship. As a pathologist, he is an expert on health. He knows quite a lot about disease -- what causes it, what cures it, and what progress researchers are making to rid the world of it. Greg spent three years studying cancer at Duke University and has been published in a bunch of academic journals. Amy is the Director of Provider Relations for North American Health Care. Her doctorate is in communication, which means that she draws from the areas of psychology, sociology and the humanities to understand health from a holistic approach. Where Greg excels in health, Amy's focus is on wellness. Together, they work to uncover the many, many factors that help a person stay healthy, live longer, and have a better quality of life.

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Meredith Cook is a lifestyle blogger at Simple Savvy Mom. She is a graduate of BYU-Idaho and a mother of two.

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Stuart Cooke is the owner of Auto Kids, providers of ride on cars, bikes and go karts which encourage young children to be more active.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

David Coombs has a doctorate and 42 years of experience as a marriage, family, and individual counselor. He and his wife have been married 48 years, have 8 children and a bunch of grandchildren.

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I'm a content manager with over 10 years of experience in marketing. Currently, work for at real-estate startup Rentberry in San Francisco. Love writing about new technologies, marketing and self-education. Also, enjoy creating materials useful for both: tenants and landlords. I have two wonderful kids: 2 and 5 years old. In a free time love traveling with my family. Next year we are planning a trip to Europe. Also, I cannot live without sport, especially yoga.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Dr. Jared Cooper graduated with is Doctorate in Optometry from the Southern College of Optometry in 2009. He sees patients at various locations throughout Utah and Idaho.

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Leah Cooper is a professional writer and editor at AussiEssay. She writes about different topics in such spheres as e-learning, content marketing, blogging, personal development and freelancing.

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Health Specialist

Dr. Jared Cooper graduated with his Doctorate in Optometry from the Southern College of Optometry in 2009. He sees patients at various locations throughout Utah and Idaho.

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Leslie Corbly is a senior at the University of Oklahoma. She loves to read, write and run.

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Financial Specialist

Tom Corley understands the difference between being rich and poor: at age nine, his family went from being multi-millionaires to broke in just one night. He is the author of “Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals” and has recently released his second book, “Rich Kids – How to Raise Our Children to be Happy and Successful in Life.” Tom has shared his insights on various national and international network and cable television programs such as CBS Nightly News, Yahoo Financially Fit T.V., India T.V., Australia and a host of others. He has also wowed listeners on many prestigious nationally syndicated radio shows. Tom is also a frequent contributor to Business Insider, and has been profiled in SUCCESS Magazine. Tom is a CPA, CFP and holds a Master’s Degree in Taxation. As President of Cerefice and Company, CPAs, Tom heads one of the top financial firms in New Jersey.

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Lauren is a writer, wife, and mom of three who loves to help other women realize that even people with the most "Pinterest-perfect" lives don't have it all together and our best connections are formed when we get real with each other. You can find her on her blog, Oh, Honestly and on Facebook.

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Michele Coronetti é secretária, mãe de seis lindos filhos, gosta de cultura e pesquisas genealógicas.

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  Sandro Correa holds a degree in Pharmacy, a graduate degree in Physiology - UEL and Entrepreneur of the insurance industry. Natural SCS - São Paulo; Married, father of two, has a hobby to practice tennis. Visit:      

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I’m Kristi, a Northern California Blogger, living in the Sacramento/Auburn area. I’ve worked in the blogging world for over 5 years, specializing in social media and campaign management. Three of those years were spent working for a major blog network. I’d love to chat with you about bringing your brand and/or blog more exposure.

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Bachelor of law, Mediator and Conciliatory, Wife, Mother and Genealogist.

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Emily Cottam is a proud mother of two and married to her love Dr. Michael Cottam.  Emily is passionate about nature, family time, and creating the happiest life possible for her family.  She holds a bachelor's and master's degree. She has been a teacher, accountant and auditor, but her favorite job is mom.

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Taylor Cotterell is EVP of executive search and recruiting firm NaviTrust. Readers can reach him at or .

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Andrew Court is a features editor-writer at The Post where he covers entertainment and lifestyle. He previously worked as a high school English teacher before he began his journalism career. Andrew holds a bachelor’s degree in communications and a master’s degree in education, both from The University of Sydney. A native of Australia, he moved to New York City in 2019 and now resides in Brooklyn.

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Alexandra Crafton is a possibilitarian, creative writer, editor, boarder, photographer, and believer in Christ. Get to know her more by visiting her website.

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Kaelie Crockett is a senior at Brigham Young University studying Family Studies with a passion for research, writing, and all things family.

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JoAnn Crohn runs where she helps moms raise kids and stay sane. After spending four years in the entertainment industry and five years as an elementary school teacher, she now uses her skills from both worlds to help women dress well and keep their cool while parenting.

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Kathryn Cron has a bachelor's degree in English and 14 years experience as an educator. She has lived in three states as well as a short time in Eastern Europe. She is a mom, a grandmother and most recently a new wife.

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Jo is a marriage blogger, pastor's wife, and mother. She received a BA from Ozark Christian College. To learn more about why she loves married life, visit her website.

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Margaret Crowe is a poet and mother of two from Charlotte, North Carolina. 

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News your family can chew.

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Rachel Cruze is a two-time #1 national bestselling author, financial expert and host of "The Rachel Cruze Show." Since 2010, Rachel has served at Ramsey Solutions, where she teaches people how to avoid debt, save money, budget, and win with money at any stage in life. She’s authored three bestselling books, including her latest, "Know Yourself, Know Your Money: Discover WHY You Handle Money the Way You Do," and "WHAT to Do About It!" Follow Rachel on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube or online at 

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Emily is putting her English and Humanities degree to use editing and writing all over the world. Trying to see all 7 world wonders (while visiting as many countries as she can in between), Emily loves wandering alleyways, beautifully photographed food, stumbling upon impromptu flea and food markets. She can usually be found camera in hand, munching on a street food and never has her headphones out of reach.

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Elizabeth Currey is a graduate of the University of Utah and works in corporate marketing and communications. She is also a health enthusiast, infrequent blogger and mother of an adorable toddler. Her email is

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Candice Curry is a born and raised San Antonio wife and mother of 5. She recently traded in her career life to be a full time stay at home mom and focus on her writing. In 2011 she started Women With Worth where she writes about anything and everything that is on her heart. She is also a blog contibutor for Alamo City Moms Blog.

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Chloe works for Cedar Fort, Inc. whose mission is to gather and develop life-enhancing and inspiring ideas and products.

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Tiffany currently resides in Denver, CO with her husband and daughter. She loves being a mother and enjoys cooking, running, and anything outdoors.

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Christa is a part time photographer, part time writer and full time lover of life. She loves eating chocolate chip cookies and singing (but not at the same time). She has her degree in political science.

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Kallie is the creator of Smitten By. She is a mom to three kiddos and has been married to Mr. Dalley for 10 years now. She is a warrior for women everywhere. Striving to help them live happier, healthier lives, by uplifting, inspiring and empowering their why's. You can find her sharing her story of her battle with an eating disorder at                           

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Scott is a student whose love of teaching and desire to strengthen families led him into his current major of Marriage and Family Studies. He strives diligently to fulfill his role as husband and father of two children.

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Natalie Dalpias is the woman behind The Creative Mom. She is a do it yourself mom, doing everyday mom stuff with a little sawdust in her hair and paint on her jeans. She lives in Northern Utah with her husband, Casey, and their 4 children. Natalie's love for creating started at a young age. She grew up crafting, sewing, and cooking with her mom, and building houses with her dad on the weekends. She is proud to continue that tradition with her own family.

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Hey there! My name is Chelsea Damon. I have a slightly concerning dependency on coffee. I’m a mama, I work, I love my hubs, and I have a huge passion for happy marriages and healthy lifestyles. I’ve made it my job to help lovely women who want to improve their lives do just that. I believe that joy in marriage is possible for anyone, even when the going get’s tough. You just need to know where to find it! Check out for more healthy lifestyle and marriage tips or just to give a quick hello!

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Georgiana Daniels is a homeschool mom by day, and a blogger and author by night. She lives in the beautiful mountains of Arizona with her hard-working husband and three talented daughters. When she's not glued to the computer, she loves to read, knit and generally cause mayhem, all while encouraging other moms to live the big life.

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Parenting Specialist

Natasha Daniels is a child therapist and author of How to Parent Your Anxious Toddler. She is the creator of Her work has been featured on various sites including Huffington Post, Scary Mommy and The Mighty. She can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest or making parenting videos for

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Rebecca Piatt Davidson is a former Assistant English Professor and author of the children's picture book, All The World's A Stage, an introduction for kids to her favorite Shakespeare characters, illustrated by Caldecott Honor winner Anita Lobel. She is a full-time mother of four, a part-time writer, composition teacher, and blogger, and a passionate advocate for parenting strategies aimed at bringing moms and teens together through books, culture, and travel. She and her family recently spent ten months in Barcelona, Spain, their home base while they explored and traveled together.

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Celeste loves dishing out unsolicited marriage advice over at A Thing Called Love Blog. Mom of three, wife of one, she's a big believer in the power of redemption, the power of kindness and the power of Netflix. Also cheese.

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Danielle is a blessed mother to a miracle little girl and a wife to her high school sweetheart. Her blog, Today's The Best Day celebrates the blessing of motherhood and it is her hope to help moms everywhere make every day the best day for their families. 

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Want to more about improving and saving your marriage? Elizabeth shares more tips and insights on her blog.

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Payton Davis is a writer for Deseret Digital Media.

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Vauna recently earned a master’s degree in Mass Communications. Now she helps people understand the dangers of pornography as the communications director at Women for Decency, a nonprofit that educates, unites, and mobilizes women to safeguard their homes, families, and communities from pornography. She is also the director for Utah Coalition Against Pornography. She and her husband have four great young adult children that they love to spend time with.

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Julia spends her days chasing her son around, playing many different Super Heroes or Villains, and guzzling coffee by the gallon. She loves writing and reading.

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Jennifer is a wife and mother to two lively boys and currently lives in Utah. She enjoys many things including crafts, DIY, baking, and runs a design business for invitations and announcements. After battling through anxiety and multiple health problems, she began sharing what she learned through her trials on her blog and through public speaking engagements. She hopes to inspire and help others overcome their own trials, particularly in battling mental illness.

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Rich Day is an MBA from the Gore School of Business at Westminster College and the Co-Founder of STAY Capital and Bona Dea Nutrition.

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Susan Dayley is the author of various books and blogs regularly at

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Irene grew up in Pelham Manor, New York and graduated from Endicott College in Beverly, MA. She writes freelance articles and a blog for Studio City Patch and has owned and operated a boutique. She is married to a retired television writer and they have two daughters and two grandchildren. 

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Leah DeCesare, author of Naked Parenting: 7 Keys to Raising Kids with Confidence, is a mother of three and married 20 years. She writes between car pools and laundry. For the past 13 years, her career has focused on birth, babies, and early parenting

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Erica DeSpain is a mom to two little girls, an Army wife, and the blogger behind Whimsical September. She can't get enough of birthday cake ice cream, sunrise runs or making her girls belly laugh. She writes almost daily about her family's lives, and though she likes to keep things light, she also shares the messy parts too.

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Eric is a missionary at heart. He has a passion to change hearts towards Christ through Bible-centric teaching and to create opportunities for the marginalized around the world. He earned a master’s degree in theological studies from Bethel College.

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Marcia Denardi is a Brazilian Journalist and her biggest professional goal is to bring information to strengthen families. The job she loves most is to be a mother.  

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Christy Denney is the girl behind the blog The Girl Who Ate Everything. She shares quick and easy family recipes along with her stories about life and motherhood. Visit

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Heather Dennie is a happily married Jesus lovin' mama of 3. She teaches high school and loves all things creative. She uses her creativity to love others, teach, write, and design and create happy things at

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Gina Denny is a homeschooling mother of three, living in Phoenix, Arizona. You can read her blog at or reach her on twitter @GinaD129

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Family Specialist

Meerabelle holds a B.A. in History and Religious Studies from the University of Toronto and a J.D. from Fordham University School of Law. To read more from Meerabelle, visit her column Your Morning Cup of Inspiration. You also can follow her at

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Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo are the founders of ONE Extraordinary Marriage, a leading source for couples on sex, love and commitment. They are best selling authors and hosts of the world's #1 Marriage Podcast. To take your communication even further, get their free report on 6 INCREDIBLE Questions To Instantly Break The Silence With Your Partner.

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Janeen Diamond began her career with KUTV News, and hosts productions through her company, "Your TV Spot." She has authored, "Save Your Marriage in 30." Janeen is co-creator of "Teen Impact TV." She writes for and

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Ron Dicker is a general assignment reporter at HuffPost. He has covered sports, entertainment and many other beats in his journalism career, and has lived in New York City for more than 20 years.

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Jessica Dimas is a mama, blogging addict, and dream chaser. She writes about all of this and more on her blog Pig & Dac and The Huffington Post.

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Heather Dixon is a freelance writer and blogger, as well as a Mom to three highly advanced little girls (according to her husband and her). She’s also a runner, a reader and a lover of wine and beer - which is why she runs. Find her at or on Facebook at But not on Snapchat. She doesn't really get that one.

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Lisa Dixon, a Human Development senior at Brigham Young University, is a passionate student working towards a career in counseling and education to help teach individuals how to have healthy mindsets.

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María Viviana Dominguez es de Argentina . Reside en la ciudad de Salt Lake City desde hace 20 alos, culmino sus estudio en Psicopedagogía en la Universidad Católica Argentina .

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Health Specialist

Jessica is a certified FDN Practitioner based in Pennsylvania and the owner of Optimize To Thrive - a practice that uses functional lab testing and personalized health plans to get patients on the road to recovery.

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Liza Dora is an author/illustrator living in west Texas with her husband, daughter, and English Bulldog. She has a B.A. in Chemistry from Texas A&M University and loves all things Aggie. Her latest book, ‘Be Still: a bedtime book of faith’ is available on Amazon. Read more from Liza at or follow her on Facebook.

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I'm married and a mother to two little boys! I love blogging, crafting and writing about the things that I love.

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Kelsey Down is a member of the Content Studio team at Deseret Digital Media, and she has a bachelor's degree in English and editing. Follow her on Twitter: kladown23

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Health Specialist

Camille Downing, Ma, LCMHC is a therapist with Life Stone Counseling Centers in Salt Lake and Utah Counties. To contact Camille, please visit

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Tyson Downs is a graduate of Brigham Young University, the father of five children, and is the owner of Titan Web Agency, an online marketing company.

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Journey Downs | Originally from Georgia, Journey Downs is currently a senior at Brigham Young University studying Family Life. In her free time, you might find her dreaming up interior design ideas, playing board games with her husband Josh, or watching Doctor Who reruns.

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Brandon Doyle is the founder of Wallaroo Media. He loves his family, bologna sandwiches, travel, tech, marketing, and sports. Follow him on Twitter and chat some more!

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Jennie Duncan is the author of The Diary of a Real Housewife. A stay at home mom who loves to cook, craft, and create with her family.

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Heidi Dunkley is the mother of six children and can be found driving to swim/football/basketball practice in the afternoons, doing laundry in the mornings, and ninja-like freelance writing late into the night. 

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Troy is an author, TV personality, and a popular inspirational speaker. He has written several best-selling books, including his most recent: “Family: The GOOD F Word”. You can find his book on Amazon here:

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Scott is a professional writer and software engineer.

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Shanell Dunn is stay at home mom of 2 who loves all around fitness and healthy living. Follow along for more tips, recipes, and motivation at, or contact her at .

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Family Specialist

Braxton Dutson graduated with his masters of Social Work degree. He is a Sex Therapist in Salt Lake City Utah and the creator of Birds and Bees Podcast (iTunes and Stitcher).

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Family Specialist

Jim is an experienced family law attorney. He is also an advice columnist, relationship writer and personal coach. Jim puts on workshops dealing with marriage, divorce and relationships. Jim writes for and

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CESI is a not-for-profit that helps consumers achieve financial freedom by offering a complete life cycle of services: debt management, housing counseling, credit counseling, student loan counseling, financial education and pre/post-bankruptcy counselor.

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David Eaton cofounded Axis in 2007. Every year Axis speaks to 10,000+ students face-to-face and every month Axis' digital products equip 100,000+ parents, grandparents, pastors, and teachers. In 2018 Axis helped start 1,700,000 million conversations between caring adults and their 8- to 18-year-olds. David lives in Colorado with his family. For information on starting conversations with your teens about this and other trending topics like suicide, Fortnite, and Snapchat, go to

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Becca Eby is a follower of Jesus, wife, and mama of two wee ones. She loves creating, traveling, being frugal and adventurous, and writing about it all on her blog - She is based in Dallas, Texas.

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Andrew Edtl loves to follow and write about politics, technology, and world events. He is married and has three wonderful children. You can email him at

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Clint Edwards is the author of No Idea What I’m Doing: A Daddy Blog and the forth coming This Is Why We Can't Have Nice things, married to Mel, and father to three gorgeous children. Growing up without a father in his life means Clint makes up fathering as he goes. He lives in Oregon, USA. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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Kumiko Ehrmantraut is the owner and creator of The Budget Mom. She started working in the finance industry in 2011, shortly after graduating college with a Finance Major. She obtained her Accredited Financial Counselor® designation in 2015 and is passionate about financial literacy. When she is not running her blog you can usually find her behind a camera lens, riding motorcycles with her husband, or coloring with her 4-year-old son. She currently resides in Spokane, Washington.

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Maureen "Mo" Elinzano is a grad student, writer and a BuzzFeed Contributor. She is a graduate of New York University and worked for Us Weekly, ELLE Magazine and The Huffington Post.

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Anna Elizabeth is a mother to a spunky toddler, and a wife to an amazing traveling musician in Music City, USA. Anna also works full-time as a marketing specialist, and enjoys writing, photography and graphic design.

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Claire Elizabeth is a Mum of 2 young boys blogging about living with Negative Automatic Thoughts alongside parenting. Trying to make posts that help people, because no-one gets it right first time! You can find more in her productivity series over at her blog,, or find out how to save money without sacrificing your comforts in her eBook.

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BJ Elkington is a student studying Marriage and Family.  He’s spent the last three and a half years studying family interaction and especially parenting.  He recently taught a parenting course based on Alfie Kohns Unconditional Parenting. BJ plans to continue his education and pursue a master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy.

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Christie Elkins is a mother of three, cop's wife, and Junior Mint lover. She writes at and is a columnist for her hometown newspaper, The LaFollette Press. Christie and her family reside on a farm in the Appalachian Mountains of East Tennessee, where sweet tea is served at every meal and hospitality is second nature.

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Karen Ellingson is CEO (co-executive officer) of the Ellingson Family and its four children. 

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Emily Ellsworth is a blogger at Emily's Reading Room, where she has been writing about all things reading since 2009. For book reviews, author interviews, and more about the latest in young adult fiction, visit her blog at

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Leah is a blogger at Love and Blues, where she writes about strengthening first responder marriages and their families. When she’s not busy writing, she’s chasing around her very active one-year-old little boy, who just adores his LEO daddy. In her spare time, she can be found reading, running, knitting, working in the garden, or very occasionally, baking. She lives in beautiful Salt Lake City with her family.

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Ros Emely is a God lover, wifey and blessed mommy to three beautiful children. She is slightly obsessed with Iced lattes, nothing makes her more happy than spending time with her family and watching HGTV. She loves sharing parenting and pregnancy tips, as well as sharing easy family recipes.

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After graduating from Copenhagen Central School, I attended college at the University of South Carolina in the U.S. majoring in computer science with emphasis on game and app design, and a minor in media communications.

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Sara is a first grade teacher hopelessly in love with a boy named Krys. She blogs at Argyle in Spring.

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  Isis Anabey Enciso Lugo is a mother and a special education teacher in Mexico. She writes about children's activities and educational materials on a blog and shares their experiences at maternity and  

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I'm a farm girl whose first love is my family! I'm happily married to my stinky dairy farmer hubby and spend my days chasing my three boys around! I blog at Little Dairy on the Prairie where I share a peek into my farm life, easy family recipes and fun family stories!

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Jolene was once an atheist who is now sold-out for Jesus Christ. Her heart beats fast for discipling women and you'll find her doing just that at She is also the founder of Christian Wife University where she helps wives connect the dots from their reality to the Christ-centered marriage they long for, and the one God intended.

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Marriage Specialist

Carol Erb, Ph.D is a board certified Christian counselor and marriage coach. She specializes in helping Christian women who have been sexually betrayed in marriage.

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Em is a mother of a toddler and twin babies who blogs (when she should probably be sleeping) at A major theme of her blog is acknowledging the fact that the best things in our lives are usually equal parts blessing and struggle. She especially loves encouraging moms of young children.

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Courtnie is an editor for and has a degree in journalism. She has a slight obsession with running, newspapers and large fuzzy blankets. She currently lives in Idaho with her husband and two sons.

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Family Specialist

Hilary is a very part time nurse, and a very full time mom. She loves her faith, her family and her blog. The order depends on the day. You can find her at her blog, Pulling Curls or subscribe to Pulling Curls Direct.

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Katelyn Ericson is the International Content Manager for Deseret Digital Media. She oversees the content for,,, and She is a firm believer in family, God and love.

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Armela Escalona is a blogger, writer, and content editor at She writes on all niche often focusing on health, lifestyle and the newest fitness trends. Armela graduated with a degree in Literature, and currently works as a copywriter at a digital marketing company. She loves to write poems, short stories and write articles about anything she finds interest on. On her spare time you can find her watching foreign films, playing chess, scrabble, drawing, cooking, reading and watching history documentaries.

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Crystal Escobar is the author and creator of, and Founder of the Wannabe Balanced Event for women. She's a mother of 4, living in Utah. Instagramming and blogging about women empowerment and balancing life as a Momprenuer. Sharing healthy lifestyle tips and information on building a successful online business as a stay at home mom. Kombucha maker, home birth enthusiast, and wannabe balanced mom.

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Donna Estrada is a writer who spends her time reading books and blogs. She loves surfing the internet and doing research.

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  Meredith is a mother of three that is all about trying to be “real” when it comes to motherhood after years of trying to fake perfection. But, it’s the hardest job she’s ever done. She loves blogging about all the perfect and not so perfect moments on her blog, Perfection Pending  

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Marriage Specialist
Relationship Specialist

Jimmy Evans is a long-time pastor, Bible teacher, and best-selling author. He is the founder and president of XO Marriage, a ministry devoted to helping couples thrive in strong and fulfilling marriages. Jimmy and Karen speak at XO Conferences around the nation and host MarriageToday with Jimmy & Karen, a nationally syndicated broadcast television program, as well as a weekly podcast with the same name.

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Jenny Evans is a writer, a night owl, a perfectionist, and a Mormon mom of five. When she's not cleaning juice out of the carpet, she makes jokes at her own expense and blogs about her messy life with a houseful of kids at Unremarkable Files.

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I'm an author, R.N., photographer, and award-winning home cook. I love ideas that make life beautiful.

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Loralee Evans has written three books titled, The Birthright, The King's Heir, and The Shores of Bountiful. She loves teaching and being a mom.  

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Beka is the brains behind the website, Grace to Soar, a site where Christian women can join together. She lives in western North Carolina with her husband and son. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.

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Richard and Linda Eyre are New York Times #1 Bestselling Authors and founders of who speak worldwide on marriage and parenting issues. Their new books are The Turning, and Life in Full.

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Katelyn Fagan is a young mom of three young kids, including twin preschoolers. She is painfully aware of her own flaws, and writes to help herself, and others going through similar shortcomings, to become better and more balanced. On her blog, What's up Fagans?, you will find parenting advice, penny-pinching tips, cleaning hacks, and general help managing marriage, life and faith.

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Breanna Fain is a graduate of Georgia State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and a concentration in Pre-Med/ Biomedical Sciences. Her years of taking science courses and labs honed her research skills for writing. Fain has a strong faith background and loves to share her passion for God’s word. She grew up going to a non-denomination church in Atlanta, GA where her father is a Minister. Her passion for working with babies and children prompted her to serve in the Church’s Nursery for over 11 years.

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Aubrey writes a blog on making the ordinary life extraordinary.

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Rachel (Zupek) Farrell is a wife, mom and wannabe author. She makes a living as a digital content professional and freelance writer. She has written for CNN, PR Daily, MSN, Scary Mommy, The Knot Weddings magazine and more. She is the voice behind Raves & Revelations, a mommy & lifestyle blog, where she writes honestly about navigating the overwhelming yet amazing waters of parenthood. She loves to travel, drink wine, watch reality TV and believes you never need a reason to drink champagne.

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Hello, my name is Chenoa Farsaci, I’m a Mom to two feisty preemie babies, I’m married to my college sweetheart, I work full time and write in my “spare” time. I graduated with a degree in Creative Writing from the University of Central Florida and now work in one of the only “creative” roles within a banking institution. My blog F is for Family was started to tell our preemie journey and has evolved into talking about life with two energetic toddlers and balancing work life with family life, personal life and everything in between. This is just a glimpse into the chaos!

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Family Specialist

B. Robert Farzad is a divorce and family law attorney in Orange County, CA. He loves helping spouses and parents through difficult chapters of their lives. He is passionate about writing and most of his published work can be read at Learn more about Robert at or on Facebook

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Wendy works for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Utah), helping families and individuals find support and resources to successfully deal with mental health challenges. Wendy and her husband have three children, two of whom have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.

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Lindsay is a wife and mother of two with twins on the way. She graduated in Communication with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies from the U of U, and has been writing professionally for eight years. Visit her at lifeasamomuncut.blogspot

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Heidi is a Craft/DIY/Lifestyle Blogger.  She creates original projects and tutorials that teach sewing, quilting, crafting, painting, building DIY, decorating, cooking, baking, and styling.

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Maia Fernandez lives in central Argentina. She considers children’s education and art in its various forms as an irreplaceable component.

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Fernanda Ferraz is a Human Resources professional. She worked for two years with children cancer patients and also on finances, business, recruiting and training. She loves to read, write, listen to music, paint and be with her family. Married, she believes we have a purpose in life, that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us, that our trials purify us with strength and virtue, and our actions and thoughts can influence generations.

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Tres is an author, an avid mountain biker, road cyclist and general outdoor enthuist.  In his previous life he ran numerous half and full marathons.  He is married and the father of three children.

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Doug Fields is a communicator, author, & consultant. He is the Executive Director of HomeWord’s Center for Youth/Family at Azusa Pacific University, the co-founder of, and the author of more than 50 books.

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Rodney Fife is the marketing director for the Gluten Free Consumer. He is a full-time student and also works in Marketing and PR at Cedar Fort Publishing.

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Relationship Specialist

Debra Fileta is a Professional Counselor, speaker, and author of the book True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life as well as the 21-Days To JumpStart Your Love-Life Program, where she writes candidly about dating, relationships, and how to find true love. You may also recognize her voice from her 100+ articles at Relevant Magazine or! She’s also the creator of the True Love Dates Blog!

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Michael Finch is a coach and a writer who specializes in helping couples and writing about how to make relationship successful. Michael's aim is to make every relationship successful. You can read more about Michael by visiting his blog.

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Renata Finholdt is formed in Human Resources with emphasis in training.

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Shawn Fink has been called the Yoda of Mamas. She is the founder of The Abundant Mama Project, a community for busy mamas who want to be more peaceful, playful and present. She is also the author "The Playful Family." Sign up for her weekly emails to get more ideas for creating your own inner peace in motherhood.

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Shayne Fitz-Coy is the Co-CEO and President of Alert-1, an aging-in-place technology company headquartered in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Shayne has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Harvard College, a Masters in Business Administration from Stanford, and a keen interest in any affordable tech gadgets that improve the daily life of seniors.

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Sarah Flake is a stay-at-home mom who has a passion for writing and sharing her ideas with others.

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Charlee is married to an Argentine and has two darling girls born 18 months apart. She desires to help moms improve as mothers and as family finance managers. She is the founder of Humble in a Heartbeat where she writes about her own struggles as a mother and the mistakes she’s made with her family’s money. She loves cooking for her family and making sure they are happy and healthy.

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Marriage Specialist

Kelly is a licensed clinical psychologist practicing outside of Chicago, IL. He is also a writer and blogs regularly at about the redemption of our personal, relational, and communal lives. He is the author of The Marriage Manifesto: Turning Your World Upside Down. Kelly is married, has three children, and enjoy learning from them how to be a kid again.

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Jennifer Flanders is a happy wife, loving mother, and award-winning author. In addition to spending time with her twelve children and six grandkids (so far!), she enjoys crafting, reading, traveling, and blogging about marriage, homeschooling, and organization.

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Family Specialist

Dr. Doug Flanders lives with his family in the Piney Woods of East Texas, where he’s spent nearly two decades practicing anesthesia and serving in various leadership roles in the hospital and surrounding community. He also enjoys reading, writing and spending time with his wife and their twelve children and six grandchildren.

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Becky Flanigan is an avid gardener – and even helps friends landscape and decorate their yards. She was an English major in college, and now enjoys writing freelance articles for Becky has a great time on family weekend trips.  

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Tiffany Fletcher, author of "Mother Had a Secret: Learning to Love my Mother and her Multiple Personalities"

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Sean Fletcher is an educator and writer. He is also a devoted husband and father of five.

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Dan Florence is a humor blogger, high-tech product marketer, photographer, and a bunch of other impressive stuff. Read his comedy at, see his photography at, or check out his vintage 3D gifs at

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Julie N. Ford is a graduate of the University of Alabama with a Master of Social Work, wife, mother of two daughters and novelist.

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The Marriage Foundation is a unique organization dedicated to saving children by saving marriages. It created a scientific, and commonsensical approach to marriage that can be practiced by any married couple with assurance of success.

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Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chronicle, the Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.

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Anita is a resourceful wife, mother, author, and friend. She writes about a variety of ways to create a rich life (both materially and non-materially) on any income on her blog Live Like You Are Rich.

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Kelli recently completed her bachelor's degree in nutrition science to accompany her associate's degree in psychology.  Being a mother of two amazing children is wonderful and challenging.  Additionally, she is married to a military man who travels quite frequently.  She loves music, art, baking, cooking and gardening. Kelli created and moderates a large Facebook group dedicated to nutrition that is an offspring of a blog she started a few years ago.  She adores life and seeks to make each day positive and fulfilling. 

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Melinda Fox has a bachelor's degree in English and is the Sponsored Content Manager for She loves Shakespeare, listening to her favorite songs on repeat and journaling. Find her at

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After a several year struggle with infertility, Rebekah and her husband were blessed with a beautiful daughter. When Rebekah is not chasing around her high-energy toddler, she blogs about infertility, God, and motherhood at her site

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Relationship Specialist

Alan Fox is The New York Times–bestselling author of PEOPLE TOOLS, a series of self-help books that give powerful advice on building happy and meaningful relationships. He has shared his wisdom with national audiences including the Steve Harvey Show and The Meredith Vieira Show.

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Lisa Respers France is a senior writer for CNN's entertainment team, former host of the "Lisa's Desk" franchise and author of the "Pop Life Chronicles" newsletter.

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  Nettie Francis is the mother of nine children. She has written on topics pertaining to children and families for the past 20 years. Her work has appeared in national and international publications. She blogs at  

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Financial Specialist

Greg is a licensed CPA. He enjoys sports such as soccer, basketball, and football as well as extreme sports like rock climbing, repelling, and snow boarding.

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Barbara Freel is a professional cross-fitter with a huge experience of competing at the meetings of a national level, right now working as a fitness instructor.

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Jessica Freeman is a professional journalist and a freelance content writer at AustralianWritings service. She focuses her content writing on education, family, career, success, and academic topics. She considers writing to be her passion. In her free time Jessica enjoys spending time with her family and friends, doing active sports, and traveling to different beautiful places in order to get ideas and inspiration for her creative writing experience and share it with her readers. Jessica is always looking for new creative ideas for her stories.

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Emily Belle Freeman is a coach's wife and mother of five. Follow her on Instagram at emilybellefreeman.

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Molly Freestone is a Life Coach focusing on motherhood, phase of life-transitions, home success, and improving relationships. She offers coach-by-phone programs and delights in watching her clients create a satisfying life.

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Jack is a tech enthusiast and loves to write about household economics, internet service providers, and home security. He resides in Salt Lake City, and enjoys all things music, exploration, and adventure. Follow him on Twitter

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Jennie is a mother of three (almost four). Most days she feels like she is on the brink of insanity, but wouldn't trade it for anything.

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National fitness expert, Chris Freytag, has been teaching, training, writing books and speaking on the subject of health and fitness for the last 25 years. Chris is the founder of a fast-growing digital publishing company that reaches over 2 million a month through the website, newsletters and social media. She also launched, a membership based website that offers full length workouts to stream on any device, anytime, anywhere.

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Mindy is a freelance editor with a degree in journalism and editing. She traded in a full-time career in the publishing industry to stay home and chase around a cute little monster.

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Mindy is a freelance writer with a degree in journalism and editing. She traded in a full-time career in the publishing industry to stay home and chase around a cute little monster.

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Amelia is a publishing assistant for She received her bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in advertising. Amelia is a soon-to-be mom who lives in Bloomington, Indiana with her husband.

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Everett Frost combines his experience as a journalist with his love for storytelling to create compelling pieces on family and relationships. With a degree in communication and years of writing on personal dynamics, Everett brings depth and nuance to his explorations of modern family life. His articles often reveal the untold stories behind popular narratives.

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Profesora en educación especial especializada en débiles cognitivos y Lic. en educación especial. Tiene un Instructorado en estilos, Master en Ritmos y Couch Coreográfica, pero el título que más ama es el de ser madre de sus tres pequeños.

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Megan Gladwell and her parents Ken and Cheryl Fugal have teamed up to talk about grandparenting.

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Hilarye Fuller lives in Knoxville, Tennesee, where she stays at home with her three young daughters and pens the travel blog Dotting the Map.

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Jamie is currently a student studying Child Development and hopes to become a Child Life Specialist. She grew up the youngest of 10 children and has 22 nieces and nephews. This helped her develop her love for children and has been around since she can remember. Jamie looks forward to working with children for the rest of her life.

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Taylor Fuqua is the Digital Marketing Coordinator at FamilyToday . She graduated from Norfolk State University where she received a degree in Mass Communications and Public Relations. During her undergraduate career, she wrote for numerous publications, and was the Social Media/Marketing Manager for an online magazine designed for young collegiate women.

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Lindsey has a bachelor's degree in Eng. Ed. She taught high school in Las Vegas (Eng. honors and yearbook). She now owns/runs a restaurant with her husband called Dave and Cranky Chuckie's. 

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Ashlee is a wife, mother, writer and photographer from Sacramento, California. She blogs at Where My Heart Resides, where she writes about everything from marriage and motherhood to faith and friendship, with a focus on embracing life as a twenty-something. Ashlee loves sunshine, Jesus, and movie theater popcorn.

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Rachel Gadiel is an Australian Holistic Health Coach currently based in San Francisco, teaching overwhelmed and over-worked women how to up-level their health, happiness, energy and vitality so they can feel their best, look their best and live a life with more freedom, fulfillment, and FUN! She has sweet spot for coconuts and candles and will never say no to raw desserts. Connect with Rachel on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

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Health Specialist

Russell Gaede is a licensed mental health professional. He has a doctorate in clinical psychology. He is the Executive Director for the Life Enhancement Center.

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Megan Gale is a master’s student in the Marriage, Family, and Human Development program at BYU. She enjoys researching media, religion, and families.

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Juliana is the CEO and founder of Forty-Eight 10. Together with her husband, they have four wonderful children and founded Leading and Love. She pursues her dreams in and outside of the home everyday and empowers many women to do the same

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Relationship Specialist

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Relationship Specialist

Gary is an economist and post-secondary educator. He graduated from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He and his beautiful wife are stewards of four amazing children and founders of Leading and Love.

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Heilala Garcia is a mother of four, three kids and one angel, married to the love of her life, Joshua Garcia. Originally from Hawaii, she now resides and writes from Utah.

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Julissa works as community outreach for Proflowers. You can read more on this 30 Day relationship challenge and other posts by Julissa and the Creative team on the ProFlowers blog.

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Rachel Garland lives with her husband, son, and is pregnant with their second child. Rachel is a student at Brigham Young University-Idaho studying Marriage and Family Studies, planning to graduate in April 2014 and then be a stay at home mom.

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Kelsee is the Account Manager for She graduated with a B.S. in Communication. She loves people, cats and speaks fluent Russian.

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Kathleen is an author, digital graphic designer, and blogger. Of all the titles that she holds, the ones that she reveres the most are wife, mother, and grandmother. She loves everything creative.

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Ryan Gaydos is a senior editor for Fox News Digital who covers sports. Ryan leads the coverage for the Fox News Digital Sports team and covers all major sports topics from the NFL, College Football, MLB, NBA, NHL and much more. Ryan has been on hand to cover multiple Super Bowls, the NFL Draft, NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament and several red-carpet events. Ryan has worked for Fox News Digital since 2014. Ryan graduated from Kean University with a B.A. in Communications. You can follow Ryan on TwitterInstagramFacebook and TikTok.

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Erika is a journalist and teacher. She received her degree from the School of Journalism Carlos Septien Garcia. She has taught school for 14 years, and is convinced that the family is the core of a society.

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Natasha M. Gboleeweefaa is the publisher of SyncUP, a semi-weekly blog to help people enjoy invigorating and consistent personal time with God.

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Zach is a Senior at Brigham Young University studying Human Development in the School of Family Life. Growing up in a home with young siblings helped him develop a passion for strong family cultures. He hopes his love of teaching, working with, and caring for children will benefit him as he pursues a career in the medical field as a family pediatrician.

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Dan Gellman is the Director for High Focus Centers, a provider of outpatient substance abuse and psychiatric treatment programs in New Jersey.

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I recently graduated from Cal State Fullerton in January 2015 with a B.A. in Business with a Marketing Concentration. I have worked in many different nursing homes and currently works for North American Health Care. In my spare time I love to read books, listen to music, watch Netflix, and hang out with her family. I am excited for my upcoming wedding in June 2016 and can't wait to embark on that journey of my life.

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Diony George is a wife, mother, grandmother and published author of uplifting women's fiction and inspiring nonfiction.

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Liz is a wife and mother of 3 children, and one rescue pup. She has a BA combining English and History, and has always loved to write. Liz relishes her career in the early education field, reading, walking 5Ks, great Italian food, skiing and yoga.

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Jenny is a bridal and lifestyle blogger (Born to be a Bride) from New York. After graduating from Middlebury College with a creative writing degree, she went on to the features and beauty departments at the Wall Street Journal magazine, before becoming a freelance writer. Jenny and her husband Josh currently live in Washington, DC along with their infant daughter, Willow Primrose, a dog, and a cat.

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Metro's dedicated sex and relationships reporter, covering all things dating, sexual health, women's safety, gender politics and love. Alice is a Hearst Scholarship winner and occasional podcaster.

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Krista Gilbert is the author of "Reclaiming Home, A Family’s Guide to Life, Love, and Legacy." She lives in the mountains of Idaho with her husband, Erik, and their four children. Passionate about bringing meaning and fun to the table, she inspires others to live their lives on purpose - encouraging deep roots of connection, faith, love, and grace. When she isn’t blogging at, or daring families at, you will find her dancing around the kitchen cooking, laughing wholeheartedly, or racing her kids down a ski run.

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Kimberly Giles is the president of She is the author of the book "Choosing Clarity: The Path to Fearlessness" and a popular life coach, speaker and people skills expert.

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Megan Gladwell, a freelance writer and sometimes teacher, lives in beautiful Northern California with her husband and four children.

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Jen is a mom of differently wired tweens, former teacher, book nerd and coffee addict. She loves writing, all things Disney, and just hanging out with friends and family. She is the brains behind One Small World.

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Daniel Goff is a freelance internet marketer from California. He currently lives in Utah and is passionate about the health and wellness fields. EMAIL:

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My name is Jeremy Goff, my nick name is Gogo (Hence my life by Gogo Goff) I born in Denver and raised in Orem Utah.I am passionate about many things, I love to write and share my thoughts, I love to cook, spending time with my family, and I am extremely passionate about politics, and religion. I travel all over the nation for work, and love to visit temples and share the Gospel along the way!

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Tré Goins-Phillips is an Editor at Faithwire.

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Camila, is Chilean and has a passion for public relations and marketing. She's a wife, mother and loves to help strengthen marriages.

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Elizabeth Fisher Good is the founder/CEO of The Foundation United, and the creator of SPEAK UP, a catalytic new education training module to equip entire school systems in combatting the current global pandemic of childhood sexual abuse. She is a passionate pioneer and inspirational thought leader with a desire to expose the root issue behind sex trafficking -- childhood sexual abuse. In her book Groomed (HarperCollins, 2020), Good uses her own story of abuse and healing from trauma to help readers find true freedom and purpose.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Howard Goodman, MA, LMFT, a licensed psychotherapist and addiction specialist. Howard has treated hundreds of individuals and conducted thousands of hours of groups teaching those who are ready how to stay sober. In recovery himself, Howard brings a unique professional and personal sense of empathy, urgency, and purpose to his work. A frequent blog contributor and public speaker, Howard advocates for increased public awareness, education, and community-based participation in the fight against the disease of addiction.

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An Idaho native, Deborah Goodman is an editor, writer, and mother of four now residing in Springville, Utah.

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Nicki Gostin is a Page Six digital reporter who covers red carpets, the royal family and all ‘70s and ‘80s megastars. She has interviewed hundreds of celebrities about touchy topics and even took the now-infamous video of an aghast Anna Wintour being asked for her ID at an event. Nicki attended college in Melbourne, Australia, and has worked for many newspapers and magazines over the years. When she's not stalking celebs on the red carpet, Nicki loves to watch “The Great British Bake Off” and true-crime murder mysteries, and nag her children. You can follow her red carpet escapades on Instagram @nickigostin.

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Tricia Goyer is a busy mom of six, grandmother of two, and wife to John. Somewhere around the hustle and bustle of family life, she manages to find the time to write fictional tales delighting and entertaining readers and non-fiction titles offering encouragement and hope. A bestselling author, Tricia has published thirty-three books to date and has written more than 500 articles. She is a two time Carol Award winner, as well as a Christy and ECPA Award Nominee. In 2010, she was selected as one of the Top 20 Moms to Follow on Twitter by Tricia is also on the blogging team at, and other homeschooling and Christian sites.In addition to her roles as mom, wife and author, Tricia volunteers around her community and mentors teen moms. She is the founder of Hope Pregnancy Ministries in Northwestern Montana, and she currently leads a Teen MOPS Group in Little Rock, AR. Tricia, along with a group of friends, recently launched, sharing ideas about simplifying life. She also hosts the weekly radio podcast, Living Inspired.

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Asia Grace is a features reporter and the host of the New York Post’s “Post Poppin’ with Asia Grace” YouTube channel. Whether it’s juicy celebrity gossip, breaking entertainment news, a viral TikTok clip or a crazy fashion trend, Asia will be covering the headliner with her signature journalistic know-how and sassy wordplay. She’s interviewed A-listers both virtually and in-person on red carpets at exclusive fetes such as the MTV VMAs and the BET Awards. Her work has been featured on TMZ, The Wendy Williams show and Access Hollywood. Asia is a proud alumni of Rutgers University — New Brunswick, who loves streaming hit shows and hanging out with friends and family.

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Chris and Jenni Graebe are lifelong learners intent on discovering the core rhythms of thriving relationships. Chris and Jenni are the cohosts of the Rhythm of Us podcast, where they interview countless couples to discover what makes relationships thrive. They are authors of The Rhythm of Us: Create the Thriving Marriage You Long For. Chris and Jenni have been married for 17 years and live deep in the trees of Franklin, TN, with their five children.

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Lindsey is an English/art teacher turned stay-at-home-mom. She now enjoys teaching a wide variety of interesting subjects like "How to take a bath without getting soap in your eyes" and "Not eating your boogers (for beginners)."

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Jennifer Graham is an enterprise reporter for The Deseret News, specializing in health and wellness. The mother of four, she's from South Carolina but currently lives in Boston with two teenagers, two cats, two donkeys, a Border collie and a marine hermit crab they accidentally brought home from the beach. (Don't worry, he'll be going back to South Carolina next summer.) The Border collie would like some sheep; if you have any extra, send them along.

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Ayah Danica V. Granada is currently a content writer and editor for She is a former student journalist/writer who graduated with a degree in Literature.

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Kim Grant has three novels published through Covenant Communications. She has also contributed to a variety of family-oriented magazines. 

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Evanthia is the co-creator of merelymothers, a lifestyle/parenting blog about balancing motherhood with everything else. She's an introspective mom to two young girls who spends her free time perfecting recipes, reading best-sellers, writing children's books worth reading, and creating beautiful things. You can find her new shop on Etsy.

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Paul Graves writes about pain, shame, and better living through self-acceptance at He lives in Ohio with his 7-year old daughter and two cats.

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I enjoy the journey of being a husband and father, a former Youth Pastor and voiceover actor. Several years ago, God spoke to my heart that I was to be a ‘Creative Mouthpiece for Positive Life Change’. In short, I love encouraging others to live awesome lives.

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Cale Gray is a writer and blogger on happiness and relationships. He is also student working at becoming a licensed marriage and family therapist.

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Family Specialist

Dan Gray (LCSW, CSAT) is the Clinical Director and Cofounder at Life Star Therapy. He has a master’s degree in social work and is a CSAT (Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist). He is also certified as an addictions counselor with the National Association of Forensic Counselors. He has co-authored and edited two books: Confronting Pornography: A Guide to Prevention and Recovery for Individuals, Loved Ones, and Leaders and Discussing Pornography Problems with a Spouse: Confronting and Disclosing Secret Behaviors. Dan is married and the father of four.

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André and Timberley do life together as a husband and wife team who raise a family, serve as bi-vocational Pastors, and help others find the balance in life through their blog Living Our Priorities. Like many people, they found themselves frustrated trying to find balance with their faith, family and work. That’s when they discovered the priorities of God. And once they purposed to live by them, it not only changed their marriage, it changed their life! Now they find great joy inspiring others to live within the priorities of God.

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Ashlynn Green is a wife, a daughter, a sister, a pug-lover and a huge believer of the family.

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Carol M. Green runs to stay healthy enough to enjoy her children and grandchildren. She lives in rural Idaho and loves the country life.

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Family Specialist

Amie Greenberg, JD practices family law. Barbara Greenberg, MD practices psychiatry. Together they co-authored books for children of divorce. They are contributors for and Follow them on Twitter @4childofdivorce.

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Health Specialist

Benjamin is a passionate dentist with a strong desire to see his patients happy, healthy and confident. He owns Kirkland Family Dentistry, a high end, yet affordable, dental practice. He loves spending time with friends and family.

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Tammy is happily married to her high school sweetheart. She's the creator of the blog Married and Naked, where she shares struggles and successes in her own marriage. By sharing these lessons she hopes to inspire others on their road to happy ever after.

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Grieshaber is a Berlin-based reporter covering Germany and Austria for The Associated Press. She covers general news as well as migration, populism and religion. Submit. German chancellor vows to deport criminals following brutal attack by Afghan migrant.

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Becky Blackburn Griffin writes about dating and relationships. She's compiled top research into an entertaining guide called "Get Out of the Friend Zone." It's available at her website, "A Quality Girl."

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Marian Griffith is a mother of nine with a wide variety of entrepreneural experiences. She earned her BA in Natural Health.

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Apryl Griffith is a mother of three. When she's not tending to her kiddos, she's blogging at Christian Clippers.

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Carrie Lynn Ingles Groneman attended LDS Business College, worked at Deseret First Credit Union, then began a family with her sweetheart of over 30 years. They have five children and many grandchildren. Find her blog "A Mother's Shadow," at

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Rosemarie Groner is a formerly stressed, overworked and exhausted mom who loves blogging almost as much as she loves brownies. She writes at The Busy Budgeter about how she used the free Ultimate Money Saving Workbook to reduce their spending enough to be able to quit her job, stay home with her kids and then found way to make up her salary at home. She’s still working on the cure for exhaustion.

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Julia Groves is a Chrsitian, homeschooling mother of 3 crazy awesome kids. She is the owner of a family lifestyle blog [TheQuietGrove.Com] where she shares tips, inspiration and more from her neck of the woods. Contact her at

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Parenting Specialist

Kathryn Thorson Gruhn is a Speech Pathologist and the author of the My Baby Compass series. She is known as the Positive Parenting Expert in the media. Contact her at:

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Joanna lives in Montreal with her amazing husband, two highly energetic daughters and two slightly fat cats. She has a background in psychology, so she's interested by all that's human nature, behavior and culture. She loves making mess in the kitchen with her children and is a real lazy mom when it comes to folding laundry. You can read more of her work on her blog Lazy Mom's Blog, and you can stalk her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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Adity is a stay at home mom with a masters in psychology. She writes about the relationship insights she's learned through her coping with the everyday experiences with her husband and son.

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Chanda Gunter is the owner of Get Noticed!, a Public Relations and Digital Media company based in Salt Lake City, UT. She provides a wide variety of PR, web design and digital marketing services and consulting. Connect with her on Twitter @ChandaGunt

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Nikhil is a freelance writer, humorist, high performance coach and the founder of His writing inspires people to achieve their highest goals. Contact him on Facebook.

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Deena Zaru, Robert Zepeda, and Matt Gutman are journalists with ABC News.

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Shannon grew up all across the United States but has finally found her home in Utah, where she lives with her four children and her husband, Matt. She enjoys the mountains, gardening, being with her family, and, of course, writing.

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Angela Guzman is a mom and wife. Coffee and the NBA are her love languages. She is an Editor for HarperCollins and contributor for Thrive Global.

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Camila is a student of Public Relations and Marketing. She enjoys reading, writing, painting, music, learning languages and spending time with her family.  

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Ashley is the fearless creative behind the DIY/Lifestyle website Lil Blue Boo. Her writing about the unexpected loss of her father, her battle with a rare cancer and infertility has resonated with readers across the world. Most recently, Ashley and her family sold everything they own and moved across the country to a small, rustic 1950’s motor inn in the mountains of North Carolina. You can read about their adventures in small town life at

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Julie Hage is a wife, mother, writer, and owner of the blog Filling the Jars. Her life philosophy is “Make it Easy” and her passion is teaching overwhelmed women how to build their Best Life through planning, simplifying and taking action. When she is not reading or browsing Pinterest, she is writing short stories. You can connect with Julie on Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.

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Sara is a wife to Nate and a mother of six whose arms stretched wide across the expanse between the United States and Africa. After almost a decade of Christian life she was introduced to pain and perplexity and, ultimately, intimacy with Jesus. God met her and moved her when life stopped working for her. And out of the overflow of this perplexity, came her writing, both on her blog and in her books – "Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet," released October 2014 via Zondervan & "Unseen: The Gift of Being Hidden in a World that Loves to be Noticed," releasing via Zondervan in August 2017.

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Sara Hagmann is a stay-at-home wife and writer who loves traveling, cooking, and kissing her husband. A lot.

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Heather Hale is a fourth-generation Montanan and mom to three crazy boys.

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David is a student who speaks Portuguese and translates. He loves coming up with new things like theories, figuring out how things work and using his mind in similar ways. He is currently working on a board game that he and his roommate built over the last semester. David also loves to write.

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Health Specialist

Dr. Candice Hall is Chief of Staff of Next Advanced Medicine. She was awarded Physician of the Year in 2005 from the NRCC and has over 14 years of experience in Functional Medicine.

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Ayanna is a stay at home wife and mom of 3 little divas-in-training, two of which are identical twins. She is saved by grace, and believes her faith in Jesus Christ keeps her grounded and gives her strength. She loves to use her life and lessons learned to inspire and encourage you to live fun, joyful and abundant lives that shine like Stars.

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Rose Haller is a Professional Wedding Planner and has been a successful Expert Event Planner for Business and Non-Profit Events and Fundraisers for 20+ years.  

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Email: Twitter: billyhallowell Facebook:

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Dewayne Hamby is a communications specialist and longtime journalist covering faith-based music, entertainment, books, and the retail industry. He is the author of the book Gratitude Adjustment. Connect with him at or on twitter - @dewaynehamby.

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Shana Hamilton is an actor and a professor of journalism, communication and English.

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Darrel Hammon likes being outdoors, growing things and seeing things the way they could be. You can read more of his musings at He and his wife worked as welfare volunteers in the Caribbean.

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Family Specialist

Scott C. Hammond, PhD, is a professor at the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University. He is the author of "Lessons of the Lost: Finding Hope and Resilience in Work, Life, and the Wilderness." He can be reached at scott.hammond

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My name is Paige, and I am a stay at home wife, and a mom to two crazy kids under three. I believe that adding humor to the life of parenting is a must, or you will simply lose your mind! I am fairly new to the blogging world and truly have no clue what I’m doing, but when I’m on the computer, I tell my kids that I’m “working on something very important.” It doesn’t go over well.

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Andrea Hancock lives in Grantsville, Utah. She is a regular contributor to the cooking blog "Wasden Blissful Bites".

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Curtis is a student and Sales Manager at State Farm Insurance. He is also a snowboarding fanatic.

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Callie has two Bachelor of Arts degrees in English and Communication and when she isn’t writing, she’s reading. Some of her favorite things include Harry Potter, all things Disney, road trips, and telling stories.

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Kaitlin Hawkins Hansen | As a student of human development at Brigham Young University, Kaitlin aspires to help others find a greater quality of life. She is happily married, a caregiver to the elderly, and calls Louisiana home.

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Danielle is living the dream as a stay-at-home mom to Milo and Otto in Dallas, Texas. She spends her days chasing her little boys, creating magnificent Lego towers, and squeezing in a daily run for her own therapy. Danielle blogs at The Hansen Tribe and is on Instagram @daniellehansen.

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I am a university graduate and a mother of three. I write humor, fiction, humorous fiction and fictional humor. You can read more at

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Sharon is a librarian, published author, and mother to 3 adult children. She blogs at Rediscovered Families and writes about nurturing strong family relationships. You can also catch up with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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Annalise is a senior studying Marriage and Family at Brigham Young University-Idaho.  Through her studies, Annalise has developed a passion for educating others about healthy family practices.

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Loni Kennington Harmon, LCSW is the co-owner of Millcreek Counseling and Adoption Services located in Holladay, Utah. She runs a Successful Relationship Building group for women and also holds a part-time private practice.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Nicole Harmon is a Marriage and Family Therapist in Sandy, UT. She is wife to a very patient man and mother to three crazy little girls.

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Jamie blogs at and is also a frequent contributor to Huffington Post and Buzzfeed. Her first book, 101 COOLEST SIMPLE SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS comes out in June. And she still finds plenty of time to travel the world and chronicle her journeys through Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

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Chey’Anne Harris is a wife and parent educator with a bachelor’sdegree in Marriage and Family Studies. She resides in Las Vegas, Nevada while she and her husband attend graduate school.  

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Sebastian Harris is a coach and writer who has been featured on many reputable online magazines. On his own blog, he reaches more than 300.000 people every month. He is convinced that a fulfilling relationship is the key to a fulfilling life. His goal is to help men all over the world to attract the relationship of their dreams and to live a happy and fulfilled life with the woman they want to spend the rest of their life with.

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Melissa Mix Hart has a BEd degree and a MA degree from the University of British Columbia. She is a mother of three daughters.

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Relationship Specialist

Work directly with Derek Hart to move from relationship distress back to love. You can learn individually, or together, as a couple. Derek Hart’s couples counseling practice is located 30 minutes north of San Francisco in Marin County, California. This work can be done in person, on Skype, or on the phone. The key to reconnection is learning how to listen to each other, and what to listen for. Schedule a one hour FREE session at to being repairing, and thriving in your relationship.

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Family Specialist

Dr. Rob Harter is a non-profit executive professional with over 21 years of experience in leading and building non-profit organizations. Rob has demonstrated communication skills with both large and small groups.Find out more information at robharter

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Evelyn Hartfield is a passionate writer with a love for exploring the nuances of modern relationships. With a background in psychology and a keen interest in family dynamics, she brings a fresh perspective to love and family content. Evelyn's writing aims to inspire and offer practical advice to help families and couples thrive.

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Taylor Hartman is currently a student at Brigham Young University-Idaho. She is studying communication with an emphasis in Public Relations and Family Studies. She anticipates graduating with her bachelor's degree in April 2014. She has been married for two years and can’t wait to be a mother one day.

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Julie is a health coach and advocate of moms everywhere. She has learned how to successfully use natural plants & herbs to empower parents in family health care. She knows that knowledge is power. &

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Health Specialist

Stacey Hatton is a pediatric RN and freelance writer who resides in the mecca of comedy central...Kansas.

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Bethany Martinsen is a human development student at Brigham Young University. She has a passion for helping families and children, and hopes to one day become a Child Life Specialist. | Julie H. Haupt is an associate professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University. Julie loves her work in teaching, writing, and mentoring students. She has three daughters and enjoys cooking, family history, and reading.

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Katrina Lynn Hawkins is a graduate of Brigham Young University, a Utah native, and a freelance writer. You can contact her at .

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Michael Hayes is founder of Empire Maids NYC and a budding expert on issues around the home, including cleaning, organization, and holistic/organic options for home maintenance. He can be reached at .

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Quin is a wife, blogger and mother of 4 little boys with an undergraduate degree in journalism and a master's degree in marriage and family therapy. After working five years as a marriage and family therapist, Quin took on the full-time role of boymom. Between driving carpools and breaking up wrestling matches, Quin uses her writing as a way to encourage mothers and families with humor and heart. You can learn more about her adventures by reading her personal blog.

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Emily Hellewell is the managing editor of FamilyShare. She previously worked for NPR, Brigham Young University and for the Alexandria, Virginia Visitor's Association. She is currently pursuing an MBA from BYU.

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Carolyn Henderson is a freelance author and writer of the lifestyle column, Middle Aged Plague ( Carolyn is also the manager of Steve Henderson Fine Art (

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Shanna is a wife and a mother to six beautiful children. She shares about the life of raising her son with autism on her blog, Bright Orange Balloons.

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Ruth Hendricks is a graduate of the University of Utah, residing in West Jordan. EMAIL:

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Jessica is a writer with and works full time as an Engineering Technician at an aerospace company. She is a typical, frazzled 30-something working mother trying to successfully manage a career, motherhood, marriage and a household. If anyone knows the secret to this success, please fill her in. Her greatest joy in life are her two boys, Jackson and Justus. They have taught her more than she ever imagined about who she is as a human being and as a woman. In her free time….ha-ha, that’s funny.

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Carmen Rasmusen Herbert is a former "American Idol" contestant who writes about entertainment and family for the Deseret News. Her email is .

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Suzanne Hettinger is an ordinary women whose life has touched on extraordinary events. She writes about family, faith, marriage, endurance, laughter, single parenting, mid-life transition, domestic abuse, mental illness and foster parenting.

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Chelsea is a Wisconsin-based lifestyle blogger at Inspiration Indulgence where she inspires others to live happy, fulfilled lives. She is currently working towards her Master's degree at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in Professional Counseling. When she isn't writing, she and her fiancé love traveling together and sharing their adventures with others.

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Kristen Hewitt is a two-time Emmy award winning sports television reporter in Miami, and writes the popular parenting blog She loves to share her journey of balancing late nights at work - with even earlier mornings with the her two miracle daughters.

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Tiffany is a stay at home mom to four ridiculously cute kids and wife to one smoking hot Mc Dreamy lookalike. She loves remodeling, chocolate chip cookies and sunshine. She is the founder of Making the World Cuter, a site committed to doing just what the title states; Making the world cuter, one kid, room, DIY, recipe or crafty thing at a time.

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Family Specialist

For further assistance or counseling inquiries, please contact me at: Shannon Hickman, LCSW

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Hi, I'm Marissa! I enjoy traveling, video games, and finding projects on Pinterest I'll never actually get around to doing. At The Fun Part I write on topics like pregnancy & trying to conceive, managing a house on a small budget, and the transition to being a stay at home wife and mom.

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Elizabeth Hill currently resides in Montana among beautiful scenery, long winters and an incredible array of hairy animals. You can find many humorous and tender essays on her website.

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Mary Pearson is from Martinsburg, West Virginia. She has two sisters. She will graduate with her Bachelor's of Science Degree in Child Development in fall 2013. She enjoys playing the piano, singing, and watching movies. From a young age, she has enjoyed reading parenting books. Jessica Himmer is a college student studying Marriage and Family Studies. Jessica and her sweetheart, Stuart were married on May 14, 2011. Jessica loves animals, gardening, fishing, backpacking, reading, art, and designing websites. She has a passion for the family and loves researching and reading books about better parenting techniques.

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Relationship Specialist

Kristin Hodson is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, and prominent voice on the topic of sexual health in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints community. She regularly presents at various universities and to community groups on relationships and perinatal mental health and sexuality as well as finding balance and wellness in everyday living. She has a passion for women’s mental health, human and relational sexuality, spirituality and relationships. Kristin is a wife and mom of two children. 

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Diane is a professional blogger and nationally certified pharmacy technician on top of her job as a full-time mom. She has a bachelor’s degree in Microbiology and a minor in Health Management and policy. With the birth of her first child, she left her career in the science field to become a stay at home mom. Years of playing with LEGO and coloring with crayons had her craving a more grown up purpose to her life and she began blogging full time. Her daily life is filled with emotional teens, suburban politics, and battling stubborn middle-aged metabolism.

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I'm a wife, mother, artist, writer and public speaker. I write about my faith, family, and all things good on my blog, Becoming Cream.

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James is a Senior Lecturer in Religious Education at the University of Chester, UK.

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Monique is the author of "The High Road Has Less Traffic." She is the founding partner of ISHR Group. Monique is a leader among women, having received many awards. Follow her on FB and Twitter @highroadthebook. Monique writes for and

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My name is Alicia Honeycutt. I am a passionate writer at Essay Dot and I am willing to share thoughts and ideas about life, love and parenthood with you.

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Health Specialist

Meredith Hood, LCMHC is a therapist at Life Stone Counseling Centers in Salt Lake City. Please visit to contact her.

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Ann Hoole has been married for over 20 years to a great guy and is the mother of four boys. 

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Parenting Specialist

Dr. Richard Horowitz is a parenting coach and author of Family Centered Parenting.  He is a father and step father of six children and can be reached at

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I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. I ran collegiality for both University of Utah and then Georgia State University. I have a B.S. in Psychology from Georgia State University. I taught high school for 2 years then have 'retired' to stay at home with my babes. I still run almost everyday & love pushing my limits & competing. I write about everything I go through. My purpose for writing is to be open and honest. My hope is that, through my experiences, others can learn and grow right along with me.

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Margot Hovley is the author of the novels "Sudden Darkness" and "Glimmering Light." Her self-reliance blog is at, and she blogs about her writing adventures at

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Michele is the author of 12 books, and over 1,600 articles for publications and, Good Housekeeping and Single Parent Family.

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Shelli Howells is a creative fiction writer, and a mother of six.

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Heather spends her time playing with her beautiful daughter, blogging, reading, cooking, attempting crafts, and taking photographs. See more at

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I'm on Twitter

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Aaren Humpherys is a CPA by day and a magician, beekeeper, and writer by night. He is very happily married to a wonderful wife, a father to three terrific kids, and loves to jump on the trampoline and play games with his family.

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Kyle Hunt is a marketer, journalist and public relations professional who helps businesses realize their potential online.

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Doug has enjoyed 16 amazing years of marriage to Shelley. They have 3 kids, Emily, James and Andy. The Hunt family currently lives in Fort Smith, AR where Doug serves as Pastor of Small Groups with Community Bible Church.

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Ruth graduated with a degree in Nutrition from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico. She enjoys spending time with her husband. She loves to cook and often creates her own recipes.

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Lisa Hurley is a former counselor and leadership trainer with a passion for writing. Staying home with her two girls has opened doors for her to begin writing and speaking about the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Lisa blogs at about cultivating joy in simple moments and finding peace through tough times.

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I am a husband and a father to 2 energetic boys and live in sunny Sydney, Australia. I like writing about a wide range of topics from a different perspective, pushing the boundaries of regular thinking and how we can live life with more purpose.

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Aimee is a home educating support teacher who lives in the sunny Okanagan, BC. Aimee has been blissfully married since 1998 and she still swoons at the sight of her tall, dark and handsome husband, Marcus. When she isn’t home educating her 3 kids, she enjoys sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, baking, writing and hanging out with her family. Aimee is a certified teacher who works from home, supporting and encouraging homeschool families. She blogs over at A Work of Grace.

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Sabina Tagore Immanuel is a prolific writer, erudite blogger, and published author. She holds a Master's and research degree in Physics and a Masters in Guidance and Counseling. She is currently pursuing her Master's in ministry and is about to publish her second book, The Family & Home at Bethany. You can read her Patheos column here.

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Kenzie Inman is a freelance writer and editor. She majored in English and currently works as a content writer for a tech company.

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The Relate Institute is a not-for-profit organization that revolves around the aim of distributing the Relate Assessment - the most comprehensive premarital/marital assessment available - to as many couples and individuals as we can reach. We believe that all may benefit from assessing personal strengths and weaknesses as relationship partners, and work to help make relationship success a reality.

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Dr. Kevin Ippisch has been providing cosmetic dental care since his first year in practice. He owns Advanced Dentistry Kevin Ippisch, DDS, Inc., a high end, yet affordable, dental practice.

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I'm Jeriann, and I write about saving money, crafting, marketing for small home businesses, and general lifestyle and opinion pieces. I love food adventures and when I'm not writing, I'm probably planning my meals for the next week. I also sell scrabble tile ornaments and lamps I make out of liquor and wine bottles.

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Rebecca Irvine is the author of Family Home Evening Adventures (Horizon/CFI 2009) and Adventures with the Word of God (Horizon/CFI 2008).

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Amy Iverson is a graduate of the University of Utah. She has worked as a broadcast journalist in Dallas, Seattle, Italy, and Salt Lake City. Amy, her husband, and three kids live in Summit County, Utah. Contact Amy on

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Merri-Lu Jackman is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She enjoys gardening, studying nutrition, hiking, and being with her family. She is currently studying Family Life at Brigham Young University.

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Jim and Lynne Jackson, founders of Connected Families and co-authors of How to Grow a Connected Family and Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart, have over fifty years combined professional experience working with children, teens, and families. In 2002 the Jacksons founded Connected Families to partner with churches to build strong families. Whether in the trenches with parents as mentors, on the stage as presenters, or in planning meetings with staff, Jim and Lynne bring a wealth of experience, overflowing passion, and years of wisdom to their service.

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Marriage Specialist

Aaron & April are the founders of Nurturing Marriage, a website dedicated to strengthening marriages. They enjoy playing football with their two little boys, watching sports, eating cereal late at night, and going out for frozen yogurt.

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Carmen Jacob is the co-founder of, where you can find in-depth guides on How to Become Successful, Building Self-Esteem, Effective Communication Skills, and many other topics.

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Leanne has 8 children, 3 of them are still at home. Her husband has always been her biggest support in whatever she wants to pursue. She has worked out of the home on and off throughout her marriage and raising her children but her most joy has come from staying at home with them. Blogging has been Leanne's outlet for creativity and sharing her love of organizing and decorating with others. She's happiest spending time with her family while taking new adventures and making memories.

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Tyler Jacobson is a father, husband, and content writer and outreach coordinator for HelpYourTeenNow and other troubled teen programs.

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Tom Jager is a professional blogger. He works at Proessaywriting. He has a degree in Law and English literature. Tom has written numerous articles/online journals. You can reach him on​ G+ or Facebook.

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Christine James is a small town girl living zealously. 

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Rebecca H. Jamison is a full-time mom and part-time author. She graduated with a BA and MA in English. She enjoys running, dancing, making jewelry, reading, watching chick flicks and writing novels in her spare time.

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Antoinette de Janasz aka The Twooth Fairy is the Founder & President of The Twooth Timer Company in Dallas, TX. Helping kids to brush for two minutes without "pulling teeth!"

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Rosemary Jarman lives in Menomonie Wisconsin with her husband and children. She enjoys cycling, writing, travel and discovering new music.

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Cosette is a freelance writer and remote worker specializing in topics surrounding the tech and lifestyle fields. She is a University of Utah graduate with a BA from the Department of Communications. Her background includes extensive experience in content marketing and social media strategy for local Utah firms. In her free time, Cosette enjoys spending time with her family and taking advantage of the awesome outdoor lifestyle Utah has to offer with activities like biking, hiking, snowboarding, and boating.

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Stephanie Javid has her Bachelors in Marketing. She is the mother to four children under the age of 6-whom she homeschools (ah!) She is the owner of Contact her at

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Sarah Jean is a beloved daughter who longs to encourage a darkened world. She lives to speak boldly, love fiercely and walk in the knowledge that she is not alone. She reveals her raw edges {intimacy issues, sex, imperfect wife} at Ark in the Desert with the hope of encouraging women in His Truth. When she's not writing she's doing life with her hubby B and their furry, four-legged friend Jedi. You can follow her on Instagram.

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Rob Jenkins is a newspaper columnist, a happily-married father of four, and the author of "Family Man: The Art of Surviving Domestic Tranquility," available on Amazon. E-mail Rob at or follow him on Twitter .

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Braden Jenks currently lives in Phoenix, AZ. He is studying Addiction Counseling at Rio Salado College.

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David is the father of two girls (16 and 9) both diagnosed with ADHD. He is a stay-at-home parent and works as a freelance writer.

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Karen Jensen is married to her best friend, Jacob, and stays at home with their three darling kids, Rebekah (7), Jeffery (6), and Jace (2). Ever since she was young, Karen had a knack for finances. Throughout her childhood she often started up little money-making ventures that kept her and her younger siblings busy. She graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management. After graduation she moved to Nevada where she successfully turned a financially failing company into a profitable business. She also started up and ran other businesses until she had her first baby at age thirty. At that time she sold her business and quit her full time job in order to stay at home. Karen loves to write and has recently co-authored a book entitled Living a Rich Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom. She loves sports, especially water-skiing and biking. Her husband, Jacob, works in the construction field and together they have remodeled several homes. Her pride and joy in life is her family.

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Megan Jensen is a BYU graduate, mom, writer and avid traveler. Find her at

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Wendy is a regular contributor for and does media reviews. Website: for victims of sexual abuse. Blog: Twitter: @WendyJessen

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Hi, I'm Hannah! I'm a homemaker, musician, and lover of good books! I write about simple living and seeing God's beauty in the everyday. My goal is to inspire women to live intentionally and create beauty. You can find me at my blog, Seeing the Lovely, and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest!

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Candace is a freelance writer, victim advocate and stay at home mom and wife.

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Stacy Johnson is a mother of eight and recently earned her bachelor's in English literature.  When she isn't running from her children, she is sitting at her computer working on her novel.

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Tim Johnson is the art director for KSL Television in Salt Lake City.  He and his wife, Alicia, are the proud parents of five daughters who, thankfully, look like their mother.

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Andrew Johnson is a writer, former radio reporter, avid outdoors-man and single father.

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Erin Johnson a.k.a. The No Drama Mama can be found drinking coffee and blogging when she’s not busy caring for her three adorable kiddos. Her life’s goal is to encourage moms with their faith, family, and finances. Snag her “22 Better Things To Do Than Worry” Checklist by subscribing to her site.

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Kristina is an accountant and single mom to three. She writes about personal finance and saving money at Cents + Order. Follow her on Pinterest or Facebook to learn about budgeting, conquering debt, and cutting expenses.

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Find Ashley sharing more nuggets on living life happily no matter what hand you've been dealt at Contact her at .

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Meg Johnson is a wife, mom, friend, writer, and speaker. She was paralyzed in 2004 and shares her motto with people of all abilities: When life gets too hard to stand, just keep on rollin’!

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Stephanie is a happy wife and mom. She and her husband recently paid off $144,000 of student loan debt. She shares the details of her family's income and expenses each month at, where she helps families live frugally, budget, and pay off debt.

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Jolene Jones lives in Alpine, Utah and can be reached at

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Kelsi graduated with a journalism degree and is passionate about the written word and the power it has to bring more good into the world.

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Chris Jones is the co-founder of mycore, a technology company out of Salt Lake City, Utah. He is also the author of Mitchell's Journey ( -

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Kevin Jones has mastered a lifestyle of work, fitness and family life. He provides solutions for personal fitness as well as keeping families fit by utilizing activities and diet.

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Clair Jones is a home and family safety expert and writer. Contact her with story ideas or interview requests @the_clair_jones on twitter

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Brittany Jones is a girly girl surrounded by all boys! She is a news junkie that loves writing, organizing and sharing great ideas with others.

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Ulrika Jonsson is a Swedish-British TV presenter, model and former weather girl, best known for appearing on shows such as Gladiators and Shooting Stars.

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Lisa Jorgensen is a regular freckled-faced girl who is determined to find the good in life. Lisa runs a family lifestyle blog called Making Life Blissful filled with realistic activities, kid crafts, recipes, and life lessons. Otherwise, you’ll usually find her watching sunsets, eating chocolate, and doing laundry (in that order).

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Lisa Jorgensen is a regular freckled-faced girl who is determined to find the good in life. Lisa runs a family lifestyle blog called Making Life Blissful filled with realistic activities, kid crafts, recipes, and life lessons. Otherwise, you’ll usually find her watching sunsets, eating chocolate, and doing laundry(in that order).

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Arabah Joy is wife to Jackson, adoptive and biological mom to 4 little ones, and missionary to East Asia. Her adventures span far and wide, from eating pig snouts to giving birth in three different Asian countries. Mostly though, she is a broken woman redeemed by grace. She has written several books including the 40 day devotional, Trust Without Borders. You can find out more and connect with her at

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Kate Julian is a senior editor at The Atlantic.

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Kari Kampakis is a mom of four girls, as well as an author, speaker, and blogger from Birmingham, Alabama. Her first book, 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know, is designed to empower teen and tween girls through faith, and it’s available through stores and online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million, and Kari’s work has been featured on national platforms like The Huffington Post and The Good Men Project and reflects her passion for family and God. Learn more by visiting or connecting with Kari on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest.

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Health Specialist

I am a mom of two young adults who has been working in healthcare communications for nearly 20 years. I want to help parents clearly understand more about vaccine-preventable diseases so that they can make the best decision for their family.

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Health Specialist

Swati Kapoor is a qualified dietitian and nutritionist at Practo in Banglore. She has a Masters degree in Dietetics and Food Service Management from Banglore University in 2013.

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Elliott Katz is a speaker and author of "Being the Strong Man A Woman Wants: Timeless wisdom on being a man," which has been translated into 24 languages around the world. You can find out more about his work and contact him on his website.

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Alisha is a stay-home mommy of two, sunshine enthusiast, and loves living the simple life! She started a blog this year about creating fun-filled memories and a happier life, which is full of ideas and inspiration for moms who want to have a strong family bond and happy days together.

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Sarah Kearns is a hard working mother of three daughters. She is a strong supporter of Spacer – a company helping you find storage space whenever you need it.

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Marilee Kellis is a single (divorced) mother to four children, ages 4 to 10, including identical twin girls. She volunteers as a breastfeeding peer counselor, teaches cello lessons, and has been employed as an epidemiologist in public health departments for most of the past decade. Hobbies include researching her family history, cooking, writing, hiking, camping, and running. Marilee has a bachelor's degree in Biology from Arizona State University.

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Mandy Kelly is passionate about two things: The Word of God and the Souls of Men (and Ladies!). She is a married to her best friend, and gets the privilege to love on their three blessings (who lost their biological momma leaving her husband widowed). She loves that the Lord has let her life be an example of delighting in Him and watching Him mold her life to make her desires match His. She spent 9 years in an early childhood classroom, and 4 years in an “in house” seminary program at her home church.She loves to bring God glory through her roles as Christ-follower, Wife and Mother (in that order!) She enjoys women’s ministry, cooking, crafting, and traveling the world. Her greatest desires are to have her marriage bring God ultimate glory, see her children walk in truth, to lead others to the feet of Jesus, and to lead women into deeper and intimate relationship with their Savior through study of the Word of God. Mandy blogs about living a life of Worship through all aspects of her life at Worshipful Living.

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Kerrie Kelly is an interior designer based in Sacramento, California. Through her design firm, Kerrie Kelly Design Lab, Kerrie had advised many newlyweds who are setting up new households. She writes about her design expertise for Home Depot.

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Neil Kennedy is CEO of FivestarMan and author of multiple books.

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Liam Kensington blends his background in sociology with a deep appreciation for heartfelt storytelling. His articles focus on fostering meaningful connections within families and romantic relationships. Liam's insights are designed to guide readers through the complexities of love and family life with empathy and clarity.

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Carly Kerby is a Stay at home Mom to four daughters. When she is not dealing with the daily drama they dish out, She can be found writing at her blog Living The Scream. She was part of the Listen To your Mother Utah cast in 2013 and has been quoted on Good morning America's, and Parents magazine website. Chocolate keeps her sane, and naps, don't forget naps.

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Tarana Khan is mom to a toddler, living an expat life in Dubai. She loves writing and has done her stints as a copywriter, reporter and content editor, before embracing parenthood full time. She blogs at Sand In My Toes, where you can drop by to read more of her parenting and other adventures! You can also catch up with her on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or Google+.

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Wellness Specialist

Cynthia Kimball is a professional speaker, trainer and is a doctoral student in workforce educational leadership. 

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Jenna Koford is on the content team at FamilyShare. She graduated with a degree in Communications—Journalism and a minor in editing. Jenna enjoys painting and calligraphy, planning a wedding, and Pinterest and Netflix.

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Health Specialist

Lindsay Kite and Lexie Kite are 28-year-old identical twin sisters with PhDs in the study of media and body image and the co-Directors of Beauty Redefined, a not-for-profit organization to take back beauty for girls and women everywhere through continuing the discussion about body image, women’s potential and media influence.

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Jessica Klein is a freelance journalist whose work has appeared in the Atlantic, the New York Times, and the Guardian. She is currently a contributing reporter at the Fuller Project, a nonprofit newsroom dedicated to reporting on issues that affect women.

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Alysa Kleinman is a journalism student and an intern at Deseret Digital Media. 

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Micah Klug, author of “50 Freezer Meals: Easy Dinners for the Busy Family” runs a lifestyle blog to help people strengthen their faith, home, and family through simple living.

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Susan Knight is an award-winning journalist from southeastern Pennsylvania and happy Utah transplant. Contact her at: .

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Patrick Knight is the Sr. Director of cyber strategy & technology at Veriato. Before joining the commercial sector, he served in the U.S. Army and the Department of Defense, dealing with military intelligence and other areas related to national secur

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Lindsay graduated in Business Management and loves marketing communications. She currently lives in Dallas with her husband, Paul. You can contact her at or visit her blog at

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Jessie is married to her hard working and fun loving best friend, and a stay at home mom to their 3 little cowgirls, ages 5, 3 and newborn. They live in rural Nebraska, with the nearest Starbucks 2 hours away. They have a plethora of animals and enjoy being outside with them. Jessie is also a work at home mom, founder of, and has a growing essential oil business.

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Irene Kot is modern mum, who tries to answer the question "How to combine the mode of life, children, husband, personal interests and hobbies altogether to make everything easier?" and share her ideas and successes on her blog

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Tammy Kresge started Organize Yourself Skinny ® n March 2011. She decided she was sick of being overweight, tired, and unhappy and in October 2010 got serious about living a healthier lifestyle. Tammy committed herself to change and dropped 40lbs in the process. Now, through Organize Yourself Skinny, she is dedicated to teaching others that no matter how busy life gets a healthier lifestyle, along with weight loss, can be achieved with a little organization.

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Marcus and Ashley help newlyweds adjust to married life and inspire married couples to become better husbands and wives. They host the First Year Marriage Show podcast and are authors of two best-selling marriage books.

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Together with my amazing wife, I help newlyweds adjust to married life, inspire married couples to improve their marriage and co-authored "Communication in Marriage" to help couples communicate better. Visit us on our website.

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Kisha Lake is an Atlanta based freelance writer and residential designer. Contact her at .

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Family Specialist

Amberly has a degree in Family Studies. She is passionate about inspiring couples to make their marriage a priority throughout every stage of life with traditions, communication and quality time. "Make time for the people you love!"

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Family Specialist

Afton Lambson is an Arizona native with a career in education. He enjoys running marathons and fly-fishing streams and rivers.

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Elizabeth Lampman is a work-at-home-mom of 2 little girls and previously worked as an IT professional. She enjoys sharing delicious recipes and craft projects on her website Frugal Mom Eh.

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Allison Lancaster is a 20-something work at home mom. Her background is in Business and Marketing. After having her son, she decided to begin Loving Living Lancaster and has since built her blog and business. She is wife to Josh and mom to Levi. When she is not working, Allison enjoys being outdoors, visiting her family farm and creating new recipes. Allison and her family reside in East Tennessee.

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Alison Lange is a farmer’s wife and mom of two. She is the creator of Tickling the Wheat, where she shares tips to enjoy the simple things in life. She writes about parenting, finances, and everyday life to encourage women to find balance in their roles as wives, mothers, and home managers.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Dr. R.Y. Langham is a professional consultant for the Between Us Clinic. Dr. Langham holds a Master of Science in marriage and family therapy and a Ph.D in family psychology.

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Rachel Larsen owns and operates the Busy Bugs Preschool, and has been a Love and Logic facilitator for the past five years. She is the author of  a book called "Dear Girls."

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Jessica Larsen is a teacher to many lovable 7th graders and a mother to one adorable son. Read more of her work at onmomming.blogspot. com.

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Kent Larson is from Phoenix, Arizona. He's been happily married for 30 years. They have two sets of twins and he's been teaching for 26 years. His interests are his family, writing, reading, music, and movies. Find him at

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Candice Marie is passionate about helping people take control of their finances. She started the blog Young Yet Wise as a way to document her own money journey, as a result she's managed to bring her net worth from the negatives into the positives and wants to help others do the same. Candice enjoys long walks to the bank, eating dark chocolate, working out and reading personal finance books.

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Whitney Wilcox Laycock is a senior in BYU's School of Communications with an emphasis in public relations and a minor in sociology. Email:

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Erica Layne is a sunset chaser, mom of three, and writer of The Life On Purpose Movement. She's passionate about filling her family with love and belonging — and helping other women do the same. For regular reminders of the things that matter, join her community on Facebook of visit her website.

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Top Influencer

Allison Laypath is an expert on family travel and author of the family travel blog. With her family, Allison especially enjoys road trips, national parks and local field trips. 

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Saul is a husband, father of four and currently working, as GM, with the greatest team of people @ FamilyShare Network where 5.1 Billion interactions per month are created through genuine and organic social engagement through 136 Million followers.

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Claudia Sabrina Leal is a dedicated student at Westminster College. She loves museums, art, travel and spending time with her family.

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Katie Beard is a student at Brigham Young University-Idaho, graduating with a Bachelor's in Child Development in April 2014. She enjoys working with kids and hopes to work with at-risk youth in the future. Krista Leas is a student at Brigham Young University-Idaho, graduating with a Bachelor's in Child Development with a minor in Sociology in July 2014. She enjoys working with kids.  

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Jackeline studied Business Administration at the University of Costa Rica. She is currently a mother and wife.  

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Georgia D. Lee seeks to empower, inspire, enrich and educate anyone with an open mind, heart and spirit through her most treasured medium - black and white!

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Kate is a wife, mother of three, and a writer. She has a BA in Communications. Growing up Kate used to entertain the neighborhood by telling stories about her family (mostly about her Mom). People always laughed and they couldn't believe the stories were true. I always got the same comment. "One day you need to write a book about your family." I finished that book and blog about finding the humor in everyday life. My goal is to help people laugh through life's moments of chunder. You can read more of Kate's writing on her blog. 

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Writer, photographer, Michelle Lehnardt is raising five future fathers and one little mother.

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Kayla is an avid blogger and photographer, a wife, mom to two bunnies, and a new puppy. She enjoys the outdoors, tennis, and traveling.

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Michelle is a women’s Bible study author, ministry wife, and home schooling mom. She and her husband have six children in their tweens, teens, and twenties. Michelle enjoys reading, spending time with family, and staying active at church and in women’s ministry. Her goal in writing, speaking, and teaching is to train church ladies to be “Mighty Amazon Women” of God: strong in godliness, humility, submission, discernment, kindness, wisdom, apologetics, and hermeneutics.

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Beth Leslie is an award-winning professional writer and blog editor. She has published 100+ articles on everything from travel and politics to career and lifestyle advice. You can follow her on Twitter .

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Kara Lewis is a busy mom of four energetic boys. On her blog,, she shares activities, craft ideas, science projects, party ideas, etc. designed for boys and motivation for parents of boys.

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Health Specialist

Suzanne Lewis is a registered dietitian nutritionist with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Human Biology from Brown University and a Masters of Science Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Utah, with a research focus in public health nutrition.

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Connie decided to be a writer so she could keep studying all things wonderful and new. She has three grown children and two grandchildren that bring new and interesting ideas into her life every day.

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Boanerges Lewis is a student at the University of Utah, a lover of reading, and in search of all that is entertaining and interesting in our world. His email is .

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Tiffany Gee Lewis runs the website Raise the Boys at, dedicated to rearing creative, kind, courageous and competent boys. Follow it on Instagram and Twitter at raisetheboys. Email:

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Zaida Libertini es originaria de San Pedro Sula, Honduras y actualmente reside en el estado de Utah, Estados Unidos. Escribe por placer y es ama de casa, esposa y madre de un pequeño de cinco años.

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Jen is the Founder of and the author of A Parent's Playbook for Learning and 101 Learning Activities to Stretch & Strengthen Your Child's Multiple Intelligences.

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Cathy Carmode Lim is the founder of, a website that reviews books and gives them ratings according to content. She is also a copy editor and blogs at

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Bekki Lindner is the founder of Chasing Supermom, the wife of her best friend, and a mother of four.

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McKenna Lindquist | A senior at Brigham Young University, majoring in Family Studies with a minor in Gerontology. She recently became a new mom and enjoys baking goodies for others to enjoy.

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Allison is the blogger behind Frugal on the Prairie where she writes about personal finance and money saving tips, homemaking tricks, and family/parenting ideas. She married her college sweetheart, has a son with a smile identical to her own, and is from the beautiful Kansas prairie.

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Curtis Linnell is a movie fanatic/critic that use to frequent the movie theaters on a regular basis. Due to a busy schedule and a family, he now just streams them at home. You can follow him on Twitter .

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Rachel is a former teacher and mother of 6 who knows what it is like to try (and fail) to do it all. As the managing editor of Busy Mommy Media, she works to simplify life for busy moms with realistic parenting tips, quick and easy recipes, simple organizational hacks and more.

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Sierra Livermore is an undergraduate student in the Family Life program at Brigham Young University. She is studying to become a Marriage and Family Therapist. She loves writing, composing music, making people laugh, and studying family relationships.

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Health Specialist

The focus of Healthy Living is to promote positive and healthy lifestyle choices and inform readers on issues pertaining to overall health, well-being, productive habits, and well-care.

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Lilian Llanos is a mother, artist, spiritual coach, and author of the forthcoming book, Magnify Your Purpose: A Sacred Journey to Self-realization and Happiness. Lilian's passion is to help individuals reconnect to their true purpose and create a fulfilling life, doing what they love and making a difference in the world. 

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Shelly Locke graduated in Social Work and Family and Human Development. She is the author of Cherish the Children, a book honoring the irreplaceable significance of Motherhood. She is the founder of The Power of Mothers, a global organization dedicated to the value of Motherhood at

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Karen Lodato has experienced a second chance at 'happily ever after' after recovering from divorce. She writes about her faith, experiences in a new blended family, and navigating remarriage on her blog.

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Frank Lodato is a Christian, husband and father of 5 living in Southeast Louisiana. He is passionate about helping men face the challenges of marriage, re-marriage and fatherhood. He and his wife Karen write a blog called where they post about their perspective on marriage, faith, family and everyday happenings.

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Danielle Longhurst is from Ogden and is a mother of three children now living in the Los Angeles area. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism and M.Ed. from Weber State University. Contact her at .

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Saren adores her five energetic, adventurous, precocious children but doesn't totally adore the mess and busyness and bickering that that comes with them! She grew up all over the world, did her B.A. at Wellesley College and her M.Ed. at Harvard, did humanitarian service in Eastern Europe, and conducted training programs for teachers and enrichment programs for kids. But after she got married and had her five children, the real education and work began! When she's not trying to answer five different needs and questions at once, she writes and puts together programs for moms for the website she co-directs, Power of Moms. She currently lives in Ogden, Utah and loves reading, hiking, and biking with her family (or by herself when possible!). She often struggles with balance but finds joy in being involved in many things that are meaningful to her.

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Daniela is studying psychology, working in a partnership dedicated to helping families who are in divorce proceedings, she is happily married. She likes to do positive things for her community and wants to make a difference in terms of human rights in her country, attract equity and equality between men and women.

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Miranda H. Lotz is an avid book lover, mother and adoring wife.

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Pamela Love is a wife, mother, and student of Family Studies and Global Women’s Studies at Brigham Young University. Passionate about women’s nurturing power in family life, she writes in her limited spare time—usually early in the morning or late at night when her husband and children are sleeping.

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Dave is a family man, professional writer, and a hobbyist beekeeper. When he's not chasing down the kids, he's most often found with a book/pen/trowel in his hand or out watching the bees. 

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Cherie Lowe is an author, speaker and hope bringer. Her book "Slaying the Debt Dragon: How One Family Conquered Their Money Monster and Found an Inspired Happily Ever After" details her family’s quest to eliminate over $127K in debt in just under four years. As her alter ego the Queen of Free, Cherie provides offbeat money saving tips and debt slaying inspiration on a daily basis.

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Anna Joy is the blogger behind Path Through the Narrow Gate, a blog dedicated to helping Christian families discover that family Bible study is not only doable, but enjoyable. She homeschools her three children, enjoys playing the fiddle, makes dinner occasionally, and never irons the clothes.

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Chad is a former Army nurse who now enjoys the civilian life. He is married to a superhero of a wife and they have six children who are all very active in sports and life. He attends university where he is majoring in Nursing and Social Work. 

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I love to paint, sew, garden, and shop at thrift stores. I like to imagine a world where everyone is helpful, kind and supportive to others regardless of race, religion, or belief system. Page views

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Gary Lundberg is a licensed marriage and family therapist. Joy is a writer. Together they author books on relationships.

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Nancy L.B. Lundgreen is a Tangent, Oregon resident and stay-at-home mom of three.

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Gabrielle is a alumni of the University of Utah and money saving tech nerd. You can contact her at

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Kilee has a degree in Family and Consumer Science Education. She is passionate about parenting and child development, human relations, nutrition and wellness, culinary, and fashion design.

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Ben lives with his wife, Kilee, and dog, Paisley, in Arkansas. He has a passion for personal finance, sports, and learning. Ben recently started a blog at where you can find more of his opinions on personal finance. His life goals are to write about personal finance all day and start a non-profit organization to help others become self-reliant and to find their true potential. On any given day, you could find him eating homemade salsa, picking blackberries, or staying up until 3 a.m. to finish a book.

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Gina Van Luven is a bestselling author, motivational speaker and Board Certified Health Coach.

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Lindsay is a wife, mother and Physician Assistant. She loves Jesus and people and is a huge proponent of adoption. Whether your goal is to get out of debt, provide for your family's future, add to your family through adoption, or find the means to stay at home with your babies, Lindsay wants to help you find the financial means to get there.

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Helen Lyle West is living in Manchester, United Kingdom. She is passionate about evidence-based nutrition, keen to explore how it affects the health of individuals and population groups. Helen has also had a lifelong interest in holistic, alternative, and complementary medicine. She believes health is your greatest wealth and she will help you live, breath and believe health and enjoy your life to the full. It is her mission to engage and empower people to use food, eating and lifestyle for health and healing as well as a path to personal growth.

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Tina Huggins is passionate about teaching, technology, and creativity. She began as an elementary educator and found her love in technology education. Apple Computer selected her as one of sixteen prestigious national trainers, which encouraged her to complete an MA in Educational Technology. Her unique insights into early literacy contributed to the successful launch of LeapFrog, School Division. As an entrepreneur, she had a successful inspirational-message cookie business, SwapThoughts. She lives in Nashville with her husband, Mark. She has three children, two bonus daughters, and two grandchildren. Tina writes for her blog, www.appsolutelyyoucan. To connect with Tina and learn more about her new book, visit

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Annalise Mabe is a writer from Tampa, Florida writing on health, wellness, psychology, and tech.

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Elizabeth MacDonald, a creative content writer at My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear, pursues happiness in everyday life. While blogging about pregnancy and family, she spends her days exploring the world and homeschooling her 4 young children.

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Bobby Macey is a digital first guy. He has experience in content creation, marketing and sales. Occasionally you'll see him doing something crazy in a suit — like jetskiing.

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Charles Machinski is the founder of The Coaching Box, LLC. He is also a published author, distinguished speaker and self development expert. 

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Maureen Mackey is managing editor of lifestyle at Fox News Digital. Her team of editors, reporters, writers and production assistants cover topic areas that include family, faith, health and wellness, parenting, food, travel, real estate, careers, autos, military and veterans, and house and home. In the past, Maureen has served as top editor and managing editor at other websites. She was responsible for coverage primarily in the lifestyle, family, health, faith and culture areas. She worked as an editor in the print magazine world and in book publishing for many years, and also as a book collaborator and ghostwriter for special projects. She served on the boards of several nonprofits and has worked in New York City, Washington, D.C., and London.

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Anna Mader is a senior at Brigham Young University majoring in family studies. She loves the family and how its flaws and virtues can unite to create an ideal environment for support and growth.

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Family Specialist

Julie Maida gave up a career in addictions counseling to be at home with her teenager, preschooler, and toddler. To keep her sanity, she writes both humor and inspiration at and

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Digital World News Reporter at The Sun

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Diane L. Mangum is a mother, grandmother, preschool teacher and writer living in Salt Lake City, Utah. Email

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Kristina is a college graduate, blogger and mother of two. See more of her writings at

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Becky Mansfield, founder of the popular blog Your Modern Family, is the author of six books, including best-selling Potty Train in a Weekend. She and her husband, founder of Your Modern Dad, are high-school sweethearts. Together they have four children and raise them in the Carolinas. They work together and share marriage, parenting and other tips on their blogs.

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Kurt Manwaring is a consultant with Manwaring Consulting. He maintains a personal blog at Email:

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Tove Maren is a Danish-American mother of four boys, ages 8 and younger. She is a freelance writer and translator. Tove reports live from the trenches of motherhood where she writes about all things related to life love, laughter and LEGOs. You will find her encouraging, as she empowers you to parent by intuition and with confidence.

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Mommy to Reuben after two years of infertility. Loves to knit and crochet and eat yummy paleo food while bloging about the happy struggles of motherhood.

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Family Specialist

Reed Markham is a professor at Daytona State College. While teaching at California State Polytechnic University Pomona Reed authored numerous freelance articles for southern California newspapers and magazines.

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Leslie Marley is the Director of Education and Curriculum at U-GRO Learning Centres .

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Gregory is the manager of personal training and membership sales at The Gym. He has owned his own personal training business as well as consulted gyms on building their personal training businesses. Fitness is his passion and vehicle to helping change people's lives.

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Relationship Editor for Verily Magazine, Monica surveys cultural trends and shares her thoughts on relationships and womanhood.

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Financial Specialist

Troy Martin is a shareholder at Cook Martin Poulson, a Utah Accounting Firm. He has a vast amount of experience in the following business sectors: medical, dental, manufacturing, retail, restaurants, construction, farming and ranching.

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Serena Martin is a professional writer and a content manager. She is specialized on writing posts connected with education, family, life tips and academic field. Serena`s hobby is traveling, reading and cooking. She has a lot of friends and she values friendship. In future she dreams of becoming well-known writer and publish her own book.

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Colleen Martin is a full-time working mom of seven. In her spare time (does that even exist?) she enjoys running, writing, and watching sitcoms. When people ask her "How do you do it?" she is quick to credit her awesome husband and the graces God has poured out onto their family. Life is crazy. Life is good. Life is Crazy Good :)

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Alex is a writing professional. He is a complete foodie and coffee connoisseur. He loves globetrotting and meeting people from different cultures... all this, apart from surviving the regular drudgery of life.

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Ashley Martin is a communication major. Her goal is a career in broadcasting and video productions. She has a passion for people and learning from their stories.

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Rachel Martin, is the writer behind the site, is a partner of, and a featured writer for The Huffington Post. Over the past several years Rachel has built a site that averages millions of visitors a month, that boasts a robust facebook community, and has created a successful ebook campaign resulting in her first book being published this fall. Her articles have been featured on Huffington Post, PopSugar, iVillage, SheKnows,, WhattoExpect, Dr. Greene, and more. In it all Rachel believes in living each day intentionally, celebrating motherhood, loving the little things, and working with others to realize dreams, vision, and potential.

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There is a time in life when we discover that we need a change to move forward and grow my goal is to help others recognize the time and not miss the opportunity .

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Tania is a blogger, author, wife, mom of three and a Physician Assistant. She is the founder of TheodoraLove which means a love gift from God. It focuses on women's issues including marriage, life, Godliness, relationships, singleness and family. Throughout the years she has witnessed women transform from ashes to beauty through the power of God’s love. Her passion is to see this for every sister, mother, daughter, wife, aunt and friend. When she is not writing, you'll find her reading a good book with an ice-filled cup of Pepsi nearby.

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John Martin is a biophysicist with a passion for teaching and quest for knowledge .

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I'm a 27-year-old freelance journalist living in Oakland. I work for Oak View Law Group, a leading consumer and bankruptcy law firm based in CA and operational across US. I’m a numbers geek who loves helping others to find the right balance between frugal finances and living life fully.

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I’m Alexa and I've been chronicling my journey as a single mother trying to beat the vicious cycle of dead end jobs and paycheck to paycheck living. I’ve accomplished a lot in the few short years and my life has changed dramatically.

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Pro-Jesus, pro-woman, pro-life, and pro-coffee: that's how Phylicia Masonheimer describes herself. She blogs about living life with intention in every stage - single, married, or married with kids. From habit-forming to feminism, morning routines to modesty, she writes about putting feet to our theology in the everyday moments of life.

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Paula Mathieu is a writer, teacher of writing, and an Associate Professor at Boston College. She’s published books and articles about homeless writers, the dissident press, and contemplative approaches to writing and teaching. Her nonfiction work has appeared in The Examined Life Journal and Writers: Craft and Context. She's a member of the 2022-2023 Essay Incubator at GrubStreet Center for Creative Writing in Boston and is working on a collection of essays.

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Kayla Matthews is a journalist and writer whose work has been featured on publications such as Fast Company, VICE, The Next Web, The Week and Houzz. Writing about the intersection of technology and daily life, Kayla is also a Senior Writer for the popular website MakeUseOf.

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Cindy Maudsley is a Colorado native who now calls Bountiful, Utah home. She is happily married and is a stay at home mom to her two young daughters who inspire her to keep a blog as a way to journal their family memories and stories. Aside from writing she enjoys reading, baking, Instagram, and spending time with good friends and family.

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Amy Maughan is a graduate of Brigham Young University and an MFA student at Vermont College of Fine Arts. She lives in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL with her husband, Brian, and five busy children.

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Lindsay is a Certified Assertiveness Coach and spiritual teacher helping women solve their own problems, meet their own needs, and follow their inner guidance by listening to the lessons their emotions teach. Learn more at

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Natalie Maximets is a certified life transformation coach and a freelance writer with expertise in mindfulness and sustainability. She helps people overcome fundamental life challenges, such as divorce, and build an entirely new life by reframing their personal narrative. Natalie has a Master’s Degree in English and graduated from Transformation Academy, Florida. Natalie is proficient in CBT, REBT, Trauma Recovery, Mindfulness Meditation, Storytelling, and Wilderness Therapy.

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Marsha Maxwell is an online journalist, writing teacher and PhD student at the University of Utah.

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Chanel Termeer received a degree in Child Development from Brigham Young University-Idaho. She has always enjoyed spending time with kids which sparked her desire to major in Child Development. In the future she would like to be a guidance counselor in an elementary school or work in a day-care, but for now she plans on being a stay at home mom. Jessie May received a bachelor’s degree in Child Development from Brigham Young University-Idaho. She enjoys learning and studying about ways to become a better parent, wife and teacher. Her youngest brother who has Down syndrome, is her biggest inspiration. Because of him she desires to work with children who have special needs in the future.          

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A former professional journalist for the Mountain Democrat, California's oldest newspaper, covering crime, court and fire stories, Cole spends his free time freelance writing, playing video games, and slowly writing a crime novel.

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Rachel McClellan, is an experienced author. She has written several books. Her most recent book is Confessions of a Cereal Mother.

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April McCormick is an award winning writer and blogger. Her blog, First Time Mom and Dad, has been internationally recognized and awarded for it's honest and hilarious look into parenting. Her Lifestyle Blog, Love Life DIY, is shaking up the blogging industry with a new style, platform and uncommercial way of delivering trends, travel and all things living, loving and creating. April can be found somewhere between Louisville, KY and Melbourne, Australia, with her wild-child toddler, shameless Australian husband, and overly talkative cat, The Professor.

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Lynnae McCoy is a wife of 21 years, a mom of three, insurance agent, and most importantly, a daughter of the King. On her blog, she loves to encourage women struggling in their faith and family life. Hop on over to my blog to sign up for me free email course on prayer!

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Parenting Specialist

Amy is the Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions and the author of “If I Have To Tell You One More Time…The Revolutionary Program To Get Kids To Listen Without Nagging, Reminding, or Yelling”. She is a regular contributor on The TODAY Show and has also appeared on Rachael Ray, CNN, Fox & Friends, MSNBC, and elsewhere.

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Health Specialist

Lisa is a compassion coach, somatic psychotherapist, and writer. She facilitates mindfulness-based wellness workshops for faculty and staff at Georgetown University and speaks at nonprofits and educational settings. You can find out more on her website.

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Debbie McDaniel is a writer, pastor's wife, mom to three amazing kids (and a lot of pets). Join her each morning on Fresh Day Ahead's facebook page or Twitter, for daily encouragement in living strong, hope-filled lives.

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Bryn McDougal lives with her husband and three children. She sings with Utah Opera and is a database analyst for Cafe Rio. As the daughter of an English teacher she enjoys writing, especially satire.

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Three kids and a fish is a family blog where Cathy shares her family's adventures! They feature simple & delicious recipe creations, easy DIY projects, and the life lessons that they learn along the way! When Cathy is not at her computer blogging, she can be found in the kitchen cooking, hanging out with her hubby and kids , shopping for a great deal, or volunteering, or walking her neighborhood! Join her family's journey as they navigate everyday life!

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Lauren McKeithen is a University of Maryland University College graduate who has always had a passion for writing. She also enjoys shopping, reading, and spending time with her family.

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Sarah Westover McKenna is the creative mind behind the blog Bombshell Bling and Bombshell Bling Jewelry. A former elementary school teacher and current stay-at-home-mom, Sarah spends her time snuggling her kids, enjoying great food with her husband, gabbing with friends, belting out songs in her kitchen, and working on her creative endeavors. Sarah is a great lover of holidays, bling, and s'mores. Sarah received a Bachelor's Degree in elementary education with a minor in music from Brigham Young University.

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Jessie McKinley is a city girl living in a small town. A graduate in Home and Family Living, she now puts her knowledge to use daily as she teaches and raises her two young children, whom she adores.

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Katie Markey McLaughlin, M.S., is a freelance grant writer and journalist, plus mama to a very energetic preschooler and a very hungry infant. She is the author and editor behind the site Pick Any Two, which emphasizes that moms can do anything, but not everything.

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Pam McMurtry is a wife, parent, artist and writer. Find her book "A Harvest and Halloween Handbook" on and

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Janie McQueen is a multi-published author and career journalist. She writes columns for major metro newpapers,, and Visit her website at, follow her on Twitter

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Janessa McQuivey | Originally from Boston, Massachusetts Janessa is currently a senior in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University studying human development. She loves entrepreneurship, culinary arts, and ultimate frisbee.

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Daniela McVicker has broad experience in the field of personal development. She believes that all her life is time for adventures, love and self-culture.

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Jesse Mecham is founder and CEO of Based on a four-rule method, Jesse's revolutionary software helps people break the paycheck to paycheck cycle, get out of debt, and save more money faster. When Jesse isn't helping people budget, he enjoys doing Cross-fit, golfing, shooting, and eating good food. Jesse and his wife, Julie, have five kids.

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Kate Meier works from home as a writer and full-time mom to two kids. She relies on wine, Netflix binges and her children's smiles to get through the tougher days of parenting.

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Olivia is a mother, a writer and a compulsive traveler. She blogs about traveling with kids at

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Marielle Melling is wife to one wonderful man and Momma to four amazing children. She loves learning and sharing what she's learning from this beautiful life. You can follow her at

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Pilar aprende cada día con las lecciones de vida que recibe de su esposo, hijos y sus muchas equivocaciones. Apasionada en los temas de salud, sexualidad y familia, está convencida de que casi todo en la vida mejora con un gran abrazo.

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Crystal is the writer at the positivity focused blog, Love More Live Blessed. She focuses on supporting and encouraging all moms through the craziness of family life. Crystal loves to share simple ideas that can bring families together, good food that's easy to make and ways to make life easier.

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Cara Meredith is a writer, speaker, and editor who writes at the intersection of spirituality and culture. A former high school English teacher and nonprofit outreach director, her writing has appeared in numerous print and online publications. The author of Church Camp (Broadleaf) and The Color Of Life (Zondervan), she holds a Masters of Theology and lives in Oakland, California, with her family. You can read her Patheos column, Coloring Outside the Lines, here.

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Wife of one, mother of four, and contributing writer for websites such as and

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Heather Merrill is a single mom, writer and eyewitness to preschooler debacles.

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Family Specialist

Dr. Merrill is Professor of Sociology at Clark University. She is the author of four books on the relationship between parents and their adult children.

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I left behind the corporate gray of banking for the colorful world of kids. I had three children and adopted two more. I am the very imperfect Merrill family manager and the founder of iMOM. I love to analyze life, ponder possibilities and pray for opportunities, which makes for a very busy and messy house! I live in Tampa, Florida, with my handsome husband — Family First founder and author Mark Merrill — and two, or depending on the day, up to five of my children ages twenty-one to twenty-six. On those days, I happily forsake all other responsibilities to run a bed and breakfast and laundromat for my family.

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Nicole Merritt is a mother of three and the Owner and Founder of jthreeNMe, an imperfectly authentic peek at real-life marriage, parenting, and self-improvement. jthreeNMe is raw, honest, empowering, inspiring, and entertaining; it’s like chicken soup for those that are exhausted, over-stressed and under-inebriated, yet still utterly happy. Nicole's work has been featured by Scary Mommy, The Good Men Project, BLUNTmoms, Thought Catalog, Everyday Family, Motherly & many others. You can follow Nicole at jthreeNMe and on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram & Twitter!

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Stacey Meservy is the founder of and the creator of the 4 P's of a Happppy Mom. Stacey developed this strategy designed to help mothers find happiness despite the challenge of motherhood.

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Kenisha enjoys her faith, being a wife to Calvin, and mother to Addisen. She's the founder of 'The Marriage Press.' She's in pursuit of becoming a licensed Family and Marriage Therapist.

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Jill Meyer, a devoted wife and mother of two teenagers, is a perpetual student of life and passionate seeker of optimal health and upliftment for herself and others.

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Brittanie is a wife to a fantastic husband, a momma to a sweet angel baby and a puppy. She loves interior design, makeup, binge watching Friends for the 20th time, soccer and shopping.

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Family Specialist

Anne Meyers is a counselor in Louisville, Colorado. She works extensively with teens and families and helping them overcome traumatic events in their life. When she isn't with her patients, she loves to read and experience different cultures.

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Alicia Michelle, author, speaker and blogger at, is passionate about helping women discover their beautifully imperfect journey through parenting, marriage, homeschooling, faith and homemaking. She’s also a happily married homeschool mom of four curious and amazing kids who keep her on her toes! Alicia is the author of the books "Plan to Be Flexible" and the "Back to School Survival Manual." She also teaches the online video courses “7 Days to a Less Angry Mom,” and “bloom: A Journey to Joy (and Sanity) for Homeschool Moms.”

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Katie Migliori loves words, stories and connecting with people. Her Creative Writing degree from Utah State University was both a guilty pleasure and a great foundation for her editing career. She can be reached at katie.

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Matt Mikalatos is the author of the children’s fantasy novel "The Sword of Six Worlds" as well as several spiritual books, including "The First Time We Saw Him."

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Marriage Specialist

Keith Miller, LICSW is the author of 10 Myths About the Emotionally Unavailable Man and 21-Day Marriage Transformation, an alternative to marriage counseling.

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Bryan and his wife Dawn are professional life coaches. Bryan holds bachelor’s degrees in both English and Asian Studies. Bryan has dedicated his life to helping achievers and seekers lead meaningful and enjoyable lives. Learn more at his website.

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Janet Miller is a former Fortune 100 executive, reformed workaholic, writer and full-time work at home mom.

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Trisha is a writer from Boise, ID. She is a dedicated vegan of 4 years who promotes an all-around healthy lifestyle, including mental health. In her spare time you can find her painting, gardening, hanging out with her two cats and dabbling in the art of sfx makeup. She runs a personal blog that details her life as an ethical vegan.

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Shaelynn Miller is a staff writer for FamilyShare who has a passion for writing, video production and photography.

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Mark Miller is a Master's level intern at Life Stone Counseling Centers in Midvale and American Fork, UT. Learn more at

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Jonna Miller, is a mom, wife and puppy chow addict. She is known to tell bad jokes and create awkward moments. She often finds herself lost in cornfields in Leesburg, IN.

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Lindsey loves traveling and shopping, and her favorite place in the whole world is Disneyland. She also loves spending time with her family and cute husband. She is studying Professional and Technical Writing and is part of the content team for FamilyShare.

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Haley is an acquisitions editor for Cedar Fort Inc.

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Jen Miller is the author of Jen Reviews - a site dedicated to providing reviews and life hacks. Check out her reviews and join her emailing list (which offers giveaways) on her website.

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Britney Mills is a writer and mother to a son and a set of triplets.

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A native of Washington state, LeAnn is the mother of two with a degree in elementary education.

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Lead Mentor Trainer at Leadership Education Mentoring Institute and Addiction Prevention Mentor Trainer at Life Changing Services.

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Financial Specialist

Don Milne is the Zions Bank Financial Literacy Manager. Contact him at

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Marsha R. Miskin graduated in Sociology and lives in Connecticut with her daughter, husband and seven children.

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Bestselling Author, Global Entrepreneur and Award Winning Film Maker, Evan has been interviewed  and featured by newspapers , TV and radio stations around the world including the Wall Street Journal, CBS, FOX, ESPN and many more. Evan lives his dreams and empowers others to do the same with his dynamic seminars and speaking engagements. Evan and his bride of 16 years remarry in a different state or country every year and they have two amazing children.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Christy Monson established a successful counseling practice in Las Vegas, Nevada, as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She also practiced in Salt Lake City, Utah for several years before her retirement.

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Shawn D. Moon is the Executive Vice President of Global Sales and Delivery for FranklinCovey Corp., where he is responsible for the Company’s U.S. and International direct offices, the Sales Performance Practice, the Execution and Speed of Trust Practices. Shawn is the author of two books: On Your Own: A Young Adults’ Guide to Making Smart Decisions, and Bill’s Christmas Legacy, and co-author of the forthcoming Unleash Talent.  

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Jody is a Life Coach at Bold New Mom. She helps women understand how to manage their thinking and emotions to create the results they want for themselves, their families and their lives.

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Cortney Moore is a lifestyle writer for Fox News Digital.

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Professora de inglês, português e literatura. Tradutora e revisora freelance. Mãe de 3 filhos já adultos e avó de primeira viagem.

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I start every day as a new day, which gives me a chance to be happy and smile about the small things. I believe in giving without expecting anything in return.

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Lizette Morante is Mexican and graduated from the School of Journalism Carlos Septien Garcia. Her hobbies are reading, writing, sports and she enjoys being with her family and her dog.

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Kristy was born and raised in the coastal town of Port Lavaca, Texas, but has called Houston home since 2006. She majored in English and Public Relations at Texas State University and later received her Masters in Education Administration. After teaching high school English for nine years, Kristy left the world of education to stay at home with her daughter, Charlotte. Kristy writes at Seven Graces, a place where she shares stories about her faith, family, and favorite things. Kristy would love to connect with you through her blog’s Facebook page or through Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest.

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Robert Morris is a freelance editor and writer currently living in Miami Springs. He is avid traveler, reader and yoga lover. Robert is fond of online courses, and has completed 20 at Coursera. He has been featured on the Lifehack, Thought Catalog and many more.

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Chad Morris is a teacher, curriculum writer, and author of Mustaches for Maddie, now available on Amazon. Learn more at Connect with Chad on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and GoodReads.

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Zyana Morris is a passionate health and lifestyle blogger who loves to write about prevailing trends. She is a featured author at various authoritative blogs and currently blogging for Centra Care Florida, a Florida-based urgent care center.

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Megan Morton is a home stylist and writer living in Indianapolis, Indiana. She writes with heart and humor about the everyday trials and triumphs of raising young children. She enjoys working to help others create a beautiful and functional home, but her most important job is wife and "mommy" to her 3 young children!

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Becky traded in her teaching degree for diapers and dishes. Her blog, Tales of Beauty for Ashes, has tricks on anything from how to have a better marriage, to toddler activities. She is the author of the book, "The 30 Day Marriage Challenge."

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The creators, Silas and Grace, were inspired to start Chasing Foxes when they realized they had a passion for improving their lifestyle and wanted to share their tips and advice with others. With their strong interests in travel, cooking, and culture motivating them, they love to show what they've discovered to their amazing readers.

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Hyrum is studying Child Development at Brigham Young University-Idaho. He loves studying development and what can be beneficial for children especially what can come from a family. He is the sixth child of seven. He hopes to continue studying social science and to help others understand the influence we all have.

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Brooke Clawson Moss is a marketer, small business owner, new wife and blogger who shares candidly about the challenges of being a single woman of faith. Read more from her on her blog.

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Paul Moyer is the founder of and a personal finance coach: e-mail: twitter:

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Tammy Moyle writes about her real-life struggles and joys (as well as her passion for cupcakes, lipgloss and coffee) from her home in Las Vegas, Nevada where she lives with her husband Zac and their 3 kids. She has written pieces for various online magazines and currently blogs way too much about her personal life at Blithe, a blog.

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Sarah Mueller is work-at-home mom to 4 rambunctious boys, wife to Juergen, and the creator of Early Bird Mom, a popular mom blog focusing on organizing, budgeting, parenting, and more. She loves to encourage other busy moms with simple, practical strategies and tips.

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Family Specialist

Peter Mueller is the Founder of Father's Rights Law Center and

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Treion Muller is the author of Dad Rules and Mom Rules and self-proclaimed "father in motion" of five children. Keep in touch with Treion at

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Treion Muller is the author of "Reality Parenting: As NOT Seen on TV" and other parenting books. Contact him at

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Lexi writes for Help With Men, providing relationship advice for all the women out there. My focus is to give better relationship advice for women and how a woman can understand a man in a better way so that they can be in a better relationship for the rest of their life.

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Mary was born and raised in California. Her most challenging and matchless role in life was raising seven children. She has written Guardians of Innocence. She is the published author of two other books – Angels in Our Midst, and The Holy Ghost, The Third Member of the Godhead. She also worked for the Air Force, the Department of Defense, and as a nurse in private practices for many years. Look for her book at Guardians of Innocence (book trailer) - A Parent's Guide to Protecting Children from Pornography

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Health Specialist

Dr. Paul Murdock is a licensed psychologist and director of Theory & Therapy ( and Murdock Counseling Services. Contact him at

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Amy Murray, B.Ed., M.S. blogs at Miss Night Mutters. She can also be found on Twitter at @happycampergirl, and on Facebook as Miss Night's Marbles. She is the co-founder of #kinderchat (, a twitter-based global community for teachers of young children.

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Financial Specialist

Gregg Murset is the founder & CEO of He is a father of six and a certified financial planner. He's on a mission to educate kids about work, responsibility and learning the value of a dollar in a technologically engaging way.

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Courtney Myers is a freelance writer and mother of two living and loving in North Carolina. Contact her at .

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Erin Myers, a mom of 2, writes at, where she shows busy moms how to raise healthy kids and make happy and comfortable homes.

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Justyna Myk writes a blog called Mila's Little Things ( and resides with her partner in Edinburgh (Scotland).

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Brittani Naegle graduated in Family Life Studies and currently advises undeclared students at her alma mater.

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Wellness Specialist

Brooke is a health and wellness coach with a passion for breathwork, yoga, and eastern medicine & herbs. She has been traveling the world for over two years now, studying, writing about her experiences, and teaching yoga everywhere she lands. You can follow her along on Instagram at @brookenally.

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Stacey L. Nash is a mother of four and a freelance writer/blogger. You can find her at

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Kate Nash is an editor and writer for several publications. She received a bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in public relations. She has been married to her husband Steve for four years and they recently welcomed a baby girl.

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Lori Nawyn is the author of Simple Things and The Great American Family Reunion Cookbook, and the illustrator of Love, Hugs, and Hope: When Scary Things Happen.

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Dr. Neely prides herself on running a small, friendly, one-doctor dental practice because it allows her to give each patient the attention they deserve.

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Steven Nelms is a full-time HR Consultant and part-time student. He is the head writer of the We Are Glory blog and enjoys writing on subjects from theology to Christian living to current events. Steven is the husband of Glory Nelms and father of Ezra Lee Nelms.

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Michelle received her BFA in Graphic Design. She loves the way design has the capacity to impact and influence the world. When she's not designing, you will find her with her handsome husband, dog, Rambo, family or out finding good deals at yard sale

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Parenting Specialist

Julie K. Nelson is the author of "Parenting With Spiritual Power" and "Keep It Real and Grab a Plunger: 25 tips for surviving parenthood." She is a mom of 5, a proud grandma, and a speaker and professor at Utah Valley University. Her website is where she writes articles on the joys, challenges, and power of parenting.

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Parenting Specialist

JULIE K. NELSON is a mother, wife, professor, author of "Keep It Real and Grab a Plunger: 25 tips for surviving parenthood" and "Parenting With Spiritual Power," and is a contributor on radio and TV. Her website is

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Melissa Nesdahl is married to her high school sweetheart and together they raise three beautiful daughters. She has co-authored two books, is a monthly contribute to Mothers of Daughters, founded an Intergenerational dance series, and is a proud PTA mama promoting strong families.

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Health Specialist

Susan Newman, Ph.D., is a social psychologist and author. Her latest book is The Case for the Only Child: Your Essential Guide.

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John Newman is a writer at Saint John's Health Center with a background in health, business and technology as well as public relations.

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Stephanie Niccoli is a product developer for MUSE, a company that makes cold-pressed juices from imperfectly shaped fruits and veggies. Visit for more information.

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Silvina is a young adult fiction writer, a homeschooling mother of three, and a native Argentine.

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I’m Jenny! I am a country-loving farmwife and mom to 5 happy, energetic kids. I am blog at Women With Intention where I help women embrace their unique season of life, simplify, and achieve goals. I love helping women intentionally save money, grow in their faith, manage their home, and love their families! I will also take what I’ve learned from a failed marriage (which is a lot) and use that to help other women who are struggling in their own marriage and relationships. I was blessed to get a second chance at marriage when I met the love of my life, Jason, and enjoy sharing tips on how to maintain a fun, loving happy marriage.

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Julia Nielsen is currently parenting three kids with pitfalls and pleasures. She co-authored two published books in "The Crystal Locket" series, and graduated from the Institute of Children's Literature in 2005. Check out her blog:

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Katie Nielsen received her bachelor's in English with an emphasis in technical writing. She has taught English and is a published writer.

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Greg Norman is a reporter at Fox News Digital. Greg, a graduate of Binghamton University in New York, joined Fox News in 2011 as a homepage editor before transitioning into being a full-time reporter in 2017. He has played a leading role in Fox News Digital’s coverage of stories including the Las Vegas mass shooting, the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Russia-Ukraine war and issues and reform within the law enforcement community. With FOX Business, Greg has covered stories about travel, technology, transportation, the energy industry and crime, among other topics. You can follow Greg on LinkedIn.

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Shelly Norman has worked as a journalist for 25 years, both on the editing and writing side. She has a bachelor's degree in communication.

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Richie Norton is the bestselling author of The Power of Starting Something Stupid. Get your free 37-page action guide to make your stupid idea your smart reality at Get your free #ruckuslist checklist and video at www.ruckuslist

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Ivy Norton is a mommy of 3 and passionate mommy blogger at

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Jodie Norton is a mom in the depths of the child-raising trench. Her current ambitions in life are to have her house stay clean for more than ten seconds and to raise kids who aren't afraid of hard work. She has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education, is an avid reader of all things parenting, and is a fan of working alongside her kids (most days). Jodie currently resides in Southern Utah with her husband and four kids-in-training.

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Anjali Nowakowski, Esq. is an attorney, writer and traveler, blogging at Anjali writes extensively on stories about love and connecting with other humans, as well as travel and social justice. She’s been published in The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, and YourTango, among others. You can connect with her on Facebook.

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I’m Lisa … mommy, wife, former teacher turned blogger and lover of coffee, wine and fancy new shoes! There’s nothing I love more than hanging out with my two sweet girls, having date night with my hubby or enjoying a girl’s night out with my friends.

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Krista is a Holistic Nutrition & Joyful Living Educator living an imperfect but beautiful life and raising her creative family in Central Alberta, Canada. Her mission is to help women live UNSHACKLED lives of purpose, health & JOY. She believes in progress over perfection, in living eyes and heart wide open and that the best gift we can give the world is to finally decide to love ourselves, every broken and beautiful bit. She likes to tell honest and encouraging stories over at her website.

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Tina is a graduate of Flagler College in Florida. She taught middle and high school English for nearly twenty years and is a prolific freelance writer and editor. You can reach her at .

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This post was written by Jess Oakes. She is the lady behind Positively Oakes, a Lifestyle blog focusing on Motherhood, Style and Family. She is a new Mom to a cute little girl and can most likely be found with a Dr. Pepper in her hand or close nearby

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Zack Oates is an entrepreneur, husband, father, hot tubber, and author (but not in that order, necessarily). He went on over 1,000 dates before he met his wife — and wrote a book to help people do it in less and enjoy it more, "Dating Never Works ... Until it Does." In addition to earning his MBA, he just started his 7th business, was voted Top 100 Entrepreneurs, rang the NASDAQ bell, and has been featured in numerous major news publications (Wall Street Journal, NYTimes, Wired Magazine, Mashable, etc.) for his ventures. He also was a management consultant for Fortune 100 companies and international nonprofits for 3 years. In addition, he started an international nonprofit working with victims of domestic violence. He has written hundreds of dating, relationship and inspirational posts at He has been to 40 countries, but is more proud of going to over 100 hot tubs.

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Stacey Ogden is the brains behind Creating My Happiness, where she share lots of tips and tricks for how to simplify your life, save money, and do more of what you want to do.

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Breanna Olaveson worked in the magazine industry before taking her writing from full time to nap time with the birth of her first child. She is the author of two books, "Mighty Miracles: Inspiring Stories of Matthew Cowley, a Modern-day Apostle" and "Sweet Is the Work: Lessons from the First Sister Missionaries." Her work has also appeared in the Ensign, Liahona and New Era magazines, as well as Utah Valley Magazine, Utah Valley BusinessQ, Utah Valley Bride, the Provo Daily Herald, and She lives in Utah County with her husband and three children. She blogs at

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Karin Cristina is an educator, mother and wife. Passionate human being, believes that knowledge is capable of changing humanity and reading is the way.

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Health Specialist

Justin Olsen, MA, ACMHC specializes in assisting individuals and couples to overcome life's challenges. He practices at Life Stone Counseling Centers' Midvale and American Fork locations. Learn more at

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Tim and Lori Olson are the founders of the website Marriage Rules. They have been married for almost 20 years and have three children. They use their website and social media to help encourage and inspire people to have strong Christ centered marria

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Colleen Sheehy Orme is a national relationship and divorce columnist. She is a former business columnist and marketing, digital strategy and PR consultant. She writes and speaks on the topics of love, divorce and healing and consults on the topic of rebuilding your personal brand and life after divorce. To read more from Colleen, visit her How Great Thou Part blog on

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​I am senior in the child development program at Brigham Young University Idaho. Countless hours of working with children and parents through classes and other forms has shaped my understanding about how children grow and come to understand the world around them and also themselves. I plan to one day be in law enforcement working with children criminal cases.

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Marie is a wife, mama, blogger and speaker who loves Jesus and large non-fat lattes. When she's not laughing (loudly) with her husband, singing (loudly) with her son, or playing with her LOUD twin toddlers, you can find her binge watching Netflix and ignoring the dishes. Through her blog,, she helps moms just like her find hope & humor in the mess.

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Shannon and Erin are a mother and daughter with lots of children and Utah and Oregon roots.

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Lowell K. Oswald is the author of Change Your Choices Change Your Life, released December 2012. More information can be found at

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Stephanie is the founder of Parenting Chaos, mom, wife, blogger, coffee addict, nature junkie, book loving, kid at heart! She is a big advocate of teaching and learning through play.

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Natalia Ovcharenko, DDS, MSD is a Board Certified Periodontist at West Frisco Dental And Implants in Frisco, TX . You can view our website:

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Austin is a stay-at-home mom with four busy children. When she's not chasing children, she's working on her latest font or scripture journaling design.

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Rebecca Oyler | Rebecca is a student in Brigham Young University’s School of Family Life studying Human Development. She is originally from Loa, Utah and loves to paint, drive old trucks, and write.

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Rachael is a noted writer currently associated with She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment in the form of her motivational articles and essays. Rachael enjoys studying about today's evolving forms of loving partnerships and is passionate about writing on all types of romantic connections. She believes that everyone should make room for love in their lives and encourages couples to work on overcoming their challenges together.

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Health Specialist

Sick of the diet struggle? Ashley Palmer is a nutrition counselor that helps people get off the weight loss roller coaster and achieve lasting results. Get her free guide book "Never Diet Again" at

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Denya Palmer is senior studying English and editing at Brigham Young University. She loves music, cats, and Halloween.

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Kate Palmer enjoys motherhood, writing, cooking, running, and living in the country.

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Aradhana is a writer from India. Her areas of knowledge include parenting, children with special needs, health and lifestyle.She loves being outdoors and her hobbies include cycling and hiking. She is a food lover and is always on the lookout for the latest trends in health. She has a special interest in children with special needs and parenting and shares her experiences through her other passion, writing. She writes to share her knowledge so that it may help others.

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Wife and mother of two wonderful children, Scarlet Paolicchi is Founder of Family Focus Blog where she shares her enthusiasm for all things family related, green topics, and giveaways.

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Holly Papa is a graduate of Brigham Young University's business management program. She reviews literature for children of all ages, and she is the mother of four boys.

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Mother of 2 silly boys and a new baby girl. Happily married. Love to laugh, inspire others, take pretty photos, and curl up with a good book.

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Smarter Parenting is online parenting website dedicated to improve family life using the researched based Teaching Family Model.

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McKenna Park is a staff writer at FamilyShare. She's a happy wife, puppy mama, ice cream addict and film nerd. Website:

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Top Influencer

Alissa is an avid photographer, crafter, reader and amateur gardener. After her daughter Emilie was killed at Sandy Hook Elementary, Alissa co-founded two non-profit organizations; Safe and Sound Schools which empowers parents and educators about school safety and The Emilie Parker Art Connection that helps fund and support art programs for children. But the job that means the most to Alissa is being a full time mom to her daughters.

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Jana Winters Parkin is an artist, writer, and adjunct faculty at UVU. She co-hosts a popular podcast for women: "The Living Room" ( and spends every day possible exploring mountain trails. Contact her at

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Tim is a talented speaker, writer and coach who has worked in various industries including hospitality, retail, higher education and the non-profit sector. He is currently a pastor and has a heart to help people lead better: at work and at home. Tim is married to the love of his life, Consuela, and they have 4 children.

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Consuela is a writer and speaker and has a passion to help marriages and families thrive. She’s married to the love of her life, Tim and they have four children.

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Dale Partridge is an entrepreneur and founder of and Described as "a mind who feels the trends before market," Partridge teaches leaders and organizations how to position their brand, love their people, and develop profitable corporate social responsibility programs. He's a renowned expert on branding, consumer psychology, and marketplace trends. He is an avid speaker and has been featured in various business publications including the cover of Entrepreneur Magazine, Fox News, NBC, INC Magazine, Mashable, MSN Money, Forbes and the Los Angeles Times. Dale resides with his family in Bend, Oregon.

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Tamara Passey is a Massachusetts native and lives in Arizona with her husband and three children. She was named Arizona Young Mother of the Year for 2013.

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Abby Patonai is a Utah native and divorced mother of two teenagers. Contact her at

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Lindsay graduated with a bachelor's degree in English, emphasis on creative writing. She is married with one son.

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Kari Patterson juggles the hats of pastor’s wife, homeschool mom, conference speaker, Bible study teacher, writer, blogger, friend, and daughter - usually dropping them all on her crumb-covered floor. (It’s ok, really.) Kari holds a master’s degree in Pastoral Studies with an emphasis in Women’s Ministry from Multnomah Biblical Seminary, and has a passion to see women transformed by encountering God in the ordinary details of life. On her blog, Sacred Mundane, she writes the raw and the real–-sometimes triumphant, always transparent–-the daily venture of living the sacred in the midst of the mundane.

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I am a wife and mother of 3 kids- with one more on the way soon! I love baking and cooking- spending most of my free time in the kitchen. When I’m not baking and cooking or carpooling, I love to be crafty, consignment shop and have been known to take an occasional nap.

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Nick Pavlidis helps high achievers grow their businesses while maintaining strong boundaries around family and personal priorities. His first book, "Confessions of a Terrible Husband: Lessons Learned from a Lumpy Couch" details how he went from an overworked lawyer who had a family, to a husband and father who is also a successful lawyer and businessman, and shows you his process, which you can use to help your relationship, too.

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Tanner is a student studying accounting. He grew up in El Paso, Texas where he gained a passion for business selling cookies in high school. Tanner has gained valuable internship experience working at Deloitte, Dell, Cemex, and Chamberlain Hrdlicka Law. He enjoys tennis, basketball, and playing musical instruments.

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Elizabeth is a 34-year-old mom of two boys and happily married to a United States Marine who is the man of her dreams. She loves books, cheesecake and the desert. With a background in journalism, she blogs under her middle name about life as a TV news anchor, and life as a convert in the Mormon church. She is a youth motivational speaker, author and current Mrs. Sioux City, Iowa, with a platform of stopping child sex abuse.

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Catherine is a Women and Parents senior reporter for The Huffington Post.

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Oscar Pech ha dedicado su vida a la enseñanza, la lectura, la escritura y la capacitación en diferentes partes de la República mexicana. Es una persona profundamente comprometida con la familia y los valores morales.

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Nicholeen Peck Author of: "Parenting A House United" Books and Classes: BBC show: Blog: Email:

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Stael Pedrosa is a freelance writer, translater, designer and artisan. She loves Brazilian classical literature and science fiction movies. She is a mother of two.

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Through working with a private fostering agency and several charities, Veronica uses her journalism profession to shed light on the issues that people don't talk about enough.

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I am a wife and mother of two beautiful daughters. I love my family! I love to read and inform myself about various subjects, crafts and activities involving family and friends.

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Sabra Penley is a woman who loves the Lord Jesus and strives to bring Him glory each day, although she’ll tell you most days she falls short. This empty-nester mom enjoys taking life one day at a time, living with less, and finding joy in the details. Together with her husband of 37 years, David, she writes a blog about living married life following the principles of the Bible at Simply One in Marriage.

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Alexandrea graduated in 2014 with a degree in Sociology and a minor in Psychology. She now runs & operates the family farm and dairy, along with their online farm and dairy supply business, One Ash Farm & Dairy Supply. She was saved in 2012 by the grace of God and loves sharing what God has done in her life and how He can work in others too!

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Gabriella Pericle is a Virginia native but currently residing in Idaho for the next few months. You can contact her at

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I am an educator, trainer and coach with a passion for Family (cornerstone of society) and Education (future hope). Husband to Shell and Dad to 3 very little, very exhausting and very beautiful boys. Learning how to enjoy the Work in Progress.

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April Perry is the wife to her best friend, Eric, mother to four children, and Co-Director of Power of Moms, a gathering place for more than 40,000 deliberate mothers. She podcasts each week at Power of Moms Radio, blogs at Power of a Family, and tries to spend as much time as possible with her family - as they are the ones who matter most.

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Travis Peters is on a mission to help Christians slap poverty in the face, stop living paycheck to paycheck, and live a life of increase and purpose! Learn how to make more, live more, and give more over at his blog

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Sarah is a student studying Communications with an emphasis in print journalism. She is one of five children and enjoys both writing and editing, along with the design and new media aspect of a publication.

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Cindy is the mother of three children and works as a special education teacher in a public school. She enjoys spending her free time with family and friends doing outdoor activities and serving the community.

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A city rat living large in the suburbs, Joseph likes to explore everything from politics to food. Connect with him on twitter @planetjoseph.

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Amy M. Peterson, a former high school English teacher, currently lives in Oregon with her husband and four children. She spends her days writing, reading, exercising and trying to get her family to eat more vegetables.

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Michelle Peterson loves LOVE! In 2012 she founded #staymarried, an online resource and podcast that serves over 70,000 people each month by bringing them hope, stories, and resources to help couples navigate the beautiful and daunting work of marriage. She lives in the burbs just outside of Seattle, Washington with her talented and creative husband Tony and their three little daughters Claire, Nora, and Baby Alice. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram, or hiding out at home with her girls.

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Amberlee is the content manager for and earned a degree in journalism. She loves her family, the outdoors, baby foxes and podcasts.

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Jeff Peterson is a native of Utah Valley and studied humanities and history at Brigham Young University. Along with the Deseret News, he also contributes to the film discussion website

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Mary recently graduated in Visual Communications and is working her way to be able to use her talent for humanitarian aid organizations in third world countries. She has a passion for the artistic realm and focuses her time on graphic design, photography, and most recently, painting.

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I’m a wife, mom and military veteran. Blogging for women over 40 is a passion of mine. I believe middle-age doesn’t have to mean “middle of the road.” We need our friends by our side for life, laughs and a few helpful hints.

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Sara Phelps studied Communication with an emphasis in journalism.

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Breanna Phillips is a freelance writer who works with PicJoy. She studied early child development and is a firm believer in a family focused life. A mother of 3 children, Breanna enjoys spending time with them, photography, and creating family memori

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Jarrod is a business development expert living in Utah.

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Alex recently graduated with a degree in public relations and is now working as an intern helping to produce content for Apart from writing, he enjoys sports, backpacking and spending time with his amazing family.

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Ashley Pichea is a busy parent who believes that doing life together as a family is important. She uses blogging and social media to encourage, edify, equip, and educate other busy parents in their quest to do life together with their families.

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Sarah has a B.S. in psychology with a focus in child psychology and child development, but she loves all things related to psychology. She has always had a passion for writing.

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Katie blogs her way through motherhood over at Joyful Messes. She believes that pursuing joy and sharing motherhood, even in the messiest of moments, is part of the higher calling. You can find her writing on postpartum life, fitness, health, joy, parenting and anything else that falls under the "momlife" category.

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Sarah lives in Utah and has her MA in Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication from Iowa State. She freelances and teaches speech and writing courses. You can find Sarah on Twitter .

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M is a happily married Filipino mother to three wonderful little daughters, ages: 8 years, 5 years, and 4 months old. Her daily life is a struggle between being the Executive Content Director for Project Female and deciding who gets to watch television next. She specializes in creating and editing content for female empowerment, parenting, beauty, health/nutrition, and lifestyle. As the daughter of two very hardworking people, she was brought up with strict traditional Asian values and yet embraces modern trends like Facebook, vegan cupcakes, and the occasional singing cat video.

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Joanne is a principal and co-founder of Pittman, Lamitie & Assoc, an expert in image consulting and developing workshops. She writes for, FamilyShare, LAFamily, and CupidPulse. Visit Joanne's site at

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Leigh Pizzutilla is an East Carolina University graduate who enjoys reading, spending time with her family and watching sports in her free time.

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Gina is a happily married mom of three, stress management coach and writer who helps overwhelmed, exhausted moms find peace and purpose in the everyday. Check out free resources for Christian moms at, where "Wiping noses for Jesus is legit!"

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Health Specialist

Anastasia Pollock, MA, LCMHC is Clinical Director at Life Stone Counseling Centers. Learn more about her by visiting or email

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Sophie Pollock graduated from Brigham Young University in 2021 with a Bachelor’s degree in Family Studies. She loves spending time with her sweet husband and curious son hiking, baking, and writing.

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Britni believes in making healthy choices to live a happier life. To see more of her work visit

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For 8 years, Janie Porter worked as a TV news reporter, wearing false eyelashes, dresses and high heels everyday. Now, she's a stay-at-home mom, lucky if she gets a shower before 8 p.m., and let's be honest, ballet flats are her “dressy” shoes. Her site,, chronicles her journey to lose 52 pounds of baby weight, and empowers readers to find their inner glow through food, fitness and believing they're worth it. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!

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Natalie Porter is a rancher's wife, mother of two boys and a stay-at-home mom. She is always trying to understand how to be a better wife, mother and homemaker. She loves to cook good food, experiment with quilting, and is currently learning more about natural home remedies to take care of her family.  

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Brooke has edited content for both journalistic writing and training modules and currently is an editor for multiple publications. She graduated as a Communication major.

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Shawni lives with her husband and five children in Arizona. She strives to promote joy in the journey of Motherhood on her blog,, which has spread to encourage mothers all over the world. She published her first book, A Mother’s Book of Secrets (co-authored with her mother) a few years ago and has enjoyed several public speaking opportunities to further promote the cause of motherhood.

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Frank Powell currently lives in Jackson, TN. He loves coffee, writing, Jesus and his family.

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Anne Hinton Pratt is a writer, seeker of truth and composer.

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Valerie M. Preston, DDS is an expert in both restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Even with more than two decades of active dental practice under her belt, she still continues to update herself on the latest techniques and technology. She owns and manages VPreston Dental, a dental office in Raleigh, NC.

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Roberta Preto, 33. Graduated as translator and interpreter, writer, mother. In love for life, in a eternal search for knowledge. Hope that my words can be the light in the people's life. I dream to guide humanity to be free from slavery of ignoranc

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Kristen has a journalism degree and has experience writing in a variety of fields, including art and culture, health and fitness and financial and real estate services. Kristen has written for USA Today, SFGate and the Knot.

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Maile Proctor is a full-time blogger and content editor. She has written for, Entertainment Tonight Online, and Maile earned her Bachelor’s in Broadcast Journalism. When she’s not writing, she enjoys hiking in San Diego, finding new, fun fitness activities, and officiating basketball in Southern California. Maile would love to hear from you, follow her on Twitter.

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Fatima is a recent UT graduate with a Bachelor of Journalism. She prefers writing for digital publications but has an unwavering love for old-school newspapers. In her free time, Fatima enjoys cooking, walking with her neighbor and best friend, and binge watching on Netflix. To take her mind off of being an adult, Fatima has turned her attention to writing and early 2000 punk-rock hits. Feel free to contact her. In truth, she lies about being busy all the time.

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  Gordon Putnam is a credit repair expert with Utah Credit Alliance. Utah Credit Alliance specializes in credit repair and boosting credit scores.  

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Lystia is a contributing writer for, the world's leading martial arts theme travel website. She's fascinated by all types of martial arts and can't get enough of martial arts moves both on & off the screen.

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Yordanka's hobbies are biking, exercise and spending time with her husband Arthur and her puppy Maxi. She also enjoys a good read and great dancing. Yordanka Giraldo Perez, Cuban by birth, Mexican by choice.

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Rachel received a bachelor degree in Child Development. She has worked as a preschool teacher and administrator. Now she is exploring life and all it has to offer. Rachel enjoys farm life, hiking, nature photography, learning new things and spending time with her family.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Tim Rarick is a professor of Marriage, Family, & Child Development a BYU-Idaho and is a co-founder and contributor at They are the creators of the popular new eBook "3 Things You Can Do Today to Create a Ridiculously Happy Marri

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Constance Ray started Recovery Well with the goal of creating a safe place for people to share how addiction has affected them, whether they are combating it themselves or watching someone they care about work to overcome it. The goal is to share stories of hope from survivors who know that the fight against addiction is one worth having, because no matter how it affects you, life can get better. Please visit Recovery Well's website to learn more. Page views

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Blogger, author, speaker, encourager and teacher, Melanie’s passion is to offer HOPE! Married to Randy for 26 years; the couple enjoys travel, eating out, and hanging out with their two college-aged kids. You can read more from Melanie on her blog.

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Rachel is a graphic designer and photographer with a passion for visual communication. At any given time you will find her with Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign open and a bag of chocolate-covered pretzels on her desk.

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Julene Reese is a public relations specialist for Utah State University Extension. Email:

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A Two-Time Olympian, Lauren has competed at the highest levels of sport and knows what it takes to get there and stay there. What makes her truly special is her ability to relate to all athletes, especially mothers working through pregnancy or looking to bounce back after children. While raising three children, she trains, coaches, and furthers her education — she’s been able to do this well enough that she was recently asked to rejoin Softball Canada for the 2016 World Championships. Lauren understands that life gets in the way at times and strongly believes that the TrAk Athletics method is the best way to navigate the journey.

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Family Specialist

Asma Rehman is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Grief Recovery Specialist. If you're struggling in life, the Grief Recovery Center in Houston, is dedicated to helping you.

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Sarah is an employee of Deseret Digital Media and loves running, singing and eating.

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Elizabeth Reid has bachelor degrees in economics and history. She has worked in retail, medical billing, catering, education and business fields. Her favorite occupation is that of wife and mother.

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Mariel Reimann is the content manager for She studied law at the National University of Cordoba and currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Annie Reneau works as Assistant Editor for Brilliant Star Magazine and writes about motherhood and other hilariously beautiful things on her blog, Motherhood and More. On good days, she enjoys juggling work and homeschooling three children. On bad days, she binges on chocolate and dreams of traveling the world alone.

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A Midwest girl, Allyson met a California boy in Japan, and after getting married and living in all three places together, they have finally settled down in the Mountain West with their four endearing children, ages 7-17. After participating in the first ever Power of Moms board meeting, Allyson has been hooked on doing whatever she can to strengthen mothers. This enthusiasm has led to various speaking opportunities such as presenting at Power of Moms retreats and appearing regularly on a local daytime TV show, Studio 5. Her material comes largely from the stuff she writes for the website and as director of the Motherhood Matters blog for Deseret News. Before motherhood became her greatest teacher, Allyson earned a BA in Family Science. In a parallel universe, Allyson travels the world as a freelance writer and National Geographic photographer. In reality, she tries to squeeze in as many of her favorite things as possible (her family, the great outdoors, photography, blogging, riding her bike, cooking, living like a tourist) while treating stains and signing school papers.

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Jelean was raised in a small farming community with her nine brothers and sisters. She is an accomplished author. She enjoys creating scrapbooks for her grandchildren when they turn 12. Jelean writes about religion, personal and family experiences. She has been married for 51 years and has five children and 19 grandchildren.

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Kimberley Richards is a Trends Reporter at HuffPost.

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Family Specialist

Chris Adams Richards, LCSW is a graduate of the University of Utah and has been a psychotherapist in private practice in West Jordan since 2013. She's passionate about helping adults heal from grief, loss and trauma and is currently accepting new clients.

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I bake with Natural Yeast, the way our ancestors did for 6,000 years, and I want to help you do the same. Add this self-reliant skill to your kitchen and never buy yeast again!

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I am a mother to 3 lovely kids. I am also the founder of Kudkid – a blog I created as a gift to my kids. I love discussing about fitness, style, health, recipes and savvy mom advice and sharing them to help you through pregnancy, birth and raising your kids.

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I am a 34-year-old SAHM of four children that range from 4 months to the age of 10 years old! I am a born again Christian and married my soul mate a little over a year ago. I am a bible reading, prayer warrior that strives to live a Godly life. I love blogging about my personal experiences whether rough patches in the road or fun success stories. I promise to be real and share our trials and tribulations in hopes to be of some encouragement to my readers … you!

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After being born and raised in Hawaii, Bre went to a Christian college where she played soccer and got her degree in Communications. Now she is a pastor's wife and mom of two under two who encourages others to glorify God in motherhood. You can find out more about her on her Instagram or her blog, Maintaining Me.

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Corie Richter is a resident of upstate NY. She is a published author, healthcare and educational writer who enjoys ancient history, is involved with scouting and community volunteer work.

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Angela Richter is a wife to her best friend of 20 years and mother to three! She is the author of Together with Family where she encourages families to connect on a deeper level! She is passionate about intentional parenting and marriage and loves to share practical ways to make family life better! She loves reading great books, homeschooling, writing, and bible study!

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Melissa Ricker is a mother, a wife, a nuclear engineer and a professional freelance writer. She runs a blog aimed at helping working mothers find a balance between growing their careers and growing their families through a series of helpful hints, productivity tips and technology hacks. She wants every mother to know that she can have both a career and a family without constantly feeling torn between the two.

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Becky Lyn is an author and a 35+ year (most of the time) single mom.

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Robin is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and Founder/Creative Director of Ella Jean Inc., a line of baby gifts sold in boutiques across the United States. She's passionate about parenting and loves to research/write about family, healthy lifestyle, travel, style for moms, and many more issues. She lives with her husband and two daughters on the Coast of North Carolina.

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Melissa Ringstaff is an author and the creator of the Purpose 31 Planners for Christian Women. She has been blogging at since 2001 where she helps women find freedom from perfection and the confidence to live life with purpose.

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Liset was raised in Panama but now calls Florida home. She graduated in communications and is now working towards her master's degree. Liset is very outspoken and outgoing. She enjoys anything that involves the ocean, soccer or dancing.

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Also known as the "last ditch effort therapist," Sharon M. Rivkin, therapist and conflict resolution and affairs expert, is the author of Breaking the Argument Cycle. Sharon has appeared on TV and radio shows nationwide. She writes for and

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Laura is a mom to twins & pets, family activity director, avid reader and chronic to-do list maker. She helps busy moms organize their lives so they can enjoy their family time.

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Lisa a mom of five kids. She has built several e-commerce stores with her husband and currently co-owns with her kids. She has lived in three countries and now calls Utah home. She loves sports, music and spending time with fa

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Laura Cathcart Robbins is a Studio City-based freelance writer, and host of the popular podcast, The Only One In The Room. Access her website at or you can find her on Facebook @lauracathcartrobbins, on Instagram @official_cathcartrobbins and follow her on Twitter @LauraCRobbins.

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Mandy Roberson is a wife, momma and founder of Momma Society, The Community of Modern Moms. She has a passion for pregnancy and motherhood and enjoys celebrating these joyous times with moms across the globe. Join the Momma Society Instagram community .

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It is my aim to develop, engage and equip people to create real lasting change, and I write with this in mind.

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Kelsey is a student studying to broaden her horizons through the written word. She loves the outdoors, family, car washes and punny witticisms.

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My name is Andriana and I love to create. I am the author behind my blog, A Love Worth Living, which was born out of my desire to create, to read and to help. I love the Lord with all of my heart. I am married to my best friend Mike and we have an adorable puppy named Kilgharrah.

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Her first book, "How to Have Peace When You're Falling to Pieces," will be released in March 2013.

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Health Specialist

Dr. Roderick is a dentist in Phoenix, Arizona and a graduate of Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine. He has invested over 2,000 hours to date in continuing education. He is rated amongst the top cosmetic dentists in Phoenix,

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Cornelia is an avid writer that has an eye for tech trends. She is passionate about what goes on within the industry and creating the story behind it.

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Health Specialist

Dr. Samantha Rodman is a clinical psychologist, blogger, and author of "How to Talk to Your Kids About Your Divorce."

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Stacey Garska Rodriguez shares do-able ideas and inspiration for moms on The Soccer Mom Blog. She lives in Houston, Texas with her husband and two daughters.

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Carlos is a preacher who serves the local church and loves to pastor prisoners, young adults and anyone who dares to think differently. He began, an online magazine that reaches thousands of people daily. He is the author of “Simply Sonship” and “Drop The Stones.” He also works as the director of Catch The Fire Latin America and is Pastor at Catch The Fire in Raleigh, NC. Carlos and his wife Catherine have two sons and are awaiting a baby girl through adoption.

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Health Specialist

Dr. Ralph Rogers is a consultant in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine publishing articles to a Patient-Facing Medical Journal, where health specialists write articles on latest health topics in their field of expertise.

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Krystal Rogers-Nelson is a Utah native writer and mother of one rambunctious toddler (with a second one on the way).

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Jeremy, along with his wife Audrey, are the minds behind the marriage website, Beating 50 percent. Their mission is to help marriages be above average and compel readers to give more, serve more, learn more, play more, seek more and love more. Jeremy is a professional photographer and videographer. He and his wife live in Bend, Oregon.

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Susie Romans, online entrepreneur, coach and speaker shows you the tools and processes that you need to grow your online business so you can live a free, fabulous and fulfilled life. From reaching four million blog readers to developing digital products and programs, Susie has immense value and inspiration to share with passionate, purpose driven entrepreneurs. She wants to welcome you to the age of “internet abundance” where you can blend your passion with the needs of the market for a fulfilling, profitable, and limitless business and lifestyle.

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Rachelle Romberg is also an entertainment writer for Her writing credits include film, sitcom and animation. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two kids and three cats.

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Cristel Romero is a wife and mother to three sons. She works part-time in marketing at a home health company.

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Family Specialist

I am a psychologist focused on working with communities, children and adolescents at risk.

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Brooke Romney is the author of Brooke Romney Writes, where she shares favorite travel destinations, great books, parenting ideas, food to eat and food for thought. She has a weakness for fall, sunshine, date night, nature, good reads, adventure, gummy candy and all things boy. After living in 5 states and 9 different cities, she now resides with her husband and 4 little men in Utah.

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Jana Rooheart is a professional blogger and e-safety specialist. She works for an app development company and raises a beautiful daughter. She has a Journalism degree she tries to learn something new every day.

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Emily Rooney is the author of My Love for Words where she shares recipes, crafts, decluttering and organizing tips, and her thoughts on life and motherhood. When she's not writing, she can be found knee deep in diapers and checking homework assignments as a wife and mother of 4 kiddos.

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Lyman Rose is the author of five books including "Winning the War Against Debt" and coauthor of "The Debt Stacker" software. He is the owner of Creative Promotions.

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Hannah Rose is a content writer for Deseret Digital Media. She loves to run, sing and dance in her spare time.

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Lindsay Ross is a stay-at-home-mom, photographer, and writer at Lindsay Ross Blog. She spends her days keeping little humans alive (and hopefully happy) and her spare time teaching others how to document their every day lives through photos.

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Corinne Roth is the writer behind The Pragmatic Parent. She's a Blogger, Wife and Mom to three kids, including 5-year-old twins. After nearly a decade as a corporate event planner, she switched gears to be a Stay-at-Home Mom and started her blog, using her own experiences to write helpful information about positive parenting, parenting struggles, and child safety. When she's not drinking large amounts of coffee, she can be found outdoors enjoying beautiful Colorado with her family and their two dogs.

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As Financial Director and co-owner of Alpine Recovery Lodge, Amy is very involved in the finances and marketing operations.

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Christine Rousselle is a lifestyle reporter for Fox News Digital. Christine graduated from Providence College in 2013 with a bachelor's degree in political science and a minor in French.

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Linda Rowland graduated with a Bachelor of Science in physical education and health. In her early career she taught physical education and health for a High School, where she also coached woman’s gymnastics. Later she coached gymnastics and taught physical education at a university. After switching careers from teaching to sales, she worked as a Realtor at Coldwell Banker West Realty, and later became a company owner. She is married to Dr. Fred Rowland. They are the proud parents of five children (all adopted), and ten grandchildren. As parents they attended plays, swim meets, baseball games, soccer games, and likely hundreds of wrestling matches (Fred coached wrestling). Her children were also very active in scouting with all four of her boys earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Linda lives by the motto: “Try to make a good difference in someone’s life today.” To learn more about the Rowlands’ and Taj’s astounding journey, pick up a copy of The Orphan Keeper, available at bookstores everywhere.

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Southeast Idaho is and always will be home. I'm a husband to an outstanding woman and a brand new dad to a baby boy.

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Tiffany is a momma of 4, wife, foodie, blogger, and creator/host of the Feel Great in 8 Challenge. She loves cheesy workout videos, dark chocolate, watching movies with her husband, and riding her beach cruiser around the neighborhood like a kid.

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Melissa Rudy is senior health editor and a member of the lifestyle team at Fox News Digital.

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Julie Ruesch is a mother of three who gets to admire the beauty of Pikes Peak and Colorado everyday.

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Family Specialist

Amanda is a trained Mental Health Counselor who worked with children and mothers in both individual and group counseling environments before she became a Stay at Home Mom to two boys in 2010. She has a Bachelors Degree in Child Development and Family Studies and a Masters in Counseling where she specialized in Play Therapy. She writes about nurturing the seasons of motherhood, parental anger, and parenting tips on her blog, Dirt and Boogers.

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Denise Russell majored in psychology at the University of New Hampshire. She is an entrepreneur, blogs about quilting and crafts at, has three boys and a grandson. Her email is

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Health Specialist

Dr. Margaret Rutherford is a clinical psychologist in Fayetteville, Arkansas. In 2012, she began blogging, focusing on mental health topics. Her work can be seen on The Huffington Post, The Good Men Project, Better After 50 and Readers Digest. She also has published one eBook, “Seven Commandments of Good Therapy.” You can listen to Dr. Rutherford on her podcast, SelfWork!

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Shelbie is a blogging expert, wife and mom to two boys and two dogs.

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Chelsea is a contributing writer for She has a bachelor's degree in English with an emphasis in creative writing. She does a little bit of a lot of things, including writing, event planning, editing, film making, and social advocacy. She enjoys traveling alone by car and observing people, birds, and storms.

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Dani is a 30-something freelance writer and social media consultant who grew up in Singapore and has an unhealthy love for makeup, hair, and fashion. She currently lives in Toronto, Canada with her husband and 4-year-old daughter, and dreams of retiring to a warmer climate one day. Preferably tomorrow. When she decided to put her career in corporate marketing on hold to stay home and raise her daughter, she was grossly unprepared for how difficult it would be, and while she enjoyed most moments of her first, sleep-deprived year as a mother, she started to feel as though she was losing a part of herself. So after a particularly long and colicky night, she put on a little lipstick, got out her best pair of high-heeled shoes, and decided to create a space where her ‘village’ could come together to share the things they’re most passionate about in an effort to make the lives of modern, fabulous women (hers included!) a little easier.

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Abigail A. Sabijon is a Literature graduate and is currently one of the editors of Contact her at .

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Krystal Sadler is a teacher turned blogger who recently paid off over $80,000 dollars of debt. She writes about making family finances simple. You can read her debt free story, as well as tips for budgeting, saving, and investing for beginners, at Simple Finance Mom.

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Hannah was raised in Simi Valley California. She has two younger brothers and one older sister. From the time she was little she wanted to be surrounded by children. She is fascinated with their thoughts, actions, and abilities. Hannah wants to be a great parent!

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Jessica is a wife and mom who loves to write and travel, and write about travel.

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Follower of Christ, Husband to Christy, Dad to 3 amazing kiddos, Senior Pastor of Immanuel baptist Church, Pikeville, Ky.

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Emily is a member of the content team. She is a huge advocate for family, laughter and all things happy.

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Jacira Silva dos Santos Araujo is married, a graduate in languages from the Colleges of Guarulhos, and works as a teacher of literature for medical students.

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Seth Saunders is an executive business consultant and leadership coach. Seth has been married 20 years to his amazing wife, Amber, and is the proud father of three wonderful sons. He is passionate about helping others succeed.

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Jen Savage is the COO of her household. She loves life in Arizona.

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This article originally appeared on

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Rachael is currently a student at Brigham Young University-Idaho studying Child Development. Learning about parenting has become something she loves doing so she wants to share her knowledge with others. 

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Matthew will graduate this April with his bachelor's degree in family studies. In the fall, Matthew plans to begin a master's program in family studies to take the next step toward his dream of becoming a professor. When he's not doing homework or working, Matthew enjoys spending time with his lovely wife, Brianna.

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Regina is the founder of where she writes about parenting, healthy living, money matters and more. When she is not juggling parenting duties, she enjoys reading, travel, technology and exploring culinary delights. You can find her on Twitter at .

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Lori Cluff Schade, Ph.D., is a licensed, practicing marriage and family therapist and supervisor and adjunct faculty member. Her research has been covered in national media outlets and addressed in television and radio interviews. More importantly, she is a mother of seven and owner of a metaphorical gray picket fence.

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Alexandra Schauer (Alex) is a writer, speaker, wife and mom to Maverick Reid. She is passionate about connecting people to solutions—especially Truth found in the Word.

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Marianne Pearson Schmidt has bachelor's degrees in both Mass Communication and Family Studies. She is a writer and contributing editor at She loves to read, travel and spend time with friends and family. She is a wife and a mother of four children.

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Steve Schmutz is a devoted husband, father of five daughters, grandfather of 11, and a  software entrepreneur specializing in workers comp and risk.

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Lea Schneider is a home organizational expert with years of experience combining home organization with design styles. Lea writes her tips for The Home Depot. If you are looking for ways to makeover your kitchen in a family-friendly way, you can view a wide selection of cabinet options on the Home Depot website.

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Jenni has always loved writing, but never meant to become a full-time blogger. After she endured a heart attack during the birth of her son, she knew she wanted to live life more intentionally, which meant that she wanted to make some changes so she could focus on the important things in life that brought her the most joy: faith, her son, delicious food and home education. She believes life is short, which means the things we do should be intentional, and not so time consuming that we're missing out on what's important. Because of that, she likes to share quick and easy ideas that will allow women to get things done, then get back to being Mama, plus their little One.

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SVP Social Media @MCSAATCHILA. Former @WarnerBrosEnt @NewLine_Cinema @FoxHomeEnt. Chasing a 5 yr old, singing in my kitchen.

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Jennifer Schreiner is an RN, publisher, owner of and mother of two. 

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Michelle is the mother of two children who are in high school and elementary school. She enjoys sports and outdoor activities. She enjoys traveling and sharing new adventures with her children.

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Parenting Specialist

Nicole Schwarz is a mom to 3 little girls, a Licensed Therapist and Parent Coach. Check out her blog, Imperfect Families for more positive parenting tips and learn more about how Parent Coaching can help you find solutions to your parenting challenges.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

A. Lynn Scoresby, founder and president of My Family Track , First Answers , and Achievement Synchrony , and has been a marriage and family psychologist for more than 35 years. He has published more than 20 books and training programs.

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Elementary Education graduate Andrea Scott is a full-time mother of five, elementary tutor, PTA board member, and blogger. Passions include running, bargain shopping, attending the theater and serving in the community.

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Herb Scribner is a writer for Deseret Digital Media.

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Gail Sears is the mother of five children and resides in Georgia. She is an experienced teacher and public speaker with a passion for education and the arts.  

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Kathy Sebright is a mother, avid long distance runner, writer, and wanderer at heart. Kathy is a contributor for The Huffington Post and can be found here: Kathy also rambles about her life as a mother, runner, caregiver, and sometimes overall mess on her own blog.

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Rosalind is the voice of Child-Centered Divorce, and author of "How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce." She writes for many publications including and Visit her site at

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Christine Sedlacek earned a bachelor of arts degree in English from the University of Utah. She has been writing professionally since 2008. Her articles have appeared in the Deseret News print and online,, and other internet sites.

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Joan Selby is a former ESL teacher, life coach, and a content marketer. She also runs her own blog about social media and writing tips. Joan is a Creative Writing graduate and fancy shoelover. A writer by day and reader by night, giving creative touch to everything. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.

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Adena Campbell and Amy Sellers are two sisters who both love to write but have very little time to write on their own, so they do it together. Their blog is Inside-Out Minds. Adena lives in Utah, is the mother of 2 beautiful boys, and teaches high school English and Psychology. Amy lives in Texas, is the mother of 7 beautiful children, and has a degree in finance. Together, they collaborate on their thinking and writing, hoping to turn societal trends and thoughts inside out, shedding light on new perspectives.

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I live a frugal, debt-free life. I believe in Family, giving and in living a limitless life on a limited budget.

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Richa a native of India, mother of one and MBA graduate. She is the founder of, an informative website for new parents.

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Health Specialist

Michele Sfakianos is a registered nurse, life skills expert, speaker, author, and owns Open Pages Publishing, LLC. Michele has published three books, and is a contributor for and Follow her on FB and Twitter.

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Jennifer and her family live in the South. She and her husband, Fred, have three boys ages 13, 10, and 7, and one unruly dog named Dash. Chaos2Peace is a blog designed to bring peace in the midst of chaos by providing organizational tips, menu plans, simple recipes, and a whole lot of laughter. The heart of Chaos2Peace is to do life together, one season at a time.

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I am an Inbound Consultant at Doc 4 Kids ,contributor and tech enthusiast. I am a health and fitness lover and loves to share my ideas on health, fitness and beauty. Page views

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Megan Shauri graduated with a bachelors in anthropology and a masters in psychology. She is a mother of twins.

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We are Kayty and Josh a recently newlywedded couple enjoying our time learning more about each other, life in a small town in Wisconsin, and living a little more simply every day. Our blog is a memento to our daily life, our favorite recipes we know you will love, and how we focus on the simple things in life. Our mission is to inspire, be real, be authentic, and share our love and our life with you.

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Davida graduated from Armstrong Atlantic University in Savannah, GA. and is CEO of Career Performance Institute, a career & personal development company. As a "Disabled American" she has many limitations to overcome based on society's attitudes.

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Sarah Shepherd is the Social Media Marketing Manager for Shadow Mountain Publishing. Contact Sarah at

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Health Specialist

Jessie Shepherd, MA, LCMHC is a Mental Health Therapist at Blue Clover Therapy, LLC. Learn more on her website.

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Lynnette Sheppard resides in Arizona with her husband and five children. She loves the sun, hates the cold, and believes in living simply and being real. She spends her days writing, using her minivan as a child taxi, and trying to keep perspective amidst the craziness of managing a busy household.

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Family Specialist

Kylee Shields is a family therapist at ANASAZI, Co-Founder and Music Director of INSPIRE, and an author, www.kyleeshields.blogspot. com

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Theresa Shields is a rising author from Baltimore, Maryland who created the empowering anti-bullying children’s story “Lilbeebye Stings Bully.” She is a proud mother and grandmother and was inspired to write “Lilbeebye Stings Bully” to address the bullying issues that are happening all over the world. She wanted to develop a character all children could relate to and learn from especially if they have problems with bullying which is how Super Honey Girl came to be. Shields’s messages of love, kindness and positivity are needed now more than ever during these times of uncertainty and Super Honey Girl represents a beacon of hope and inspiration for readers of all ages. Please visit to learn more.

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Health Specialist

Lindsey Shipley, RN, IBCLC is a mom of 2, Registered Nurse, Childbirth Educator and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She owns Lactation Link, a private practice offering online breastfeeding classes, blog, and other resources.

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Debbie Sibert is a Utah native and mother of three. Contact her at

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Ramona Siddoway writes from Houston, Texas. An avid traveler she has published articles in Angola, Brussels, and the UK as well as the United States. Besides contributing to FamilyShare she writes for Young Adults and Middle Grade. Ramona is married with four children, a dog that is paranoid about the outdoor sprinkler system and an Angolan cat that is incredibly snarky when she is cold. 

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Bruno Morise é graduado em Administração, pós-graduando em Negócios e aluno da BYU-Idaho. Pai e Marido, defensor da Família e bons costumes.

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Health Specialist

Laura da Silva is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Registered Play Therapist - Supervisor. She is on the board of the Utah Association of Play Therapy. Her Mental Health Practice is located in Sandy, Utah. Website: www.dasilvacounselin

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Damara Simmons loves empowering parents with knowledge and truth so they don't accidentally disconnect their cherished relationships.

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Family Specialist

Dr. David Simonsen is a husband, father and therapist. He likes to learn, laugh and be creative. You can find out more about him and contact him at

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Kylie is a student majoring in Child Development and plans to head to graduate school and eventually become a certified Play Therapist. She is the second of six children with two sisters and three brothers.

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Stacie Simpson is a FamilyShare staff writer. She loves listening to, gathering and sharing stories and advice to help others improve their quality of life. She spends most of her free time with her husband, ballroom dancing, reading and writing.

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Sage is a freelance writer with a passion for literature and words. She's written for a variety of audiences ranging from government sites to lifestyle magazines. In her free time, she enjoys wedding planning, training for marathons and re-reading Harry Potter books. . Sage is currently employed as a safety expert and loves teaching people how to make their home and community safer.

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Ken Sisler received his education at Brigham Young University, Harvard University, Notre Dame University and Yale University. Ken is retired from the Ontario Provincial government in Canada. He worked for 19 years in the Premier's Office (similar to the Governor's Office) in Toronto.  

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Steph, Kendra, Lauren, Elyse, Kristen, and Camille are the Six Sisters. There are six girls in their boys! As they've grown up and moved far apart from each other, they used their blog to stay in touch and share our ideas. Now it's a popular blog where you can find craft ideas, travel tips, date ideas, home decor, great recipes, and so much more! You can visit their site here:

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Paige Skinner is a freelance journalist currently writing for the Huffington Post.

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Krista Skov-Nielsen is a graduate of the University of New Brunswick with two degrees: a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Education. She is a wife and a mother of three, who homeschools her two sons. 

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Mandi Tucker Slack is an author of clean romantic-suspense novels, and is a mother to three.

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Christin Slade has been married more than 15 years to her high school sweetheart and together they have seven children. She enjoys hot coffee, weight lifting, and writing.

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Dennise Sleeper is a homeschooling mom of five and loves to teach, read and write. Her spare time is spent outside roaming South Florida with her husband, children and adopted dogs.

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Paula Smaka-Data is a beauty and lifestyle blogger with a passion for writing and photography.

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Health Specialist

Paige is a registered dietitian nutritionist specializing in helping people heal their relationship with food. She hosts Nutrition Matters Podcast and has a private nutrition consulting business based in Salt Lake City.

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Brooke is currently studying Mass Media Communications at Arizona State University. Her passions include reading, writing, and helping in the broadcasting process. She loves to help with the production of Chalk Talk, a student run sports show.

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My name is Jennifer and I began this BLOG to share my journey as a wife, unveiled, uncovered and wide open, to purge my heart of the pain I have encountered AND to encourage other women in the world who are, have been, or will soon be wives ...

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Relationship Specialist

Dr. Kurt Smith is the Clinical Director of Guy Stuff Counseling & Coaching and writes a blog about the issues facing men (and the women who love them). As an expert in understanding men, their partners, and the unique relationship challenges couples face today, he regularly appears on The Huffington Post, Good Men Project and PsychCentral. Dr. Kurt is a lover of dogs, sarcasm, everything outdoors, and helping those seeking to make their lives and relationships better. Check out his weekly tips on Facebook or Twitter.

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Nicole Smith is the host of Change Is In the Air which broadcasts Live Tuesdays from 5:00 - 6:00pm PST on NBC News KCAA 1050 AM and all over the world or connect with her on Face Book @

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Gabriel Smith is an undergraduate student studying Family Life and Political Science at Brigham Young University. He loves learning about presidential elections, watching movies, and spending time with his wife and two cats.

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Mom, wife and driver of "The Struggle Bus" — I have lived and worked in Raleigh, North Carolina, since graduating from Penn State in 2004. I'm currently back in school, working towards being a Physician Assistant. The greatest gifts I've gotten in life are the three amazing children who call me "Mommy." My youngest daughter was diagnosed with autism in late 2015 at three years old. These days, life is a journey of finding balance, and celebrating the sweet moments in an otherwise chaotic life. I share our journey through my blog. It is my hope that my words will reach and resonate with other families who are learning to view a whole new life, through the eyes of a child with autism.

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Seth Adam Smith is an avid reader, writer and a man on a "literal" odyssey to publish his books.

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Leslie Snavely is a senior vice president of marketing and business development for CHG Healthcare Services, where she leads a team of 70 marketing and sales professionals responsible for brand positioning, creative execution, communications planning, public relations, and business development for the company. Leslie sits on the Board of Directors for the Women’s Leadership Institute, and she also has experience in leadership roles at Mrs. Fields Famous Brands, Pepsi Bottling Group and the Procter & Gamble company.

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Kathryn Sneed is a Christian stay-at-home mom and military wife. She blogs at about marriage, motherhood, military life, and life with her autistic son.

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David Snell is a writer for the FamilyShare team. He's trilingual (English, Spanish and Movie Quotes). He's got a BA in communications and is married to one incredibly fantastic girl.

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Alison Snyder has a bachelor's degree in print journalism, and lives with her family.

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Family Specialist

Ashley is a developmental psychologist whose expertise is understanding how young children learn to deal with stress and emotions. Once she became a mom she was overjoyed and yet, found herself facing the hardest job she'd ever experienced. Join her on her quest to understand children's emotions, behavior, and how best to support their development! Nurture them and watch them thrive!

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Beau Sorensen is the COO of First Choice Home Health & Hospice, a health care company.

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Family Specialist

Jennifer Sorensen, MA, ACMHC specializes in assisting children, adolescents and adults to overcome life's challenges. She practices at Life Stone Counseling Center's Midvale and American Fork locations. Learn more at

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Tiffany and her husband Mike are the parents of five children; 5-15. Tiffany loves the laundry five children generate, but could do without the sticky floors and dirty dishes.

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Amanda Sparks is a native to Mesa Arizona where she lives with her handsome husband and four children.

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Shelby's a sappy soul whisperer and sarcasm aficionado to 3 beautiful knuckleheads who have left her with an empty nest to ponder what the mom thing has (done to her) meant over the past 23 years. Read her open book of revelations, screw-ups, gaffs & joys at She appreciates good vibes sent her way as she works on her first book.

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Dave Specht is professor of family business management at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He also owns Advising Generations LLC, a multi-generational family-business consulting firm. Dave is a speaker and writer on the topic.

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Megan graduated with a BA in English in 2012 with emphasis on postmodernism and film studies. In her spare time, she enjoys the outdoors, working on musical and literary projects, watching a lot of movies, and consuming any learning she can.

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Eric Speir is pastor, writer, and serial encourager. He's also the author of a new book entitled, Stubborn Faith. He regularly writes at

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Melissa Spencer practices being a wife, mother and homemaker. She plans to get good at two of the three eventually.

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Clayton Spencer graduated from Weber State University with a major in Family Studies and minor in Psychology. He enjoys studying about healthy family patterns and talking about the challenges of family life and hopes to continue this passion into graduate school.

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Brook works for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance. Her organization's strives to raise awareness for the rare cancer mesothelioma while fighting to have asbestos banned and eradicated in the United States.

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Becky is a wife and mother of 4. She enjoys music, running, and baking. Becky blogs at Make Mine Happy.

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Click here to learn more about StackCommerce.

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Family Specialist

Rachel Macy Stafford is a certified special education teacher with a Master’s Degree in education and ten years of experience working with parents and children. In December 2010, this life-long writer felt compelled to share her journey to let go of distraction and grasp what really matters by creating the blog “Hands Free Mama.” Using her skills as a writer, teacher, and encourager, Rachel provides readers with simple, non-intimidating, and motivating methods to let go of distraction and connect with their loved ones. Rachel's work has been featured in USA Today,,,, The Huffington Post, and Reader's Digest. Her blog currently averages one million visitors a month. Rachel recently released her first book, "Hands Free Mama" on Amazon.

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Kelsie Stanfill is the mother of a very busy and charismatic 15-month-old girl. She studied communications and family relations. 

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Brenda Stanley is the mother of five children, including two sets oftwins, and a grandmother of three. She is a cookbook author andnovelist. 

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Health Specialist

In the process of recovering from addiction Roger became a licensed addiction counselor and wrote the recovery guide, “The Waterfall Concept, A blueprint for addiction recovery.” He blogs at his recovery website

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Kaitlin was born and raised in the heart of the midwest where she currently lives with her husband, Tom and 2 boys, Caleb & Ben. She graduated with a degree in Elementary Education in 2010. After one year in the classroom, Kaitlin quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom and has found great passion in helping moms who are overwhelmed by their homes and finances. Kaitlin writes at The Mom on Purpose where she shares about intentional living for real moms in the areas of home management, finance, and family. She would love to connect with you on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest.

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Valerie Steimle is the mother of nine children who lives happily on the Gulf Coast of Alabama. She is the author of five books, all about strengthening the family, including "Thoughts from the Heart."

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Flint Stephens has a master's degree in communication. He is an author and writes a parenting blog.

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Erin Stewart is a regular blogger for Deseret News. From stretch marks to the latest news for moms, she discusses it all while her daughters dive-bomb off the couch behind her and her newborn son wins hearts with his dimples.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Rob Stewart Ph.D. has taught marriage classes at BYU-Idaho for the last decade and is a co-founder and contributor at He is also the author of the popular new eBook "3 Things You Can Do Today to Create a Ridiculously Happy Marriage."

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Elizabeth Stitt is a BYU Journalism graduate and University of Utah Professional MBA graduate. See her blog at

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Jenelle is a stay-at-home mom to a little baby girl. She was trained in Theatrical Makeup and sound editing and design. If she can help someone realize their potential and remember who they are through her writing, she has met her goal.

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Liz Stone used to try to be a perfect mother, but she found much more happiness in learning a lesson from each mistake.

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An encourager, contemplator and deeply soulful spirit, Tammy writes candidly on her blog about the common struggles that bond us together as women, and how we can boldly design unhindered lives.

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Erika Strassburger is Brazilian, mother of three cute and funny boys. She earned a bachelor's degree in Business Administration 20 years ago. Now, she works as a freelance writer and translator. She loves oil painting and ventures sometimes in this artistic work.

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Grown missionary kid, mother of four, and wife to a church planter, Jen is a work-in-progress woman who seeks to be confident in Christ. As a disciple-maker, author, and speaker, Jen encourages women who feel frustrated by failure and plagued by perfectionism to seek freedom in Christ so they can experience the abundant life He has planned for them. She writes about the struggle to embrace everyday grace over at her blog, Being Confident of This.

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David Sturt and Todd Nordstrom work with the O.C. Tanner Institute. Learn more about The New York Times bestseller "Great Work: How to Make a Difference People Love" (McGraw-Hill) at

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TJ is a former career chef with a bachelor of science degree in writing turned stay-at-home wife, mom, and blogger. Contact her at

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Christine Suhan is a wife, mother to three, photographer, writer and Marriage and Family Therapist. In her spare time, you will find her snuggled up with her fur babies watching Netflix and eating ice cream.

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Ashley currently lives in Idaho and is a stay at home mom. She blogs at  Twitter handle: Ajsullenger

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Read about the power of families to seek after the one in Susan's book: Coming Home: A Mormon's Return to Faith.

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Rachel Swanson is Founder of Intimate Insights for Women, a ministry created to help other women experience sexual freedom in Christ. She teaches this course at her local church in Southern California and is currently in the process of expanding the ministry by providing online classes and resources in the near future. Her husband, Jeff Swanson, is Founder of Sexual Integrity for Men. Rachel is a passionate writer, blogger, and speaker for the hearts of women. She blogs regularly at Refine and Restore providing “R & R for the heart and soul.”

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Monica Swanson lives on the North Shore of Oahu with her (doctor) husband and their four (surfer) boys. She loves to cook, run, and write. You can find more of Monica’s writing at: ALOHA!

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Emily is a writer and editor, with over 10 years of experience and an MA in writing & publishing from Emerson College in Boston (alma mater of the Fonz). She's got even more years of experience in parenting, but still isn't sure what she's doing.

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Lauren Swinson is a writer, mother of two children (one with special needs) and backyard homesteader.

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Tina Swithin is the author of "Divorcing a Narcissist: One Mom's Battle," and popular blog, "One Mom's Battle." She is a contributor for the Huffington Post, and Tina has two daughters, and lives in sunny California.

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Shannon Symonds, Author of Safe House due to be released July 2017 by Cedar Fort, has 15 years experience working as an Advocate for victims of domestic and sexual violence while raising 6 children in Seaside Oregon. She loves to write, run and Laugh

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Emma is married with three daughters. She is interested in strengthening and training women, the family and home.

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Andrea Tabler a young-at-heart, empty nest blogger writing about my empty-nester adventures, faith stories, and creative endeavors! I love creating recipes and crafty projects, sharing how I approach entertaining and style and using my 25+ years in marketing and graphic design to instruct and encourage other bloggers in social media and blog marketing.

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Lydia Taggart is a mother of 6 who spends most of her time in West Valley. Contact her at

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Kathleen Tan is a writer and editor of She has a Bachelor's degree in development communications. Writing has always been her passion.

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Family Specialist

Chandler is a husband, father of two, and graduate of Harvard Law School. He and his wife are co-founders of, a startup making it easier for moms and dads to spend more time reading with their children.

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Allison Slater Tate is a mother of four children, a writer, and editor of Club Mid at Scary Mommy. You can find all of her writing at and on Facebook.

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Tom and Alison Taylor have helped hundreds of people, businesses, and towns tell their stories in books and video. They are authors of the book “How to Save Your Life, One Chapter at a Time.” Contact us or see our blog at www.picturesandstories.c

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Marriage & Family Specialist

FamilyToday's team of family and relationship research experts develop science-based and quality content to help you grow through all stages of relationships and parenthood.

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Jill Tetherow is the founder of The Becoming Effect. She is trained in youth and family studies, prevention practices, and herbalism. She loves God, natural living, gardens, books, and youth advocacy.

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Laura is a published Christian author with a heart for inspiring and encouraging readers of all ages. She is truly multi-genre—with a published Christian teen fiction trilogy, marriage book, children’s stories, devotionals musings on her blog, and she now has a literary agent representing her Christian romantic suspense novel. Laura is English and Canadian, married to her high school sweetheart, mom of three, passionate about faith and family … and chocolate!

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I am a former content marketer and now professional lifestyle blogger. Also I am always looking forward for opportunity to write for different editions and media. I believe that every person that comes into our life brings unique knowledge and experience. And I think that's awesome. As a blogger I'd like to share what I've managed to learn. Besides of that I love one-day trips, long tea-talks with friends and watching meteor shower in August.

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Gary Thomas’ writing and speaking focuses on bringing people closer to Christ and closer to others. He is the author of 18 books that have been translated into over a dozen languages. His book "Sacred Marriage" has won the Evangelical Christian Publisher Association’s Gold Book Award, and the 2016 K-Love Impact Book of the Year Award. Gary holds an MA degree in systematic theology from Regent College, and an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Western Seminary. He serves on the teaching team (and as Writer in Residence) at Second Baptist Church, Houston, and is an adjunct faculty member at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. His books and ministry focus on spiritual formation: how we can integrate Scripture, church history, and the time-tested wisdom of the Christian classics into our modern experience of faith. Gary’s speaking ministry has led him to speak in 49 states and ten different countries, and on numerous national television (The 700 Club, PTL, and 100 Huntley Street) and radio programs, including multiple appearances on Focus on the Family and Family Life Today. Gary enjoys running in his spare time and has completed 14 marathons, including the Boston Marathon three times. He and his wife Lisa have been married for 33 years and they have three adult children.

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Family Specialist

Rick has been training in the Upstate of South Carolina since 1997. After several years as a counselor and pastor he founded and launched his own training organization in order to assist Christians around the world regarding a better understanding and practice of discipleship. In the early ’90’s he earned a BA in Theology. Later he earned a BS in Education. In 1993 he was ordained into ministry and in 2000 he graduated with a MA in Counseling. In 2006 he was recognized as a Fellow with a nationally recognized counseling group. Today his organization represents clients in over 90 countries as well as all 50 states through his consulting, training, blogging, and coaching.

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Becky Thompson is the author of "Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma's Heart." She began blogging under the name Scissortail SILK, quickly drawing a global audience of millions. A self-professed city girl, Becky is a recent transplant to northwest Oklahoma, where she lives with her husband, Jared, their three young children, and whatever critters wander in from the wheat field behind their house.

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Kevin is a husband, father and pastor who blogs at

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Health Specialist

Eli graduated from dental school in 2011. Since then, he has been practicing in a private practice setting and has completed more than one hundred hours of continuing education.

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Mabel Thornton is a seasoned writer specializing in the art of nurturing lasting relationships. With years of experience in family counseling and a flair for engaging prose, she provides readers with valuable tips and emotional support. Mabel's work reflects her commitment to helping families build stronger bonds.

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Financial Specialist

Devin Thorpe, husband, father, author of Your Mark On The World and a popular guest speaker, is a Forbes Contributor. Building on a twenty-five year career in finance and entrepreneurship that included $500 million in completed transactions, he now champions social good full time, seeking to help others succeed in their efforts to make the world a better place.

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Melissa Thurm is a native Georgian, wife and the public relations specialist for Mikarose. She graduated with competency in educational/parental psychology, organized communication and public relations.

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Kristina Tieken is a staff writer for FamilyShare, public relations specialist with a love for the fine arts, food and exercise. She enjoys watching movies and spending time with her husband and family.

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Alison is a wife, graduate student, blogger, and Jesus-follower growing in grace and truth daily. She loves coffee in the morning, experimenting in the kitchen, camping with her husband and reading in a hammock just about anywhere. Her blog – Life of Scoop – exists to encourage bold authenticity rooted in grace.

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Sarah is a stay-at-home mom of two wonderful children. Her passion is showing other women in practical ways, how to quit the 9-5 and be able to be home with their little ones as well. From homeless to well-off, this single debt-free mom is most known for her ability to live on $18k/year. Sarah loves encouraging others that dreams do come true if they are willing to consistently work for it.

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Marcelo Todaro has Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and is a photographer.

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Emma Todd grew up in American Fork, Utah, within a block of her big Hawaiian extended family. She is currently studying Family Life and Creative Writing at Brigham Young University. When she’s not writing about family relationships, you’ll find her canoeing, cooking, or starting a myriad of embroidery projects she never finishes.

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Lorianne Updike Toler is pursuing a doctorate in constitutional legal history at the University of Pennsylvania, serves as the President of The Constitutional Sources Project (, and blogs at

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Breanne was born in Alberta Canada. She received an associates degree in professional preschool education. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in Child Development on July 23, 2013. Christina graduated in July 2013 with a degree in Child Development and a minor in Psychology. Christina is from Oregon and is part of a large family. There have been many opportunities for her working with kids of all ages through jobs, volunteer experiences, and family relations.

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Jessica is a frugal blogger at She is passionate about teaching women how to have more and spend less in all aspects of life! She loves finding deals, connecting with other women and being a crazy sports mom!

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Family Specialist

Ann H. Tolley is the director of the S.A. Lifeline Foundation and a licensed attorney.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Nedra Toponce is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and owner of The Couples Counseling Center in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

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Miguel Toribio-Mateas is a is the Chairman of the British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy publishing articles to The Doctify Journal ( a Patient-Facing Medical Journal on latest health topics.

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Tim lives in Provo, Utah. He dreams constantly about going back to live and teach in Thailand, where he lived for 5 years.

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I am a lawyer graduated from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. I studied a degree in literary creation at the UACM. I love writing, reading, playing sports, dancing and listening to music.

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Julia Tort es Lic. en Preescolar y Psicología, asesora y especialista en Estim. Temprana, prenatal, del aprendizaje y liderazgo, escritora y madre de 3 hijos. Actualmente vive en San Juan del Río, Qro. México. E-mail contacto: lic.juliatort

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Alessandra Toscanelli is a mom of two teens, author, yoga instructor, personal trainer, life enthusiast, and bedazzling devotee.

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Danica Trebel is a mom to two AMAZING teenage sons, a recovering perfectionist and a Life and Family Dynamics Coach. She specializes in helping families tune up their relationships through perspective, communication and faith  

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I write about being happy and purposeful amid the imperfect, mundane times of everyday life. I love learning new things and implementing ideas to see if they stick. On my blog, I share what’s working for me in many areas of life including motherhood, finances, health and fitness, and personal growth.

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Christine is a wife, homeschool mom, and freelance writer. Her blog celebrates family and motherhood, her faith journey, and her love of all things creative. In her spare time you'll most likely find her at the sewing machine, dreaming up scripts, or enjoying lattes at her neighborhood Starbucks. She lives in the Chicagoland area with her husband and two boys.

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Fernanda Trida is a journalist, veterinarian, homemaker, wife and the mother of Marcela, 3 and John, who is a year old.

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Greg founded and sold a tech company early in his career and invests in other internet related companies. He’s focused on helping organizations and businesses work together better. Gameplan Team Management, Lemonade Stand, and are among the companies that he works with and invests in. Most importantly, Greg loves God and his family. He is married with two kids and enjoys playing lots of golf, surfing, and coaching his kids baseball teams. Greg also writes regularly for his blog that is focused on strengthening faith in God and improving families.

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Health Specialist

Dr. Trobough has been treating patients in the Las Vegas valley for more than 20 years. He is known as a very gentle, caring dentist with an excellent chair-side manner.

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Beth Troy is a writer and educator who teaches courses in Creativity & Innovation and Women & Entrepreneurship at Miami University. Her first novel Lu , is a modern woman’s journey back to her family, her faith, and herself. Beth will be publishing the sequel in Summer 2020. Beth lives in Ohio with her husband and three sons. Go to her site or follow her on instagram Instagram to read more about her life and writing.

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Sammi Trujillo is a graduate of Brigham Young University where she received a degree in Family Studies. She currently works as a publishing assistant for the BYU School of Family Life Integrated Writing Program and enjoys helping undergraduate students achieve publication.

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Angela has been very involved in the theater community, appearing in most recently For Colored Girls with People Productions, and Seven with Pygmalion Theater Company in Salt Lake City, Utah. She is having so much fun working on the column "Ask Angela" and hopes it can be a great benefit to readers!

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Kathy's lifelong love of food sent her looking for a way to make her passion into a profession. She spent two years at Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts school in Las Vegas. Following graduation she spent several years working in the culinary industry learning from some of the best in both cuisine and pastry. Kathy loves to travel and find new tastes and combinations to inspire her. She is currently the head chef of a restaurant.

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Aubrey has been married for two years and is nearing completion of her bachelor’s of science degree in Child Development. Kaylin Ure has been married for 38 years and is the mother of seven children and the grandmother to 17 grandchildren. She is currently obtaining her bachelor’s of science degree in Marriage and Family Studies.

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Mark is an aquarium hobbyist with over 15 years experience in the industry. He runs an aquarium supply store called and can be reached at

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Tamsyn Valentine is part of the content team at She graduated with a degree in communication with an emphasis in public relations and journalism.

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Kairen Varker is a single mom to her daughter, 17 and son, 14. She divorced more than 10 years ago and has since learned what it is like to be a single parent. She created "Confessions of a Single Mum" where she writes about why it is OK to be a single mom, managing a family, dating and more.

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Stacie Vaughan is the mom of two girls and lives in Ontario, Canada. When she's not busy on her blog, Simply Stacie, she enjoys cooking/baking, photography, reading and DIY.

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Kenny Vaughn is a husband father and CEO of Shields of Strength. Shields of Strength is a jewelry company with a mission to share the love, hope, forgiveness and power of God’s Word with others, and to see people victorious in life’s battles and in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Joy Vee lives in Motherwell, Scotland, where she teaches English to refugees. She recently wrote a storybook for seven to eleven-year-olds called The Treasure Man (Instant Apostle), which is about listening to God. She is a contributor to Woman Alive magazine in the UK, from which this piece is used, with permission. See more at

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Rebecca Velo is a commonsense conservative and a mother of 4 small children. She has an academic background in political science and mental health counseling, with degrees from the University of Arizona and University of Phoenix. Although she’s spent most of her professional career in project management, she has a passion for all things political. When she isn’t running after kids or working with the PTA she can be found writing for her Substack, educating, and advocating for conservative principles with a focus on keeping leftist indoctrination out of schools.

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Caroline is a wife, mom of three boys, Christian, penny pincher extraordinaire, frugalista, cloth-diapering-essential-oil-loving-homebirthing hippie, and lover of life. She lives in beautiful Cow Country, PA where she shares her love of saving money and all things alternative!

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Suzanne Venker is an author, speaker, and relationship coach. Her new book, Women Who Win at Love: How to Build a Relationship That Lasts, was published in October. Suzanne’s work has appeared in countless publications, including Fox News, the Washington Examiner, TIME, USA Today, and the New York Post. She has appeared on many television and radio outlets and now has her own podcast, The Suzanne Venker Show. Suzanne lives in the Midwest with her husband and their two children, one of whom is in college. Her website is

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I’m Shan, Mom of two who works from home and gets very little sleep. I’m a South African mommy blogger who loves sharing her views and favorite brands.

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Vije is a professional photographer with over 10 years of experience. Never formally studied the subject, he simply picked up the camera and started shooting. Passion and experience has been his education. With an eye for quality and detail, Vije takes pictures with emotions in mind. With this framework, he has brought in a new methodology of media work with his motto: “visual imagery sets the eventual perception to the world.”

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Shea is first and foremost a wife and mother of 5. She is a major advocate for foster children. She loves being with family, blogging and coke!

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Jhanis Vincentté is your friendly motherblogger from Cebu. She has received many awards for her work including Healthline – Best Mom Blogs 2017, ESCooped – Cebu’s Top Family Blogger 2016, Top 10 Blogs Voice Boks Comedy Edition, Bloggys 2015 – Finalist, Family and Relationships Category. She has also been featured on and She also blogs at

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Stephanie is a Starbucks fueled wife, mama and writer. She is proud to be a connoisseur of cheap red wine and crispy french fries. You can follow all of her adventures in parenthood, home renovations and attempts to find the perfect mom jeans on her blog, Olive and Tate, Instagram and Facebook.

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Top Influencer

Jillian Wade is a teacher turned stay-at-home mom. Her blog, Food, Folks, and Fun, is dedicated to providing restaurant-quality recipes for the home cook. To read more from Jillian, visit her website:

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Kitt Wakeley is a partner at Vizown, a women's treatment center in Oklahoma. He is extremely passionate and determined to help women overcome their addictions and live a clean, wholesome, happy life.

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Walker covers sports in Tennessee for The Associated Press, including college sports and the NFL’s Titans, the NBA’s Grizzlies and the NHL’s Predators.

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Christine Walker is a freelance writer, certified teacher and mother of four. She can be contacted through her website.

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Dennis has a degree in business management, and a rather colorful dating history before meeting his wife, Jessica Child, whom he married in 2015. His areas of expertise include financial planning, marketing/advertising, and startup management.

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Tami is a twenty-something wife and freelance writer who has a love for all things creative. Her blog,, focuses on inspiring women to live happy lives.

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Emily interned as a BrandView content writer with She has also worked as a writing tutor and a volunteer creative writing editor. But if you want the more honest answer as to who Emily really is, she would describe herself as an avid bacon lover and film buff, with Grace Kelly class and an irrational fear of stairs.

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Megan Wallgren is a freelance writer and mother of four energetic children.

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Matt Walsh is a 27-year-old blogger, talk radio host, husband, and father of twins.

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Alicia is a mother to four children, including identical twin boys. She is also a former high school English teacher. She writes about family and home on her blog. She enjoys the funny things her children do and say and is the author of Motherhood or The Widening Gap Between Showers (available on Amazon).

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Marriage Specialist

Robert Walz teaches communication at Brigham Young University and has served as a non paid advisor to married couples and young single adults for the past 25 years.

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Sharee Wanner is a Utah native, mother of five, and an author. Contact her via email at:

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Chakell Wardleigh has a Bachelor of Arts in English. She spends her days silently (mostly) correcting others' grammar. She adores all things nerd, such as Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Shakespeare, and anything else that whisks her away from reality. She currently works as an editor for the FamilyShare team. You can usually find her with her nose in a book, laughing too loudly, or belting out songs from Hamilton.

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Top Influencer

Kait Warman is an inspirational speaker, a popular relationship coach, and the host of The Heart of Dating podcast. She helps thousands of men and women on their journeys through the conversations on her podcast, social media platforms, one-on-one relationship coaching, and online courses. She lives in the Los Angeles area and loves sunshine, walks, Jesus, and listening to Celine Dion. Her latest book, 'Thank You for Rejecting Me' comes out February 16, 2021.

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Kera Washburn is a stay at home mother of three redheads with different special needs, which she blogs about on The Special Reds. You can contact her through her Facebook page.

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Madi Watkins is a wife and a student. She loves experimenting in the kitchen and spending time in the Utah mountains. She currently studies Family Life at Brigham Young University.

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Family Specialist

Dr. Hans Watson, DO is a board certified psychiatrist.

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Rebecca Watson is a student in Intelligence Studies, a Private Investigator, and the mother of six.

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Jen Weaver is passionate about sharing strength with those who feel stifled. You can find her blogging about faith, marriage, and motherhood on her blog and her latest book, “A Wife’s Secret to Happiness” releases March 2017. You can find her on social media as @thejenweaver.

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Tamara Webb has an MA in British and American Literature and also taught writing as an Adjunct Professor. She is a mother of five.

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Family Specialist

Marilyn Wedge, Ph.D., lic. MFT, is a family therapist, popular presenter author of three books and numerous professional articles in the field of family therapy. She has a Bachelor's Degree (Philosophy) and a Doctorate (Social Psychology). She has taught at the California State University, East Bay, the College of the Art Institute of Chicago and the University of Chicago Extension. She helped native artisans start a craft co-op to sell their weavings and carvings in the Peruvian Andes. She has been married for 34 years to her husband Gene, and they have three grown children and three grandchildren. They live in Oak Park, California.

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Health Specialist

Lela Weinert is a certified health coach and a member of the American Association for Drugless Practitioners.

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Hailey is currently a student studying Marriage and Family. She hopes that through the written word she can reach out to those who want to strengthen their family relationships.

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After finding it difficult to locate marriage websites that weren't centered around religion or all about kids, Stacey created Newlywed Survival. Her blog for newlyweds covers relationship, food, home, in-laws & much more. e: staceyl.

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As a former Emmy-Award Winning News Anchor and over 10 years of experience in the news industry, Kristen prides herself on being able to tell great stories and build lasting relationships with the media. She’s anchored at WSPA in Greenville, South Carolina, KCWY in Casper, Wyoming and KZSW in Temecula, California and more recently before becoming the Senior Director of Public Relations and Operations at ChicExecs, she was a News Anchor at San Diego 6, XETV. Her insider knowledge gives clients and readers a better understanding of how the media works. At ChicExecs, Kristen has secured meaningful media placements for clients and goes above and beyond to help promote and maintain their brands.

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Sarah is a Christian Author and Speaker. She wrote the parenting book, "Walking the Talk: A Parent's Guide to Intimacy and Healthy Relationships" and maintains the blog A Life Inspired. Her passion is to equip the next generation of families to speak boldly and walk confidently in their faith and charge as parents. You can stay up to date with Sarah on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

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Katie Westenberg is a wife and mother to four, who is passionate about fighting fear and living brave. She writes to inspire women to live their bravest lives at I Choose Brave. Married for 15 years, she lives in the Pacific Northwest, enjoying life outside the city limits and finding a little time to write and speak as well.

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Courtney Westlake is wife to Evan, and mother to Connor and Brenna. She is a writer, author and photographer, and she blogs at Blessed by Brenna, which details her family's life after their daughter Brenna was born with a severe skin disorder. She is also author of Christian children's book "That's How You Know."

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I'm a millennial septuagenarian at heart that gets his thrills from raiding used-book stores, doing crossword puzzles before bed, being a spectator of an extremely quick wit, and Assassin's Creed. When I'm not feeling extremely reclusive, I like hanging out on the porch with my family and roasting marshmallows. I'm always interested in what you're reading, so if you're reading something cool or you just saw an awesome movie, I'm more than wanting to talk about either of those things. I love words, and I thoroughly enjoy being in a profession where I can find ways to manipulate the language and bring meaning to everyday life.

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Andrea has a degree in communications, with an emphasis in journalism.  She also teaches a high school journalism course. Andrea has three little girls, who are her life, and the reason she does everything! 

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Jeff has a master's degree in medieval history and an MBA from San Jose State University. He is the author of the Muirwood Trilogy, Fireblood, Landmoor, Silverkin, and numerous stories and articles for the fantasy e-zine Deep Magic.

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Mary Whelchel is the founder of Christian Working Women, a radio broadcast addressing the issues of women in the workplace. After 28 years, the program is now aired on 500 stations and includes both the three minute daily program, which airs Monday through Friday, and the weekend edition, which is a fifteen minute program.

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Kylie has always had a passion for writing. From writing poetry to creating short stories as a kid, writing allows her imagination to take her places she otherwise wouldn’t have been able to explore. She's a freelance writer and enjoys web and graphic design, tennis, baking and photography.

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Barney Whistance is a passionate Finance, Heavy Machinery, Health and Lifestyle Blogger who loves to write on prevailing Trends.

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Alivia Whitaker is a professional freelance writer who has contributed to various publications online, in print and as a columnist since 2010.

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Karey White is an author, a wife and a mother of four.

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Kerry is a single mom to the best boy in the world, a freelance writer, and the author of numerous children’s books. Holding a Masters of Arts degree in Educational Technology, she is an eternal student who loves delving into new and previously unexplored subject matter.

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Lesli White is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Mass Communications with a degree in online journalism. In addition to FamilyToday, her work may be found on the popular Christian lifestyle site, Beliefnet. She is also a proud mommy of a little boy.

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Alyssa graduated with a degree in Middle East Studies & Arabic and continually adds to her list of random life experiences as she faces one adventure after another. With too many hobbies to count she especially loves hip-hop, soccer, and photography.

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Michael is a Marriage and Family Therapist and a PhD student at Michigan State University. His treatment focus is parenting. He currently works at Sageview Youth Psychology in Richland, WA.

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Julia M. L. Whitehead is a full-time mother of 5 who loves biking and skiing through the Rocky Mountains with her husband and family.

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Amy Whitley is a travel writer, editor, and avid outdoors woman living in Southern Oregon. Amy writes the NWKids column for OutdoorsNW Magazine, edits at, and founded the family travel site She loves hiking, camping, and skiing with her three sons.

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Lilian Whitney studies Communications with emphasis on News Media. Lilian was drawn to journalism at a young age, when she would paste over newspapers and write her own articles about her family and neighborhood, leaving the newly crafted publications on neighbors' doorsteps. Lilian is from Twin Falls, Idaho, and is passionate about classic literature, education, politics, thrifting, public speaking, music, cooking, and writing. Lilian hopes to use journalism as an advocate for goodness in the world.

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Family Specialist

Becca Whitson is a licensed counselor and writer, a pastor's wife, and a mom through birth and adoption. She and her husband write about marriage, parenting, and adoption/foster care.

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Dustin A. Wiggins, author of 180 Experiences that will Strengthen your Marriage, is passionate about discovering ways to strengthen the family. He loves to write and explore different parts of the world. You can follow him on twitter @_DustinWiggins or check out his blog Lessons of Wisdom to stay updated with helpful and inspiring ideas.

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Dustin A. Wiggins, author of 180 Experiences that will Strengthen your Marriage, is passionate about discovering ways to strengthen the family. He loves to write and explore different parts of the world. You can follow him on twitter @_DustinWiggins or check out his blog Lessons of Wisdom to stay updated with helpful and inspiring ideas.

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Amy Williams is a journalist and former social worker, specializing in teen behavioral health. She believes that, in our digital age, it's time for parents and educators to make sure parents and students alike are educated about technology and social media use, hoping to inform others through her writing. You can follow her on Twitter.

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Sarah Williams is a self-development and lifestyle blogger. Her mission is to help people to date better and find true love. She encourages others to live positively by sharing her authentic experiences involving depression, social anxiety and loneliness. As a dating coach, she believes the “secret” to happiness is to love yourself unconditionally — even when there’s room for improvement. Check out her advice on dating and personal growth at Wingman Magazine

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Top Influencer

Jessica Williams is a mother of four rambunctious kids. She's thrifty by nature and loves to cook, read and grow plants other than weeds in her backyard. She blogs about all things food at and about living on a budget in Utah at

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Jana Williams is a military wife and mother of 5. Contact her at

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Top Influencer

I have an MA in Communication Studies and put my studies into practice by creating a health and fitness blog, Honestly Fitness. I love writing on health and wellness but don't underestimate me - my interests are broad! The include business, social media, tech and HR. I am originally from the UK but happily married to the man of my dreams and living in beautiful Salt Lake City. I am currently working in marketing and working my way up the corporate ladder!

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Emoani "Emi" Willing is a graduate of BYU and currently resides in Fort Worth, Texas, with her husband and four children. Contact her at . Her blog can be found at

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Marriage Specialist

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Dave Willis and his wife Ashley have built a strong following, reaching millions of married couples through their blogs, books, and videos. Their mission is to create resources focused on building Christ-centered marriages and families. They have four young sons and live near Dallas, TX.

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Ashley Willis and her husband Dave have built a strong following, reaching millions of married couples through their blogs, books, and videos. Their mission is to create resources focused on building Christ-centered marriages and families. They have four young sons and live near Dallas, TX.

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Marriage & Family Specialist
Parenting Specialist

Jason S. Carroll, Ph.D. is a Professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University and is the Research Director of the Wheatley Institute. Dr. Carroll is an internationally-recognized researcher and educator in the areas of successful couple relationships, marital intimacy, and marriage readiness among young adults. Dr. Carroll has authored over 100 scientific articles, book chapters, and pubic scholarship pieces; and has presented numerous papers at national and international conferences.   Brian J. Willoughby, Ph.D. is currently an associate professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University and a research fellow at the Wheatley Institute. Dr. Willoughby is considered an international expert in the field of couple and marital relationships, sexuality, and young adult development. Dr. Willoughby has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on young adult development, couple dynamics, marriage, and sexuality in the leading family science, psychological, and sociological journals and is the author of two well received books on romantic relationships.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Brian J. Willoughby, Ph.D. is currently an associate professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University and a research fellow at the Wheatley Institute. Dr. Willoughby is considered an international expert in the field of couple and marital relationships, sexuality, and young adult development. Dr. Willoughby has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on young adult development, couple dynamics, marriage, and sexuality in the leading family science, psychological, and sociological journals and is the author of two well received books on romantic relationships. Career highlights: Class of 1949 Young Scholar Award at Brigham Young University for top young scholar Associate editor at Journal of Sex Research Assistant Editor at Emerging Adulthood Consulting Editor at Archives of Sexual Behavior Research Fellow at The Wheatley Institution

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Michelle Wilson is a California native, mother of three, wife of one, and a lover of humor, words, and chocolate. Contact her at

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Hugh is a journalist at DaddiLife. He has over 15 years experience of writing for top tier newspapers and online communities. He's now channeling his true dad passion into the area of modern fatherhood with DaddiLife.

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Jamie is married to her best friend and has two beautiful little boys. She blogs about living a simpler life and learning to enjoy every day to the fullest. She is passionate about frugal living, maintaining a happy marriage, and of course, being a mommy!

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Preston Wittwer is a freelance editor and writer.

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Rachel Wojo is wife to Matt, mom to 7, and sought-after blogger and author. She enjoys caring for her busy family, whose ages span 3 to 23 years and includes a special needs daughter. In her “free time” she crochets, knits, and sews handmade clothing. Ok, not really. She enjoys running and she’s a tech geek at heart.

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Deb is a passionate blessing counter who loves study the ways faith and life intersect. This year at Counting My Blessings, she is sharing The Relationship Project - How One Relationship Affects All Others. Deb lives in Missouri with her husband and furry child, Sadie now that all of their human children are grown and have little ones of their own. And yes, being a grandparent is the best! She's hoping you will join her on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.

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Kris runs an online men's magazine called that reaches over 2 million people per month. He's married to former Miss USA Kristen Dalton, and leads a men's group in LA with key influencers in the entertainment industry. He founded a chapter of Theta Chi fraternity at Missouri State University which has been ranked the top and largest chapter in the nation. On top of managing and leading men's retreats, he's the #1 pharmaceutical sales rep for his company.

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Brittany Wong is an LA-based senior reporter covering mostly love, sex and relationships at HuffPost. She is a native Angeleno and a graduate of UCLA. She can be reached at

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Stu Woo is a reporter for The Wall Street Journal in London, where he writes about how tensions between Western countries and China affect business. He occasionally writes about sports, having covered the London 2012 and Beijing 2022 Olympics. Stu was part of a Journal team that won the 2021 National Press Foundation award for international-trade reporting. He led a team that won a 2021 Sabew honorable mention for covering the fashion industry's human-rights challenges in China. A Brown University graduate, Stu joined the Journal in 2008 as an intern in his hometown of San Francisco. He covered Sacramento and Silicon Valley before moving to the sports section in New York in 2012. He has been a foreign correspondent since 2016, with postings in London and Beijing.

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Alison Wood is a mom of six kids, writer for parenting websites and magazines and encourages moms on their journey of motherhood at Pint-sized Treasures. Follow her there for more momspiration!

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  Shari Woodbury is the owner of, offering camping advice, recipes and gear for families.        

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Kaela Worthen is the associate editor and marketing manager for LDS Living. She loves reading, writing, eating, and spending time with her husband and dog.

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Marriage Specialist

Alisha is a Life Coach specializing in Sex and Intimacy as well as the co-author of a recently published book titled Real Intimacy; A couple's guide to healthy, genuine sexuality. Find her at

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Annmarie Worthington is a single mom and freelance writer who lives in Arkansas. You can learn more about Annmarie at her blog.

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J'Nel is a Contributing Editor at When she isn't writing or editing, she is strongly encouraging uncooperative family members to pose for photos, golfing, playing outdoors or reading. While working on degrees in English and Social Work, she visited French Polynesia, parts of South America, Egypt, Indonesia, Europe, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, and much of the United States. She remained in town long enough to earn a BA in English from the University of Utah. J'Nel's motto: Have suitcase. Will travel.

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Jason Wright is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author. He is a regular columnist for Fox News, TheBlaze, The Deseret News and the Northern Virginia Daily. Articles by Jason have appeared in over other 50 newspapers and magazines across the United States including The Washington Times, The Chicago Tribune, and Forbes. Jason is married to Kodi Erekson Wright. They have two girls, two boys and a 110-pound Goldendoodle named Pilgrim who thinks he’s a lapdog.

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Tracy Wright is an entertainment reporter for Fox News Digital and can be reached at

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Julie Wright was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and has lived in LA and Boston. She wrote her first book when she was fifteen, and has since written nineteen novels–ten of which are traditionally published. Julie loves writing, reading, traveling, speaking at schools, hiking, playing with her kids, and watching her husband make dinner. Her latest book, Lies Jane Austen Told Me, is a delightful contemporary romance available November 7, 2017.

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Family Specialist

Carrie Maxwell Wrigley, LCSW, is a counselor in private practice, and mother of five. Visit her website for handouts and other resources on similar topics.

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When she's not giving birth, Amy Wruble writes the parenting humor blog Carriage Before Marriage.

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Lacey Kupfer Wulf is a freelance writer. She and her husband live in Houston, Texas. EMAIL:

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Top Influencer

I am Rachael, I have a passion for all things travel. I have an incurable wanderlust, and a need to see and do. I have four littles that call me "mom," I am currently wading through the ever changing tides of parenting. I think food is one of the top reasons for living.

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Ashley is a former animal trainer turned wife and mother. Contact her by visiting her blog.

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Health Specialist

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Janint has a degree in Business Administration graduate Tec de Monterrey (ITESM) Campus Guadalajara, Mexico. She is a wife and mother of three.

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Valerie is a senior at Brigham Young University-Idaho. She is majoring in Child Development with a minor in Marriage and Family studies. Her passion is anything that involves children, and if she can do something to make a difference, she will.  Valerie and her husband are expecting their first daughter and are also hoping to become foster parents within the near future.      

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I'm Candilyn Young and I recently graduated from Metropolitan State University of Denver with a degree in Technical Theatre and a minor in Writing. I am working towards being a first time published author of young adult novels and plays, and whatever else I am inspired to write. I enjoy life and getting the most out of it. I travel whenever I get the chance with my husband and twins. My goal is to see as much of the world as possible.

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Jason Young cares for guests and builds teams as the Director of Guest Services for North Point Ministries, where he and a lot of volunteers work hard to create experiences people love. He also loves reading and spending time with his wife and two children. Jason lives in Atlanta, GA.

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Anonymous Thank Yous is a site dedicated to expressing thanks to strangers who went out of their way to be kind.

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Lauren Zachary is a recent college graduate with an English degree. She works at a local city library while working toward obtaining a master's of library science. She has founded and contributes often to

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Norma Zaugg has an MA Degree in Education from Boise State University. She is the author of, a faith-based blog about her healing from infidelity, codependence, and divorce. website: Email: rootstoholdme

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Kevin is a freelance writer and the stay-at-home father of twin toddlers. His work can be found not only in print, but all over the internet. You can read his latest by going to his blog: Http://

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Ariel Zilber joined The Post as a general assignment reporter for the business section in 2021. He got his start as a journalist in Israel, where he worked for Ha'aretz and The Jerusalem Post. He returned in 2016 to the US, where before joining The Post he did a five-year stint as an online news reporter for the Daily Mail. He is currently a resident of Brooklyn who enjoys walking his dog while wondering how to overcome his Twitter addiction.

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Marriage & Family Specialist

Bryan Zitzman, AKA “Dr. Z,” brings to the table the valuable combination of being educated, experienced, and personable. He received his Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy from Brigham Young University and his Doctorate in Human Development from Virginia Tech. Dr. Z is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and the Director of Content and Services at Radiant.

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Relationship Specialist

Dr. Zvi Zuckerman is a medical doctor and certified sex therapist. He serves as a professional consultant for the Between Us Clinic, which offers sex therapy online programs.

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Gabriela Zuniga graduated in computer engineering, working on web projects and SEO. She is a happily married mother of one child.   

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Karen duBarry is a homeschool graduate and a homeschool mom of 6 (4 girls and 2 boys who range in age from 14 years to 5 months old). She’s been married to Philip for 16+ years. Karen’s an anglophile who’s always planning her next trip to England, and her “to read” stack is usually taller than she is.

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