We don't always tell our moms how we feel. When we don't take the time to say thank-you, our moms are left wondering if their efforts are good enough. The moms in this video got the rare treat of hearing first hand what their children say about them behind their back. It prompts us to take the opportunity to tell our Mom how we feel.

True mothering occurs in the details of everyday life. Being a mom is sometimes a grand act or a great sacrifice, but most often it's the small acts and sustained sacrifices by our moms that make us the people we are.

Be it the woman who gave us life, the woman who raised us or the woman who made our life better, here are 10 things we love about our mom:

1. She doesn't need a bat signal

When her baby needs something, mom can beat any superhero to the rescue. You may not even have to put out a distress call. Moms have a sixth sense about these things and always calls or drops by at the right time.

2. She makes sure we wear clean underwear

We sometimes get annoyed by the never ending questions and checklists that mom throws our way. But, you have to admit, she always brings up something you hadn't thought of. A mom's job is to send us out into the world ready to face anything. Listen and your life will be easier.

3. She has the magic touch

From a skinned knee to a broken heart, mom knows how to heal with a hug and a kiss.

4. She's got Google beat hands down

What is the best source for information? Mom. Whether it's family gossip or why your cake is a dismal mess, mom knows. When we're searching for one thing, she will see what we really need is another. No advice beats mom's and she's always delighted with a sincere invitation to share.

5. She loves all of our stories

When everyone else has started checking their phones, mom is still hanging on your every word. When mom asks how you're doing, she really wants to know. And, she wants all the details. When you're feeling unimportant and unappreciated, call your mom.

6. She's honest

If I'm making too big of a deal out of something, mom will tell me. If I'm expecting too much out of someone, mom will tell me. If I'm an unbearable pain in the neck, mom will tell me that, too.

7. She's a fighter

One of the first rules of the wild is, never come between a mother bear and her cubs. Your mom will fight for you, too. A Pennsylvania woman wouldn't accept that her son, diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, would never amount to much and fought for special education to help him flourish. Thanks to her efforts, many more children have been helped. In all of life's battles, mom is right by your side doing whatever she can to help.

8. She sees the best in us

Once as a child I prematurely harvested an entire crop of carrots. My mom said, "Wow, you are such a great helper! Next time, don't pull so many." Then, our family laughed about it for years. Even when you mess up, mom always knows you're something more than your mistakes. She sees in our flaws a silver lining and helps us see it, too.

9. She's a lighthouse

Whenever you've lost your way, mom is right there to set you back on track. She shines a light on what is good in your life. She sets a good example to follow. When things are at their worst, mom will never abandon you.

10. She's home

. When the world has roughed you up a bit, the first person you seek out is your mom. There's something about seeing your mom or hearing her voice - no matter where you are in the world, you feel safe at home.

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