Parents spend a lot of time making their child feel special. You tell them you love them, give them food and shelter, set limitations and rules, help them learn and keep them on the right path in life. But sometimes you need to do something unexpected to break the routine and help them feel a little extra special. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Use their gifts

Did your kids make you a necklace out of macaroni? What about a beautiful picture they colored? Did they make a tie out of paper for Father's Day? Whatever it is, make sure to use it/wear it/hang it up, and let them see you do it. That will make them feel like you value them and appreciate their efforts.

2. Say yes just this once

When your kids ask for something that you usually say no to, try saying yes just this one time. It will surprise them and make their day.

3. Spend one-on-one time with each child

As busy as you are, and as hard as it may be to find a babysitter for your other kids, it is important to have some one-on-one time with each child. It lets them have your undivided attention, and there is nothing more special than that.

4. Read one more story

As you read your kids their bedtime story, splurge for one more! It only takes five more minutes, but it can make your child's day.

5. Have fresh cookies waiting for them

There is nothing quite like coming home to the aroma of freshly baked cookies, especially after a long day of school. Every once in a while, treat your kids to this special treat!

6. Stop homework to have a dance party

Take a moment to stop the work and incorporate play! It doesn't have to last too long, or happen every day, but try to add some fun to your kid's day by having a dance party or tickle attack. Laughter always makes homework a little easier.

7. Play with their toys

It may not be the most fun thing for you to do, but your kids love when you play with them. You get to go into their world for just a little bit and pretend with them. So get out the Legos, Barbies, trains, cars or whatever it may be and join in!

8. Break the rules

Stay up late, eat dessert first, watch a movie on a school night, play in the dirt, whatever it may be, and let your kids break the rules every once in a while. It teaches them it's OK not to be perfect and that some controlled trouble is fun every now and then, as long as it is only temporary.

9. Build a fort in your living room

Use blankets, pillows, furniture and whatever else you have to create a fun fort in the living room! Read stories, eat dinner and snuggle all night long. You'll have hours of fun at no expense, and create memories your children will remember forever.

10. Catch bugs in a jar

Whether it's grasshoppers, fireflies, rollie pollies or spiders, go out, get dirty and watch your kids light up with joy and silliness as they watch their little pets for a while before letting them free again.

You don't need to do all of these in one day, or even schedule these into your weekly habits. The more spontaneous you are, the better. These are just a few ideas that can turn a regular day into an amazing day that brings fun, laughter and most of all, love into your home.

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