Ladies! There is only one man in your life who has been there for you no matter what, and he's the one who has been there from the very beginning. You wrapped your tiny fingers around his heart and have been holding on tight ever since.
That's right, I'm talking about your father.
Every daughter's relationship with her father is different.
Some are new
Some are old
Some are close
And some are gone.
While each relationship is different, every daughter knows and loves twelve things about her father.
1. He can always make you smile
If you're having a bad day, every single time, without fail, your dad manages to put a smile on your face. It may take a few cheesy Dad jokes to get through to you, but making you smile is one of his greatest gifts.
2. He has the best shoulder to cry on
Before he manages that smile from you, he always had a shoulder for you to cry on. And there's no better shoulder to cry on than Dad's.
3. His meaningful advice
Dad always seems to know exactly what to say. He has that age-old wisdom that may not always make sense, but still somehow manages to get you through the worst of problems.
4. How he's always looking out for you
From when you were a kid holding his hand as you crossed the street to making sure you're safe after a long drive home, he is always making sure you're OK.
5. Every sacrifice he made for you and your family
Some sacrifices are bigger than others, but your dad has sacrificed in so many ways to build a life for you and your family. You may never be able to repay him, but you sure do love him all the more for it.
6. The way he loves and respects you and your mother
The way your father respectfully treats you, your siblings and your mother is a perfect example of the kind of man you want in a husband. You know from experience how important it is to have someone who can help you raise children in a loving and caring way.
7. His warm bear hugs
You can never pass up a hug from your dad (even when you're angry.) He just wraps you in your arms and you can't help but hug him right back.
8. All of his Dad jokes
Well, maybe not all, but a good amount of them. No matter how corny they may be, he sure does know how to lighten the mood and get everybody laughing (even if it's at him.)
9. That he will never stop believing in you
Through all of your successes and failures, your dad has faith that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. No matter the doubts you may have, he'll always believe in you.
10. How he encourages you to go after your dreams
Your dad has only ever wanted the best for you. While your dreams may not be what he expected of you, he encourages you to go after them. He wants you to be the best you can be and seek after the things you love. He'll support you until you finally accomplish your dreams.
11. He's just a phone call away
No matter how far away or the time of day, your dad will be there to answer the phone. He'll listen to you when you need to talk. He values the time spent talking to you just as much as you do.
12. You'll always be his little girl
No matter how big or how old you get, you'll always be the little girl he rocked back to sleep after a nightmare. You'll never outgrow the girl who stood on his toes for every father daughter dance. You've been his little girl since the day you were born and nothing will ever change that.
Fathers can be kind of crazy at times and maybe live out their lives just to embarrass their daughters, but at the end of the day, every daughter feels blessed to have the father she has.