Most mothers have heard her children call her "boring" at least once. Rules always irritate children and adolescents, but good mothers know that these rules help their children grow up to be mature and responsible adults. Being a "boring mom" means you love your children enough to set up and enforce rules that your children may fight against.

Boring as these may be, these 15 rules will help parents raise responsible, respected and ambitious children:

1. You don't let the child stay out late

By setting an appropriate curfew, you teach your children responsibility and the value of education by not letting them stay out late - especially on a school night. You also ban some parties or activities that you think may be harmful to your child to help them make good choices.

2. You eat healthy in the home

Your house isn't the place kids come for soda and candy - but the children who spend time here will understand the importance of eating healthy and exercising. These habits will influence their future in many ways.

3. You talk about sex with your child

In an age appropriate way, you teach your children everything they should know, instead of letting them learning about sex and intimacy from sources that may be wrong, explicit or corrupt. You share information that, in the future, will prevent unwanted pregnancy and serious illness.

4. You don't clean your child's messes

As soon as your children are old enough to learn how to organize or clean their things, you insist they help keep a clean home.

5. You enforce bedtime

You know that a good night's sleep is essential to your child's health and mood, so you set a bedtime for them. It isn't the most fun rule, but this routine helps keep your children happy and healthy.

6. You discipline your children

Children living in your home do not live without consequence. You want to raise responsible and respectful adults, not grown ups who think they are the exception to the rule.

7. You give gifts for a reason

You don't give random gifts to your children so they will learn the true value of money.

8. You knows who your children's friends are

You want to know and meet your children's friends to help make sure they are spending time around good people.

9. You give your children an alarm clock

An alarm clock teaches your child independence, responsibility and how to best control their time. These are important lessons they will need for their whole lives - their "boring mom" won't always be there to wake them up in the morning.

10. You monitor what they watch

You know media can sometimes teach bad lessons and morals, so you always keeping an eye on what your children watches. You have safety rules and restrictions when it comes to using the internet; you do all of this to keep your children safe.

11. You insist on apologies

Humility is an essential characteristic you want your children to have. In your home, children apologize for their mistakes and face the consequences of their actions.

12. Children help with chores around the house

Each of your children have specific tasks to complete each day or each week - they do this to help with the house and to help support the family. They are not paid for these tasks.

13. You don't pull strings

You don't try to get your children out of trouble when they have made a mistake - they need to understand their consequences (within reason, of course). You know your children are learning to be persistent and determined with this household rule.

14. You respect your elders

You recognize that your example is one of the greatest teaching tools for your children - so you respect your parents, just as you want your own children to respect you.

15. You know how to show love

Despite being strict, you knows how to show love and affection.Though they may not realize it now, they may one day thank you for being "boring".

This article was adapted and translated from the original, "15 coisas que somente uma 'mãe chata' ensina ao filho." It was originally published on

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