1. You still sit at the kid's table even though you're in your twenties

2. You are old enough to have babies, but you will always be called "the baby"

3. You are a pro at entertaining yourself

4. You are a people person, because you have always been surrounded by them

5. Everyone assumes you're spoiled and get everything you want

6. Everyone is shocked on your birthday every year because they can't believe how old you are__

7. You have been teased by your older siblings all of your life

8. And because of that you have a good sense of humor

9. Your older siblings are very protective of you

10. You were always accused of being the favorite

11. All of your older siblings' wrestling moves were tried out on you

12. You have that "go with the flow" attitude down flat

13. You always had to sleep on the floor when you went on vacation

14. Your older siblings always complained that you got away with everything

15. Your siblings are always secretly jealous of all the attention you get

16. But really, you don't crave much attention

17. Your mom calls you the wrong name all of the time

18. Or better yet, she lists all your siblings' names before getting to yours when she wants to talk to you.

19. You either get too much attention, or you don't exist

20. Everyone remembers all of your embarrassing moments in life and they constantly bring them up

21. Everyone calls you the "accident" or the "mistake" or the "unplanned"

22. But in the end, you have so many people who love and watch out for you

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