The very idea of social media was unimaginable when you were a child. But for your daughter, her presence on social media can be as important as life itself. Thus, it's imperative that you help her learn to separate the perceived worth of her Instagram profile from her inherent value as a beautiful human being.

Here are five things to watch out for:

1. If she's not getting enough 'likes'

For teenagers, Instagram isn't so much a platform to stay connected with their friends, as it is a way to showcase themselves and their lives. When scrolling through the home feed, a quick double-tap on a picture is a way to show you approve. So when your daughter isn't getting as many 'likes' as her friends, she may think it's because something is wrong with her. There may even be times when her "friends" deliberately withhold likes as a form of cyber-bullying.

2. "Why don't I look like her?"

As your daughter scrolls through her feed every day, it's likely impossible for her to do so without comparing herself with the other girls and women she follows. Almost unconsciously, she starts to feel inferior because she doesn't look as pretty or as skinny or whatever else as the person she's following. Before you know it, she'll do just about anything to look like the girls on her screen.

3. Filters, filters, filters

In a society where photoshopping and airbrushing models is typically cause for a widespread uproar, Instagram offers more than 20 filters your daughter can use to alter her pictures to look the best she can. The problem is that she can become so reliant on filters that she is no longer able to accept herself simply as she is.

4. False expectations

Life isn't perfect. But you'd never guess that by looking at your daughter's Instagram feed. The result is that your daughter may feel like her life isn't fair if everything isn't going her way all the time or her life isn't quite as picture-perfect as that of the people she follows. In fact, a massively popular Instagram "star," Essena O'Neill, recently quit Instagram to prove to her followers that "social media is not real life." It's far from it.

5. The disappearance of self

Your daughter's sense of self is in danger when she spends her time projecting the part of herself that exists only at a superficial level. Soon it gets to the point when she can no longer be her true self around others for fear that it won't coincide with how others perceive her. Eventually she may even lose touch with her true self and identify as her false self.

The bottom line

Whether or not your daughter can see social media for what it is, it can be difficult for you to know. Be in the know with VISR. This is an easy to use, app that can help you notice trends in your daughter's social media use that might affect her self-worth and point out bullying situations. VISR works to warn you of possible issues with your child's social media use in an effort to help you facilitate discussions and protect the self-worth of your child. Download VISR today!

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