Taking your little one from place to place can be tricky. They need naps, they need snacks and they need lots of entertainment. Whether you are spending a couple of hours at the mall or just going for a nice stroll in the park with your toddler, here are a few games that will distract, engage and pass the time as he sits in his stroller.
I spy
The classic game of I Spy is usually a favorite among children. All you need to do is find something in view for both of you and describe it: "I spy with my little eye ... something green and with pink stripes." Your child guesses your subject and then she takes a turn.
Alphabet game
The Alphabet game is always a good choice for distraction and education. Just ask your child if he sees certain letters of the alphabet in upcoming signs. Simple and lots of fun.
Green light, red light
Try this one if you're not in a hurry and in a place with very few people around you - like a park or neighborhood sidewalk. Have your little one shout out, "Green light," for you to push the stroller forward and, "Red light," to suddenly stop.
Shape hunt
Pick out triangles, squares, circles and other shapes in your surroundings. "What shape is that sign? The wheel on the car is in what shape?"
Silly songs
Most kids love to sing songs to pass the time. You can sing a few favorites like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Old MacDonald or mix things up by making your own crazy songs. Take a familiar tune and put your own words in it. It'll keep your little one occupied and give both of you a laugh.
Count snacks
If your stroller is equipped with a cup holder, consider giving her some finger food to count as she eats them. Fruit snacks, Cheerios and crackers are good options for counting and eating. Her hands will be busy and tummy full. Win-win.
Search for colors
This one is great if you are walking in an area with cars driving by. "Can you find a blue truck? Where's a white car? Do you see the brown van?" You can even make it a contest: first one to see the red car wins the game. If you're indoors, like at a mall, point out different colored signs. To make it a challenge, say the first one to see three yellow signs wins the game.
What I love about you
Simply take turns naming things you love about your child. "You know what I love about you? I love your laugh. It makes me happy." Then it's your child's turn to share something he loves about you. This will invite him to share his feelings and let him know how much he is loved and cherished by his mommy or daddy.
If you're out and about with a little one in tow, pick a few of these games and you're certain to have an enjoyable and fun time together.