Storms blow in like a metaphor for life. Sometimes they are unexpected, unannounced. Oh sure, on occasion we can see black clouds gather on the horizon and smell the rain before the drops escape the sky. But there are times when a bolt of lightning is the first indication of trouble.

Our life experiences can feel like a hurricane, so fierce there is nothing left to do but hang on and wait to see the damage after the storm. As parents it is our job to bring peace to our families. Yet, during life's storms we may feel like frightened children in a thunderstorm. Vigilant, we wait while the winds rage, craving elusive peace and rest like the sun breaking through black clouds. When you are overwhelmed, how do you become strong enough to comfort your children?

How can you find peace?

Speak to the Lord

Share you challenges and concerns with the Lord in prayer. Then don't jump up and continue to frantically worry. Stay for just a moment and listen for an answer.

Former leader of a worldwide church, the late Gordon Hinckley said, "Never assume that you can make it alone. You need the help of the Lord. Never hesitate to get on your knees in some private place and speak with Him."�

Nowhere in the scriptures are we promised a life free of tragedy or challenges. We are never told that life will be easy. But, we are promised that we are never alone, and we only have to ask through prayer and we can find comfort and even peace.

Rex D. Pinegar, an educational psychology expert, shared an important truth, "There is terrible suffering in our world today. Tragic things happen to good people. God does not cause them, nor does he always prevent them. He does, however, strengthen us and bless us with his peace, through earnest prayer."�

Fear not

Let go of fear. You cannot have fear and faith at the same time. You can't believe there is a God or Savior that loves you and has a plan for you and be afraid. If you have a Savior and you serve him, you are loved by and cared for by someone who has the power to save the world.

In the gospel of John, Chapter 16, we read, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."�

The Savior promises us peace. He does not tell us we won't have challenges. He only asks that we trust him. He has overcome the world, he is truly the Savior. He has done miracle after miracle to show to us that when we work to keep his commandments and serve, he has our back. Even though we don't know the end of our story, we don't need to worry. He has promised us that it ends happily ever after.

Have faith and believe in miracles

Speaking to an international audience, religious leader Robert D. Hales highlighted a story in the book of Mark. The Savior and the Apostles were on a ship when a storm rose, the seas tossed and the Apostles were frightened. The Apostles woke him and asked, "Master, carest thou not that we perish?"� In Mark we read, ""�He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm"�. And he said unto them, why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?"�

Just like the Savior calmed the seas he can still perform miracles for us. Call on him and ask in faith. Hales said, "We are living through turbulent times. A great storm of evil has come upon the earth. The winds of wickedness howl about us; the waves of war beat against our ship ... It is true that ominous clouds gather around us, but just as the Savior's words brought peace to the Apostles in the boat, they bring peace to us today: 'And when ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.'"�

We are not promised that life will be sunshine and summer days, but we are promised that the Savior is mindful of all of us. In the gospel of Matthew we read that not one sparrow shall fall from the sky without his knowledge and then we are reminded that we are more valuable than sparrows. He knows us, he cares about us and he is here in the storm with us.

Stand in faith, without fear, and ask the Savior to stand by your side. The winds will blow and the oceans will rise, but the Savior will never abandon you. Find the eye of the storm and stand with the Savior by your side, and have peace. Feel the peace that comes from knowing that you are known and loved by the Savior, who commands the elements.

Hales' words remind us, the one who had power to calm the elements of earth has power to calm our souls, to give us refuge from the storm: "Peace, be still."�

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