School is out. Now what? You'll have a house full of kids who are looking for something fun to do. Not to worry. There are plenty of fun activities to keep everyone happy and busy without breaking the bank.
Go out to eat
There are manyrestaurantswith "kids eat for free" offers.
Go bowling for free
Some bowling alleys set aside time during non-peak hours where kids and bowl for free.
Earn prizes and cash through summer reading programs
- Barnes and Noble
- Pottery Barn
T.D. Bank ($10 when your child reads 10 books!)
- Sylvan
- Chuck E. Cheese
- Your local public library
- Dolly Parton Imagination Library
See free movies
Most movie theaters across the country have certain days during the summer when they offer free movies.
Take free craft classes together
Several stores nationwide offer free classes. Some of them even pay for all of the supplies. (See the following web sites for more information):
- Lowe's Build and Grow Classes
- HomeDepot Building Clinics
- Michael's Craft Workshops
- A.C. Moore
- LakeshoreLearningCenter Classes
Get out of the house and enjoy some fun activities hosted by nationwide stores
Go to a museum for free
If you have a Bank of America credit, debit or ATM card, you can get free admission to over 100 participating museums, zoos and science centers the first weekend of every month.
For example, Blue Star Museums offers free admission on certain days.
Challenge your kids' brains with fun summer-themed word search puzzles that you can print out each day or each week
Puzzles and games are always fun. You can find alist of these games online.
Try Curves Fitness Center for a week for free
Go geocaching together
Geocaching is like a high tech scavenger hunt. You can go online to find clues about caches that other people have left hidden in your area. Your family can also put together your own cache and hide it for others to find.
You can find out about fun events in your town by checking out the following event sites:
Attend a free concert
Most orchestras offer free admission to their rehearsals, as well as to their free summer concert series. Do a quick search online and you're sure to find free concerts hosted by local parks or performance groups.
Attend a free camp
Many churches offer free Bible Study camp. Apple stores offer a free 3-day workshop where kids learn how to make movies.
Now, to get your own creative juices flowing, here are some fun things that will create happy childhood memories and leave your bank account in tact:
Play kickball
Ride bikes together
Have a scavenger hunt
Garden together
Go to the library
Have a picnic at a park
Camp in your backyard or pitch a tent in your living room
Make homemade ice cream
Make a YouTube video about something you love to do
Fly kites
Write "bucket lists"� and do one of the things on the list
Do a science experiment
Make mud pies
Take pictures of nature
Face paint each other
Find summer constellations
Make and send cards to soldiers
Take the train somewhere just for fun
Put on a luau
Play tennis
Find the perfect place to volunteer together
Decorate flip flops
Make GAK
Find a local farm that offers "Pick Your Own"� fruit and veggie days
Swim at your community pool
Now get out there and start having some fun!