We've come a long way in balancing parenting responsibilities in the past 40 years, but a new study shows that when it comes to parenting newborns, mothers are still holding a larger load than fathers. But the good news? If you're feeling overwhelmed as a new mom, it gets better.

The study shows that in the U.S., moms spend on average 58 minutes more a day (that's nearly 7 hours more a week) with their under-school-age child than fathers, who spend just 7 minutes more a day with children who are school age.

Although these numbers may seem small to a stay-at-home mom, the majority of women (64.4 percent) are breadwinners for their family. But even with the majority working, a 2015 Pew study showed mothers were more likely than fathers to have significant interruptions in their work to take care of their family needs.

So while we still have a bit to go on equalizing the gender gap in parenting, the great news for both parents is that it gets better as your child grows up. It won't always be so hard, or so exhausting. So hang in there, Mom and Dad - it does get better.

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