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Online dating is a total young adult thing.

That's the overall finding of a new Pew Research Center report on American adults and their online dating habits. The study found that 27 percent of people ages 18 to 24 have used online dating websites or mobile apps, which is 12 percent higher than the total number of people who swipe for love, and higher than the next demographic of 25- to 34-year-olds (22 percent).

Not everyone enjoys the experience, though. There were mixed responses about how good online dating can be. Some see it as a last resort. About 16 percent of people who use online dating feel it's only used when people are desperate, whereas almost 1 in 4 people who haven't used online dating felt that way, Pew reported.

But many millennials, especially when they've already had a good dating experience, find online dating to be enjoyable, according to Pew. In fact, 80 percent of people who used online dating found it to be an enjoyable experience, where as only 55 percent of those who haven't tried it felt the same.

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