Many families tuned into the Super Bowl on Sunday night to watch the Chiefs take home the Lombardi trophy once again. With all eyes on tight end Travis Kelce, who is arguably the best tight end in the league, all eyes were also on him due to his relationship with pop star Taylor Swift. It is no secret that many young girls have shown an interest in the NFL after Swift began dating Kelce, hoping they could catch a glimpse of her during the game. But, during the Super Bowl, Kelce exhibited behavior that was questionable when so many young and impressionable chidden were watching the game. At one point after Kelce came off the field mid-game, the tight end proceeded to hip-check and yell in Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid's face. Many parents used this moment to teach their children a lesson of what not to do. Melissa Willets shared her experience in an article on where she used this moment to teach her sons how not to behave, and her daughter what not to put up with from a partner.

"Namely, as I watched my sons digest what was happening on our big screen, my heart sank," Willets wrote. "There they were, at super impressionable ages, staring up at a man whose jersey their peers wear, and for whom their family gathered in part to celebrate—and he was acting out with scary aggression toward someone he is supposed to respect. What kind of message is it sending to my boys that Kelce has achieved the highest levels of success, and behaves this way?" The mother then shifted her attention to her daughters. "Meanwhile, my girls were already chatting about being so done with Kelce. 'Taylor should dump him,' my oldest daughter announced, easing my mind immensely. 'He’s bad news,' she added, going on to wonder aloud how he treats his girlfriend in private." Willets added, "I can only hope that other young girls watching the Super Bowl had similar thoughts and discussions with adults in their lives."

After the game, Reid addressed the media about the moment with Kelce, saying he "keeps him young." The coach added, “The part I love is that he loves to play the game and he wants to help his team win. It's not a selfish thing, that's not what it is, and I understand that. So as much as he bumps into me, I get after him and we understand that.” Kelce recently addressed his behavior while appearing on his podcast "New Height" with fellow NFL player brother, Jason Kelce. When speaking about the moment, Jason Kelce, who plays for the Philadelphia Eagles, called out his brother by saying, “You crossed the line. I think we both agree about that.” Travis responded saying, “I did. I can’t get that fired up to the point where I’m bumping coach and it’s getting him off balance and stuff.” Jason continued, “I mean, let’s be honest — yelling in his face too is over the top. I think there’s better ways to handle this, retrospectively.” Travis recognized his behavior by saying, “Oh yeah, I know. I’m a passionate guy. I love Coach Reid, Coach Reid knows how much I love to play for him, how much I love to be, you know, a product of his coaching career.”

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