Indoor gardening is a particularly suitable option for people who have limited space. If you are an avid gardener, do not let space prevent you from following your hobby or passion. With some innovative ideas, you can easily turn an unused spot or a spare room into a beautiful indoor garden. With proper planning and maintenance, indoor gardening yields year-round growth unlike outdoor gardening, which depends more on climate.

If you want to create an indoor garden, check out the following tips, which will make your job little bit easier.

Choose your space

Location plays an important part in building a proper indoor garden. Choose a location or spot in your home that receives at least 3-4 hours of sunlight daily. If your home lacks sufficient light, you need to consider other lighting options. Also, make sure that the chosen spot has adequate ventilation or airflow. A room with south-facing windows gets plenty of sunlight in the afternoon and is perfect for indoor gardening.

Plant from seed

 A vital step in indoor gardening is to determine what kind of garden you want. You can grow almost everything from herbs, flowers and vegetables in your garden. Once you are sure what you want, buy the seeds from orchid stores or garden centers as they have a wide collection of seeds. You can also order seeds from online stores.

Choose your plant

 Select plants that have potential to grow well indoors. Plants such as spider plant, philodendron, Jade plant (also known as Money Tree), different varieties of ivy plants, like golden pothos, as well as tropical plants grow well in indoors.

Choose your containers

As soon as you have your seeds, it is time to choose your pots or containers. Clay, wood or ceramic pots and containers are suitable for indoor gardening. Keep the size of your plant in mind. Whatever containers you choose, make sure it is clean and dry before adding the soil.

Start Planting

 Place your containers in your desired location and fill them with soil depending upon the plant. You can start planting using seeds or seedlings from the orchid store or you can use cuttings from well-grown plants. Make sure your pot or container has a mixture of potting soil and organic fertilizer. If you would like to use cuttings, place them in an upright position in the containers 1/4 full of soil and keep adding soil until the cut end is covered. If you are using seeds, read the detailed instructions before you start planting.


 Once you finish planting, give your plants a thorough watering. Make sure your plants are set in a safe, warm place and have enough light. Always keep a close eye on how they react to the conditions and make required adjustments. Pay proper attention to the light, moisture, water and pest-control measures for each plant you have decided to grow. Watering is a crucial factor for growth of the plant so check the soil daily to monitor how often you need to water your plants. In order to maintain proper moisture level you can cover the container with damp newspaper, but do not forget to remove the cover once the plant sprouts above the soil.

Using these tips, you can soon have a fresh, healthy indoor garden to enjoy and display. 

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