In recent weeks, especially in the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino, California, shootings, believers have taken to Twitter to share their true feelings about their specific faiths, according to The Guardian.

Muslims especially used Twitter to share positive messages about their belief system, since the attackers in both of those shootings had ties to the Islamic State, an extremist terrorist group that bases itself on Islamic beliefs, according to The Guardian.

Twitter has long been known to be a way for people to show off their personal brand, particularly through the Twitter bio, which many will use to sell their skills to employers or to encourage people to follow them. There are a number of different tips out there on how to build a proper Twitter bio because of its importance in today's world.

"Your bio is searchable within the Twittersphere, meaning you need to think carefully about keywords," according to Mashable. "It will show up in search engine results for your name, so it has to represent the true you. It's also how you choose to present yourself to Twitter's 230 million users, so it's worth giving it some serious thought."

This is something that believers may deal with, too, especially when it comes to listing their faith. Millions of Twitter bios across the world list a number of faith-related identifiers - like "believer" or "worshipper" - or specific words to identify a Twitter user's religious beliefs - like "Christian," "Muslim" or "Jewish."

And users haven't limited themselves to just simple terms to declare their faith, like their specific religion or more ambiguous terms like "believer." Some will mention Bible verses or more faith-related sentences to show their faith, according to The Toast, a religious news blog.

People also use phrases such as "A faithful disciple of the way, the truth, and the life," or "clothed in the armor of God," for example, to list themselves as a Christian or as a believer without specifically proclaiming their faith.

But there are certain phrases that may not be beneficial for believers to use in their bios. Too much religious jargon in your Twitter bio could make other Twitter users less interested in following you or even reading what you have to tweet, according to Christian Today.

And throwing in a number of different faith-related hashtags in your bio also doesn't make sense to some followers and doesn't help others identify you as a believer.

"Summed up as a string of nonsensical words thrown together that mean little to nothing out of context, this approach may be all encompassing, but doesn't actually say much other than you don't understand hashtags," according to Christian Today.

Still, Rob Cottingham, a blogger for Social Signal, a social media information blog, said it's fine to put religion in your Twitter bio with the knowledge that others may not understand your choice.

"I understand why, but I'm prepared to give religion my tentative, uh, blessing "¦ if it's central to your outlook on life and relevant to your Twitter conversations," Cottingham wrote for Social Signal. "Just be aware that some people may well read something you might or might not intend into your profession of faith (or your declaration of lack thereof): for example, that you only want to connect with other members of your faith, or that you'll be mainly talking about religion."

Some of the most popular Tweeters also list their religion or their desire to spread faith. Here's a look at a few:

And, funny enough, there are even some big-time religious leaders who don't list their faith in their bio:

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