Samantha Duran

While Samantha Duran was still pregnant with her son, Maddox, she found out that her baby had spina bifida. At the time of the video, Maddox was only two years old and had already gone through 17 surgeries in his short life. He also has epilepsy and is tube fed, but the cyst on his spine that would herniate at any time, has his mother the most fearful. In the heartbreaking, but touching video, Samantha decided to share a "first dance" with her son, just in case he didn't make it to his wedding day. In 2020, she posted the video to her Facebook where she wrote about their journey with Maddox so far. "Last April, we got the worst news of our life and it's been nothing but a roller coaster of emotions since then. We were told that the cyst Maddox has on his spine could herniate his brain stem and ultimately take his life. I've updated recently that we are currently in limbo. However, a flood of emotions has taken over my mind and body since last April. One of the thoughts that I had was that I might never get to have my Mother-Son dance with my special guy at his wedding because we're not sure if that day will come. So I bought a dress. Maddox got a little suit - complete with vest and bow tie, of course - and we did it. We had our dance. I will remember these 2 minutes for the rest of my life. " The song they chose to dance to was from one of Maddox's favorite movies, "Coco."

She described the touching moment saying, “At the beginning I was just giving him some kisses on his head, and it sounds weird, but I was smelling him. I was just soaking in everything that that moment was.” She continued, “But then, about halfway through, I turned my head to the right, and that’s when you can see that I’m trying so hard at that moment not to lose it because that’s when it hit me exactly what we were doing…It was just something that escalated into something that I just never imagined. I was doing it to have just one special moment like this with my baby boy to keep forever.”

In 2021, one year after the video was taken, Maddox passed away. In May 2023, Samantha took to Instagram on the two year anniversary of her son's death saying, "I miss you, my guy. You will forever hold the key to my heart. I long for the day when I get to embrace you in my arms and squeeze you as tight as possible. I love you more than words or actions could ever say."

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