There are times in life when things just don't quite turn out according to plan. We may not get the job we wanted, our marriage is falling apart, our kids are constantly fighting, but how we react to these situations tells a lot about who we are and who we are trying to become.

In this video, one mom decided to tease her daughter by giving her a prank gift. However, her daughter's excitement and care for the gift is something we could all learn from.

On the video's YouTube page, the mother, Jessi Eaton wrote, "This is the reaction she has for every gift she has ever received. She is an amazing little girl. I love her dearly and just wanted to share her pure and innocent heart with the world."

Maybe it is time we examine our own lives. Are we grateful for what we do have? Do we express gratitude for the things and lessons we encounter in our lives, even if they are not what we wanted? Do we show optimism and love to what others have given us?

It may be time we, too, learn a few lessons from a pair of underwear.

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