Five years old is absolutely one of my favorite ages. By 5, a child is starting to grow up a bit and take care of themselves. And they are so excited about everything. They're excited to start school. They're excited to meet new friends. They're excited to start doing things all by themselves. It is a great age to train them to be independent. They love to do things like mommy and daddy. And they understand that these are real activities - not just play. So by all means, get started on training your five-year-old and have fun!
We need to start teaching and training our children so that one day they can be independent grown-ups living their own lives. The earlier we start training our children, the better and easier it will be. Now that your child is five, you can really have some fun teaching them life skills that they've been wanting to do for so long.
What can 5-year-olds do? Here are some life-skills that a 5-year-old can learn.
Straighten a room in the house
They understand that things go in certain places. So it's a wonderful time to have them straighten a room. Put them in charge of one room in the house. For example, they can straighten up the living room each day. They can pick up papers and throw them away. They can straighten the pillows. They can put away toys or return items to family members to put away.
Oh do 5-year-olds love to vacuum. It's so powerful!! Make sure you have a vacuum that they can maneuver. Hook up the various gadgets and let them tackle the stairs or the carpet edges.
Empty garbage cans
OK, most children don't love to do this. But you can dub them the Garbage Man and have them empty the small garbage cans regularly. Make it fun - make them a brightly-colored vest out of a paper bag. The Garbage Man is here!
Set and clear the table
Have them set the table and help clear it away. It's best to use unbreakable dishes and put them in a low cupboard so you don't have to worry.
Make lunch
Kids love to cook. Teach them how to make sandwiches, warm soup, and make simple lunches all by themselves. Spend some time exploring with them on the internet to find and experiment with fun recipes. Have them keep a binder with their favorites. Let them experiment!
Receive allowance
Five-year-olds are beginning to understand the concept of numbers and money. It's a great time to give them a small allowance so they can begin learning how to handle money. We gave our 5-year-olds $5 each month so they could learn and practice saving and spending.
Training a 5-year-old can be a lot of fun. Be patient while they learn and encourage them during the training. And when they've got it mastered, let them do it by themselves! They will be so excited to do real grown-up activities. Encourage them and then let them continue on their own. They will be thrilled!