Moms are like superheroes. They take care of kids, take on extra responsibilities and never stop working. On top of that, some moms choose to go to college while raising a family. One single mom's tweet went viral after her professor responded to an email explaining why she had to miss class.

She couldn't find a babysitter

Morgan King from Tennessee is a mom and student attending the University of Tennessee. After missing class one day, she emailed her professor, Sally Hunter, to apologize and let her know it was because she couldn't find anyone to babysit her baby girl, Korbyn.

"Hey Korb, make a funny face!" ??❤️

A post shared by Morgan King (@morgantking) on

Hunter's response moved King to tears when she read it. The professor was perfectly understanding, and even offered a solution to make sure King wouldn't miss class again for that reason.

She told King to bring her baby

Hunter's email said, "I am so sorry to hear that childcare issues are what caused you to miss class today ... In the future, if you are having trouble finding someone to watch Korbyn, please feel free to just BRING HER with you to class. I would be absolutely delighted to hold her while I teach, so that you can still pay attention to the class and take notes."

As a Child and Family Studies professor, Hunter felt that it would be "terrible" if she didn't allow one of her students to bring their child if they had to.

The response went viral

King was so touched by her thoughtful professor's response that she tweeted her email for the world to see, and it went viral with over 28,000 likes.

The tweet even made its way back to Hunter. In another email, she wrote, "I can't believe so many people are reacting to that email I sent you earlier this week. Seems to me that inviting Korbyn to class was just the decent thing to do."

According to USA Today, University of Tennessee Chancellor Beverly Davenport even responded to King's tweet. She said, "Morgan, thank for showing us challenges college students face. Prof Hunter, thanks for being part of the solution."

The world needs more people like this

Being a full-time student is difficult and exhausting, and having a child while getting an education is even more so. King does everything she can to provide a wonderful life for her baby, and to have her professor offer such a generous solution was such a relief. Plus, who wouldn't want to see this darling baby in class?

The many faces of Korbyn Reese ? I have the happiest baby ?☺️?

A post shared by Morgan King (@morgantking) on

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