The absence of a period is, obviously, one of the most known and common symptoms predicting a possible pregnancy, however, you can have your period and still be pregnant.

Having a child was one of my dreams, and I could not conceive until I used invitro fertilization. On the way to fulfilling my dream of being a mother, I learned there are signs that confirm a pregnancy, which almost no woman knows.

Keep reading and discover the signs that indicate a wonderful little human is growing in you:

1. Increased gas

For some women (not all), this symptom is noticed in the first days of pregnancy. "Some women experience pregnancy symptoms from the moment of conception," Karen Nordahl, an obstetrician in Vancouver and co-author of Fit for Childbirth, said to Today Parents. "Usually, this is second- or third-time moms who remember a particular sensation, such as increased gas."

This symptom may begin in the first few days after conception, and unfortunately, may extend to the end of pregnancy.

2. Tenderness or pain in the bust

This symptom is one of the most common and one of the first to appear when hormones begin to increase.

The confusing thing about this symptom is that it can also occur just before your period comes.

3. Heartburn

Nordahl explains that one of the earliest changes in the body of a pregnant woman occurs in the digestive system. Acid reflux is common during pregnancy. If certain foods that were fine before suddenly cause acid, you could be pregnant.

Decrease acidity by avoiding caffeinated and citrus drinks.

4. Liquid Retention

If your wedding ring gets stuck on your finger and your pants get tighter, it may be a symptom of pregnancy. But, similar to the soreness in your breasts, this symptom is also common a few days before your period comes. If you are anxious to conceive, this can cause false expectations (and disappointment).

5. Acne

Once again, your hormone friends can wreak havoc everywhere, including on your skin. If you are experiencing sudden acne (when it's not common for you), it is very likely there is a baby on the way.

6. Very vivid dreams or nightmares

If you suddenly begin to remember all the details of your dreams, or you seem unable to escape nightmares, you may be experiencing a symptom of pregnancy. Of course, if this is something that happens to you regularly, it's not a sign of pregnancy.

7. Feeling full all the time (even if you have only eaten something small)

If you aren't aware that this is an early symptom of a pregnancy, you'll likely miss it and not notice your pregnancy until you miss a period.

"If it's your first baby, you probably will not notice it, but in the second or third you'll notice it immediately," Nordahl explains.

Usually a few days before your period, your appetite increases and you eat everything. If you are pregnant, the opposite will happen to you.

8. Noticeable change in your body temperature

Whether you get hotter or colder, you will notice that what used to be comfortable now is not. You either need more coats or less clothes.

9. Tiredness

Lack of energy and sometimes insomnia are one of the earliest symptoms that your body is using the energy you have for something different (creating a life).

10. Feeling a metallic taste in the mouth

One of the most unusual symptoms that can hardly be ignored by women, is a different taste in your mouth, which most women describe as "metallic".

11. Absence of your period or a short period

Lastly, one of the clearest symptoms is the absence of your period, especially if you are normally regular. A gentle period, or just a few drops, may also be a symptom that an embryo has implant, meaning you're pregnant.

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