For our first Valentine's Day as a married couple, my husband secretly booked a stay in a small cabin up in the mountains of southern Utah. He carefully thought through each detail and brought along some snow shoes and packed a cooler full of food. However, things didn't quite go as planned. The snow he'd anticipated was non-existent, and the cooler that he had so lovingly packed was still in our refrigerator - at home. We didn't realize the cooler was missing until our stomachs were grumbling, so we spent a good portion of the night searching for an open restaurant. Miraculously, we found one (it was a tiny town) and in the process made some priceless memories. It was an exciting getaway and one that I will remember forever, because my husband planned it!
For whatever reason, excuses seem to pile high when thoughts about getting away with your spouse enter your mind. You may be thinking you are too busy, poor, old or young right now.
Let's put an end to that! Getaways are beneficial for everycouple. Here are a few things to consider when planning out that special time:
Begin with a date
One of the first things you need to consider is the date. What major family or work events do you have coming up that you simply cannot miss? No matter how busy you may appear, I promise that something can be postponed. A romantic getaway is worth it. Trust me.
Consider cost
Worried that you can't make the budget stretch to accommodate a night away? Instead of paying for a hotel room, call Grandma or hire out a babysitter and send the kids away! A night at home sans kids may be just what the doctor ordered - for a fraction of the price.
Check for online specials
For those in the United States, Groupon.com offers wonderful daily deals all over the country (and beyond!)
Decide beforehand if you're letting your spouse in on the plans
Either way, getaways are extremely fun. Looking to notch up the thrill factor? Keep it a secret from your spouse! (Just make sure it is something that you can afford!) I planned our last anniversary, which happened to fall on a very busy week for us. When I booked a night out at a local bed and breakfast, I didn't tell my husband. Imagine his surprise when I handed him our itinerary for the night! It was special, that's for sure!
Determine a venue
Where do you feel most at peace? In the mountains, at the beach, at an amusement park or cruising on the ocean? Whatever makes your heart skip a beat, there is the perfect location out there. If you'd like to give a bed and breakfast a try (and you are in the U.S.) check out these B&B locator's here and here!
Don't forget the romance!
What can you do to make it the most romantic getaway ever? If you are celebrating your anniversary (or your romantic getaway is just for fun) this article is wonderful on how to make your celebration meaningful and romantic for both of you.