People say that the second baby is a lot easier than the first because you now know what you wish you had done with baby No.1. But why not do it right the first time around?

The trick to making the first time a breeze is to learn from the experienced mothers, trust your gut and follow this advice: just because everyone's doing it, doesn't make it right. Here are seven things that you should do differently than other people when you are pregnant.

1. Choose the right doctor

Although this sounds like a no brainer, many moms worry more about cute baby clothes than who will actually be assisting you in the birth.

Ashley Hill, medical director of Loch Haven OB/GYN in Florida shared how second-time moms do a lot more doctor investigating than first-time moms do. She highly encourages asking your friends or even your family doctor who they would recommend.

2. Do not eat for two

Pregnancy is not an excuse to eat whatever you want. Eating too much is harmful for your baby as well as your own physical health. On the other hand, youare carrying a baby inside of you, so it makes sense to assume that you need to eat more. However, doctors suggest you will only need about 300 more calories per day, not double your daily amount.

Make sure you are consuming those additional calories though because not eating enough can lead to premature delivery, low birth weight, delays in development and other health problems for your baby.

3. Do strengthening exercises

As your stomach expands, you may notice pressure and pain in your back. Before you get too far into the pregnancy, focus time on strengthening your core. Doing just that can help relieve back pain and pressure.

Just working on your core for 10 minutes is all you need to make a difference. Strengthening your core can prevent abdominal separation, which will make the last few weeks of your pregnancy a whole lot easier.

4.Reusable diapers anyone?

Think about what will happen after the birth and prepare yourself. Babies need constant changing and are always spitting up. Many first-time moms want to use reusable diapers in order to save money. However, it isn't that much easier than using disposable ones.

Unless you want to spend your precious moments of free time doing more laundry, save money other ways.

5. Take Pictures

This suggestion may seem silly, but think about how special these nine months are. You are carrying a beautiful baby in your stomach! Many women do not want photographs taken because they don't feel beautiful, but when they look back they wish they had more pictures that captured the excitement of those nine months.

6. Get to the hospital soon

There is no way to determine how long the delivery will be. For some it takes a few short hours, others it can take days. What will really calm you down is knowing that you are ready for when that day comes.

Have your bag packed and by the door weeks before the due date just in case.

7.You will be a great mom

Just like the quote above shares, you are going to be a great mom because you were called to be one. As a nurturer you have been blessed with the skills necessary to be successful. Do not doubt yourself anymore.

Accept help from others when baby No. 1 comes and remember to breath.

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