Jeremy Medina, a Georgia high school baseball player, was declared brain-dead after he suffered a "devastating head injury" after he was struck with a baseball bat during team practice after school one day. The senior at Gainesville High School was "accidentally struck in the head" on November 20th while practicing at the school's batting cage on campus. The schools' principal, Jamie Green, stated that Medina was injured when he was leaning into the net as a player was hitting balls, stating that there was "no misconduct." He was immediately taken to Northeast Georgia Medical Center where he remained in a coma.
In a press conference with Medina's family, Dr. Michael Cormican revealed that the teenager was declared brain-dead after a series of tests. His family added that the would be honoring Medina's wishes of becoming an organ donor. "As you all know, he arrived in very serious condition from a devastating head injury," Dr. Cormican said. "Unfortunately, at this time he has progressed to death by neurological criteria, or brain-dead." Dr. Cormican explained that Medina lost consciousness as a result of the injury, causing him to lose "his ability to maintain his airway." Jeremy's father, David Medina, spoke about how their family's faith has helped them through the tough time. "I just want everyone to be sure that our strength, my family's strength, my strength since day one has been and only been rooted in the most and amazing power of Jesus Christ, our savior and our redemptor.," he said, via FOX 5. Medina's school system, Gainesville City School System, released a statement on Facebook that read, "The life of Jeremy Medina will forever impact the lives of our entire community. His passing will mean renewed life for many others as an organ donor. Please continue to pray for the Medina family."