Union competes during the 3A state drill championships at Utah Valley University's UCCU center in Orem on Saturday, February 1, 2014.

When a new year begins, it may be the perfect time to dream a new dream or make an old dream come true. If last year brought disappointments and unfulfilled dreams, do not despair. You have a new year before you, full of hope and possibilities.

You won't need to start a new life, just a new piece of your life. Here are some ideas to consider.

1. Take a fun class

you've wanted to do for a long time. Let this be the year to start fulfilling this dream. Community colleges offer many such classes, several in the evening to accommodate busy parents. Who knows? Maybe this is the year you'll learn how to watercolor paint. If you're strapped for funds or not into attending a class, you may enjoy the free classes that can be found online. For example, if watercolor painting has been your dream, here's a simple place to start. This can be a fun way to give your home a new look with a few of your originals hanging on the wall. It doesn't take much to spark up your life with a little creativity. If your interests lie elsewhere, just Google your interest to find online classes.

2. Become an at-home gourmet cook

Have you noticed how "in" cooking has become? Because it's such a hot topic, TV menus are loaded with shows that will give you unlimited ideas. The cooking channel is bursting with tempt-your-tummy fare. Books also abound. Do a little investigating, and maybe you will become that gourmet cook in your own home kitchen. To get a taste of how you can begin take a look at this short video.

3. Be healthier

We've seen a lot of people complain about ill health, and then do nothing about changing the situation. When you feel well, everything else in life seems better. Even very sad and difficult situations can be dealt with more effectively when you feel well. We're aware that we are not the best examples of what we're about to share, but we're engaged in the effort and find that it works. We suggest these tips to a healthier life, taken from the Center for Disease Control, "Tips for a Safe and Healthy Life."

Eat healthy by including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains every day. Personally, we feel much better when we adhere to this way of eating. We'll just throw in the fact that getting rid of a lot of sugary treats helps us feel a lot better, too.

Be active. That means be involved in activities that raise your breathing and heart rates and strengthen your muscles. We have a friend who suffered a stroke a few years ago, but now functions near normal by doing some form of exercise daily. It's a proven method for creating a healthy lifestyle. Figure out what works for you, whether it is walking 20 minutes three times a week, or working out at a gym. Just do it.

Manage stress. This boils down to putting balance into your life. Consider these three main have-to's: work, home, and play, as your guide. If you don't think you have time for the play part then you need to rearrange your schedule. Fit it in. Even if it's just a little play time. Our minds and bodies need this happy diversion to be able to tackle the work and home part. Just today, we decided to practice what we preach. We stopped everything and ran to a matinee movie and saw "Saving Mr. Banks." It was excellent, and we highly recommend it. The diversion was definitely refreshing.

4. Change your employment

Some people love their jobs, some tolerate them, and some can hardly think of another minute under the heavy hand of their irritating boss. There are options out there. No one has to stay stuck where they don't want to be. Recently, a friend of ours was in this situation. She desperately needed to change employment where she could spend more time with her family.

She spread the word to friends and acquaintances, then began the search online, at an employment office, classified ads, and anywhere she might find a lead. Then, she prayed. She knew God wanted her to be with her family, so she knew he would help open the way. It didn't happen fast. And she didn't quit her job until she had the new one secured. Patience was required, but then it happened. She is now enjoying a job with hours that work best for her family. She's much happier, and you can be, too. Just search, pray, search some more and be patient.

You may even want to go back to school for additional education that will open up a whole new avenue for you. It was George Elliot who said, "It is never too late to be what you might have been."

These are only four ideas to consider. Think about what dream you may be wishing could come true, and start making it happen. Life is too short not to enjoy at least some of your dreams.

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