Realizing you've finally found your soul mate is such an exciting thing. You've finally met the person you've been waiting your whole life for, and you can't wait to spend the rest of forever with them.

These men shared their stories on Reddit about how they knew they wanted to marry their sweetheart, and their answers are absolutely adorable:

1. This first date went extremely well

"Our first date lasted 12 hours because we just couldn't stop talking. Our second date was supposed to be just dinner and it lasted almost 2 days. She drove away after the second date and I couldn't imagine my life without her in it. I was ecstatic to find out she felt the same." - TheVeryLst1

2. "She's still my island"

"In my first week as licensed as a paramedic I had a two year old die on me. When I got off work, I drove to my girlfriend's place and told her about my day. I was pretty numb at the time, trying to process this kids death despite all my efforts. I laid down on her couch, and she just wrapped her arms around me and laid with me for 3-4 hours as I tried to process.

She didn't push or ask lots of questions, just laid [there] quietly and held me. I slowly was able to talk my way through it, and then the tears started. She cried with me. I felt the whole world was so dark and ugly, but she was my island of light. Started saving up for a ring that week, and asked her to marry me 6 months later. In September we celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. I'm still a paramedic, and she's still my island." - Howler1122

3. It really is the small things

"When we were having a conversation and she kept making me laugh. Her sense of humor is incredible. It also helped when I was taking her out on an early date and she said, 'You're spending too much money on me.' She knew money was very tight for me (we were in college).

Our 34th anniversary is this Saturday." - EnterpriseArchitectA

4. Love at first sight

"The very first time I laid eyes on her! We married after going steady for 15 months and remained married for 56 years, until her death 3 years ago. Blue eyed blonde and a ten in my book. Miss her terribly." - JW-in-Dixie

5. This is a seriously kind gesture

"The day she took off work to help me go through a dumpster. I had accidentally thrown my keys in the trash while cleaning out my car." - Danger0clock

6. Sometimes it just takes a little bluntness

"When she said, 'You know, if you asked me to marry you, I'd say yes.'" - dragginFly

7. The love sandwich

"While making rice crispy treats, my future wife snuck a spoonful of the melted marshmallow and made me a fresh peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich without me noticing. When I took the first bite, I knew I'd never find anyone better." - snarler101

8. Love is in the fall air

"It was our first date. It was the last day of classes before Thanksgiving break, she was supposed to drive home after class. It was just a coffee date that stretched out for several hours. It was just comfortable. Conversation flowed. I wasn't worried about saying anything dumb or silly. We were completely ourselves. It culminated in a shy kiss in her car before she left to drive home.

Her Mom knew why she was late, just by her mood. I went back to my apartment and talked to my roommate. I told him there was something special about this girl. We'll be celebrating our 10 year anniversary this summer." - GavinSnowe

9. Nan-na-na-na BATCAT

"Getting married next month. She came over 2 weeks into us dating with a [Batman] costume for my cat. She put my cat in the costume and then chased the cat around the apartment singing 'DA-NUH-NUH-NUH BATCAT!' There was never a doubt in my mind after that." - BasicAlegbrah

10. She cared for him

"Once I got flu, she stood by me day and night until I recovered. I got to see her nurturing side for the first time. I was already in love with her, this sealed the deal." - upvoteifurgey

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