Women sometimes get a bad reputation for being hard to figure out, and it's true. We can be pretty confusing. But men can be just as confusing, if not more!

Next time you're wondering why your man isn't responding to your text or if that new guy you've been talking to actually likes you, remember that they have a lot going on in their minds too. Here are ten secrets you should know about men:

1. They feel insecure too

Just like women, men have insecurities too. They might not be as apparent, but they're still there.

2. They feel a lot of pressure in dating

Men are traditionally the ones who initiate dates and pursue the relationship, and there's a lot of pressure on them to make it work.

3. They really, truly can't read your mind

If he asks you what's wrong, he genuinely wants to know. He might not even know anything's wrong unless you tell him, so be completely open and honest with your feelings.

4. They like compliments too

Your man would really appreciate a compliment or two every once in a while. Everyone likes to feel good about themselves, so tell him when you think he looks awesome in his new jeans.

5. They honestly don't care what's for dinner

If he tells you to choose where to go for dinner, he really truly doesn't care - he's just hungry. Even if he does care, he loves you enough to let you choose for the night.

6. They act tough, but they want help

Men have a stigma around them that they have to know all the answers and do everything by themselves. This simply isn't the case. Everyone needs help sometimes, so don't be afraid to offer (even if he doesn't ask).

7. They're scared of being rejected

Rejection is heartbreaking for everyone. If your man is a little reserved at first, don't panic - he's guarding his heart just like you.

8. They don't want you to tell their secrets

If a man tells you something in confidentiality, he doesn't want you to tell anyone. It's a breach of trust when he tells you something, then you go tell your best friends. Keep their secrets a secret.

9. Their compliments are sincere

When I was in high school, a boyfriend told me I was terrible at taking compliments, and I totally was. Ever since that day, I've thought about that moment and tried to just say "thank you" when someone compliments me. If a man gives you a compliment, he means it and he wants you to believe it.

10. They want to make you happy

Your man wants nothing more than to make you happy and see you smile. He'll make mistakes along the way, but just remember he's trying.

Now that you know these ten secrets about men, you can better understand where they're coming from, and it can improve your relationships.

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