"You're so wonderful." My grandpa said those three words to my grandma almost every single day. He never missed an opportunity to show her how much he loved her.

Every relationship can benefit from sweet, endearing words, but suffering marriages need extra attention and care to repair broken hearts and hurt feelings. You might seek help from trusted family members or professionals, but there are also a few simple things you can do everyday to rebuild love and trust in your relationship.

Husbands, show her how much you care by doing these 10 things:

1. Admit your mistakes

It's difficult to swallow your pride and admit wrongdoings, but saying, "I'm sorry" can completely change the atmosphere. Always apologize when needed, even for the simple things.

2. Appreciate her

Don't miss an opportunity to tell your wife how much you appreciate what she does for you. Thank her for preparing a delicious meal or tell her how much of an example she is to you and your children. Kind comments are sure to bring a smile to her blushing face.

3. Schedule a date night

Spending quality time with her will show how much you appreciate her. One-on-one time between husband and wife is crucial to a successful marriage. If you can't find time away from the kids, go on a family adventure and sneak in a few kisses when you can. She will love to see you making time for her and the rest of the family.

4. Do something nice for her

One man whose marriage was in jeopardy started asking his wife the same question each morning that ended up saving his marriage: "How can I make your day better?" She would ask him to accomplish daunting tasks such as cleaning the garage or the kitchen. He held back his urge to say anything demeaning and did what his wife asked.

After a few weeks, his wife started to ask what she could do for him as well. They learned to take care of each other and even enjoyed doing so.

"I not only love my wife, I like her," he said. "I like being with her. I crave her. I need her."

Ask your wife how you can help her today. Your marriage will flourish when both of you put each other's happiness first.

5. Wrap her in a hug

Show her you love her through physical affection. Embrace and kiss your wife to show you will always be there for her.

6. Send cute texts in the middle of the day

Let her know she's on your mind by sending a cute and quick text. You could send a simple phrase like, "thinking of you" or "can't wait to see you tonight, sweetie."

7. Ask how she's feeling

Sometimes you can tell how she's feeling from the look on her face. Show her you care by asking how she's doing. If she's feeling down, allowing her to express her feelings will settle her frustration and calm her nerves.

8. Listen to her

Show interest in what your wife has to say. Let her vent about her struggles or share the highlights of her day. Don't fiddle on your phone while she's talking. You might think you can multitask, but it isn't possible to give your full attention to two things at the same time. She will see how much you care when you truly listen to her.

9. Tell her she's beautiful

Whether she spends hours getting her makeup just right or five minutes pulling up her day-three hair, tell her she looks gorgeous. Remind her that she's the only woman who holds your heart.

10. Tell her you love her

Say, "I love you" every day and everywhere. Say it in the bedroom, in front of your kids, at the grocery store and everywhere else in between. It doesn't matter whether you're in public or at home - tell her often so she never doubts your feelings for her.

Marriage isn't easy, it requires cooperation, patience and complete love and devotion for one another. Show your wife how much you love her, whether your relationship is the strongest it has ever been or whether you're drifting apart. Don't miss a chance to show her she means the world to you.

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