Everyone wants a happy marriage, but it's not as easy to achieve as Instagram makes it look. You have to constantly work at making your marriage awesome and sometimes, that task is exhausting.

There comes a point where you might feel stuck - your marriage isn't terrible, but it's not as fabulous as it used to be. When you start to feel this way, don't panic! It can be easily fixed and soon you'll be on your way to marital bliss.

If you want the happiest marriage possible, do these simple things:

1. Kiss whenever you can

Having physical contact with your sweetheart is so important and will help you have a happy marriage. Sneak a little kiss or touch whenever you can to keep the sparks flying in your relationship.

2. Make a point to cuddle every day

Similar to kissing, cuddling with your spouse will help you have uninterrupted time to just be with each other. Whether you spend that time chatting about your day or silently enjoying each other's company, it will do wonders for your marriage.

3. Make a meal together

Try to cook at least one meal per day with your sweetheart. Doing this will give you quality time to spend as a couple and you'll both be able to enjoy something you made together.

4. Have a regular date night

Make date night a priority in your marriage. Make sure you're giving some undivided attention to your spouse, even when life gets crazy busy. If you set aside just one day every week (or even month) to do this, it will be so amazing for your marriage.

5. Take a vacation without the kids

It can be hard to leave your babies, but if you can, take a vacation with your sweetheart. Even if it's one night, that special time together will rejuvenate your relationship.

6. Pray together

Nothing bonds a couple like praying together. There's something healing and incredible that happens when you pray together. Especially when you pray for each other, you'll see how much prayer boosts your relationship.

7. Eliminate pornography

If pornography plays a part in your relationship, eliminating it will give you a happier marriage. A wonderful marriage is worth kicking a pornography habit.

8. Say "I love you" whenever you can

You and your spouse know you love each other, but it's still important to hear these words every single day. If you haven't heard or said "I love you" in a while, start saying them and watch your relationship blossom.

9. Put your spouse above everything

Life gets crazy. Kids, careers and other important responsibilities can easily become more important than your spouse but it shouldn't be that way. Make sure you satisfy your sweetheart's needs first, then take care of everything else.

10. Go to bed together

Going to bed at the same time is so important. If you have busy lives, right before bed is a great time to talk about your days, snuggle and spend quality time together before you go to sleep.

11. Go out of your way to serve

You and your sweetheart know each other's needs, so go out of your way to help them in any way you can. They'll appreciate it more than you know.

12. Try each others' hobbies

Making an effort to do what your sweetheart loves will show them you care and will give you quality time to spend together. You might even adopt it as a hobby, too.

13. Have spontaneous adventures

Some of the best memories I've made with my husband have been a result of a spontaneous adventure. Try a new restaurant, go camp somewhere you never have before or take a random scenic drive. Unplanned adventures are the best.

14. Communicate everything

The most important thing you can do in a relationship is to communicate. If you're not communicating your needs and worries to each other, your trust levels go down and the relationship suffers.

Having a happy marriage takes a lot of work, but these simple things are sure to help. It's worth a little work to have a wonderful life with your sweetheart.

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