As a wife, one of our most important relationships, other than our relationship with God, are our relationships with our husbands. The covenant of marriage puts us in such an intimate and important relationship with our husbands. I am proud to say that my hubby, Eric, is truly my best friend. He is the first person I want to share the ups and downs of my day with. I know I can always go to him for support and encouragement.

I know so many of you wives out there can agree with me. Yet, despite how important our friendships are with our husbands, they should not be our only friends. All wives need girlfriends. Over the years I have discovered three reasons why your husband shouldn't be your only friend.

Reason #1: Men and women think differently

Have you ever been talking to your husband and you just stop talking because your husband is staring back at you with a blank look on his face? Or you are out shopping with your husband, you ask him how a dress looks on you and he replies "Fine"? Then you are standing there thinking to yourself, "What kind of answer is Fine?!" I know I am not alone here. Men and women are not just different physically, but also in how we think.

Our husbands are often listening to us talk to try to figure out the problem that they can solve. Yet our girlfriends are often listening because they know we just want to get our thoughts and feelings out and to encourage us when needed. Your husband may care less about whether or not the dress you are trying on flatters your post-baby body, but your best girlfriend will.

Reason #2: To help you grow as a wife and mother

There is just something so powerful about women coming together to support, encourage and build each other up.

When I was first married, Eric and I joined our first church together. The lessons I learned from some of the women there helped to lay the biblical foundation I needed to be the wife and mother I am today. I am proud to say that more than eight years later I can still call on a couple of those women at any time. We all need that. We all need other women - other wives - to help us grow and see past our current situation towards what God has for us. Helping us to see that our marriage is not just about us, but a beacon of light and love for the world.

Reason #3: Speak light and love into your life and marriage

One thing that I know for certain is that no matter how great your marriage is or how well your life may be going right now, eventually we all encounter storms. Regardless of the cause, we all will find ourselves in them and need great girlfriends there with us.

We all need girlfriends who not only know us, but they know Jesus better. They are there to support, encourage and listen, but ultimately there to point us to our true guide and source of our strength. Every time I have felt like I have fallen, whether personally or in my marriage, I have always been grateful for the beautiful, strong and faithful women of God in my life that have been there to help pick me up.

Our husbands should be our biggest supporters and cheerleaders, but it's important to make sure they are not the only ones in our lives. Having a life filled with other like-minded women who you can go through life with and speak to is very important. Although your husband may be your best friend, he shouldn't be your only friend.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on Ayanna Hall's website, 21 Flavors of Splendor. It has been republished here with permission.

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