A lot of our weekends start out with a trip to a home improvement store to purchase something that will make the house or yard a little better. The store is always crowded, so it seems like a lot of people have the same idea..."The weekend is a good time to do some home improvement." But, what would happen if we used our weekend to not just improve the house, but the relationships that make a place "home." Here are a few quick ways to improve your marriage this weekend (without having to fight the crowds at Home Depot):

(In no particular order):

1. Have a day of "digital detox"

I'm kind of addicted to my iPhone and laptop, so there have been too many times I've been staring at a screen when I should have been having uninterrupted conversations with my amazing wife Ashleyand our kids. A habit I'm trying to consistently implement is reserving Saturdays as a "Social Media Sabbath" where I stay offline so I can be fully engaged with my family. I cheat sometimes and peek at my phone, but the more I can keep the electronics off, the more restful and meaningful my time with family always seems to be. Give this a try. This Saturday or Sunday log off and shut down the devices. It might do wonders for your marriage and for your peace of mind.

2. Visit someplace you've never been together

If you're like me, you get stuck in a comfortable routine of going the same places all the time. There's nothing wrong with having regular hangout spots, but when you create new, shared experiences with your spouse, it does something special to draw closer together as you share new memories. You don't have to do anything expensive or elaborate, but make it your mission to go one place this weekend that you've never been before. It could be a restaurant you've been wanting to try or a trail you have been wanting to hike or a random spot on the map you've never visited together. Be adventurous! Break out of the normal routine at least once this weekend.

3. Go to church together

Maybe you never go to church, so this one could actually count as #2 (visit someplace new) for you. For Ashley and me, the teaching and encouragement we receive each week at church has been a lifeline for our marriage through the years. I'd encourage you to give it a try (or get back into the habit) this Sunday. It might just change your life.

This article was originally published on Patheos. It has been republished here with permission.

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