What have you done today to make your spouse feel loved? If your idea of romance involves an elaborate getaway, big bouquets of flowers and pricey jewelry, you might miss out on everyday opportunities to make your spouse feel loved. Romance doesn't have to involve some big, overblown drama. In everyday life, it's the small things that mean the difference between feeling loved and feeling neglected.

Your spouse needs to feel your support on a daily basis, not only on your anniversary and Valentine's Day. Making your spouse feel worthwhile is something you can fit in every day with only a few minutes and little to no money. It may take some creativity, but simple acts of service go a long way toward making your marriage spectacular.

In an effort to give you inspiration, here are 30 simple ways to make your spouse feel like a million bucks today. No elaborate scheming required.

  1. Give him kisses as often as possible.

  2. Hold hands walking into the store.

  3. Snuggle on the couch while you watch TV.

  4. Send her a sweet text message in the middle of the day.

  5. Leave an "I love you" written in the steam on the mirror during his shower.

  6. Make her favorite meal as a surprise.

  7. Ask him how his day was, then really listen to the answer.

  8. Brag about him in front of your friends.

  9. Leave a love note on his pillow.

  10. Take a walk together after dinner.

  11. Wake her with a kiss in the morning.

  12. Throw his towel in the dryer to warm up during his shower.

  13. Flirt with him in front of the kids.

  14. Turn on your song and slow dance.

  15. Get a little more dressed up than usual to catch her eye.

  16. Give a 30-second hug when he walks in the door.

  17. Let her sleep in one morning.

  18. Take on a chore he usually does.

  19. Plan an at-home date for after the kids go to bed.

  20. Surprise her with a sweet treat from the store.

  21. Take a sincere interest in his favorite hobby.

  22. Offer a genuine compliment.

  23. Watch the kids so she can go out with the girls.

  24. Don't complain about his family.

  25. Show your trust by not nagging, whining, or micromanaging.

  26. Catch her eye and smile at her across a room.

  27. Give him a foot or hand massage.

  28. Read her favorite book so you can discuss it.

  29. Bring up cute stories from your dating and newly married past.

  30. Never leave without saying, "I love you."

It's so simple to show your spouse how much you care, but it's also so easy to let the business of life get in the way of your marriage. As a spouse, you hold all the secrets about your partner - his fears, his failures and his insecurities. From that privileged place, you also hold the power to either lift him up or tear him down. Both husband and wife share a responsibility to bring out the best in each other. You can do that with just a few perfectly simple acts each day.

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