Having a deep connection with another person can be easy - sometime you connect right away and find it's not difficult to relate and share everything with them. Others have a harder time going to that deeper level ... but it's not impossible.

The first step to making this deep soul connection (and maintaining it if you're already there) is to prepare for that connection. It is not something to take lightly or pencil into your calendar to happen next Tuesday. It's something you need to prepare for in these four ways:

1. Make time

A deep, soulful connection is not something that can happen in 20 minutes, but will take time daily, over a time. Consistently go for a walk, window shop, share a meal and just talk. Don't let other distractions like meetings, work, car pools and even kids get in the way.

If you are trying to re-connect with your spouse, then a lot of time may be needed to connect that deeply. It won't happen in one attempt or date, but rather a series of dates and conversations. If you feel your connection has started to fade and you want to take action before you lose it completely, make more time to spend together.

No matter what the scenario or stage you're at, it's important to make an effort to have that one-on-one time together, so you can open up and be ready to really connect with each other.

2. Be open with your thoughts and emotions

When you are trying to create a deep connection with someone, be ready to share your thoughts, desires, dreams, emotions ... everything. Even if you've been married for years, you've changed. You have different dreams and desires than you had when you first got married. If you desire a deep connection with your spouse, then you have to be prepared to share these dreams.

By talking about these feelings and aspirations, you are baring part of your soul to your spouse. It may be scary. You are opening yourself up to vulnerability and heartache, but the reward is worth it. Being able to be your complete self with someone else is truly an incredible thing.

3. Be ready to receive

Just as you need to open up, so does your spouse. You need to prepare for them to be honest. Keep in mind that you may not like everything they have to say. You may not agree with all of their opinions, and it may be hard to hear everything that they have gone through that brought them to this very moment.

Don't interrupt, be ready to listen and give them comfort when they need it. Take time to digest what they are saying before you react to it. If you prepare for this type of conversation, you will be more likely to respond in a sensitive and loving way.

4. Be willing to maintain it

Once you establish a deep connection, you have to be willing to put in the work to keep it going. A connection that soulful doesn't automatically stick around once you achieve it once. If you don't consistently nurture and work at it, it just may go away. Make it a point to share the details of your day with your spouse. How did you feel when this person said this or did that? Are you still on track when it comes to your dreams and desires in the workplace? How can your spouse help? Don't be afraid to ask the hard questions - they let you start a conversation and let you show you are willing to help come to a solution.

It may be an onoing project, but the more you prepare, the more ready you will be to get that deep, meaningful connection. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

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