There are 52 weeks in a year, giving you 52 Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (approximately) to show your spouse your creative side.


1- Make good on your "I will be healthier" resolution by testing out a free fitness class together. Loads of gyms offer one class free of charge.

2- Host a book club for two; check out Philippa Rice's seriously cute graphic novel "Soppy" to read during the week and head over to the bookstore for a very grown up discussion.

3- The weather in January is most likely frigid, making it the perfect month to take the "Love Languages" quiz or a more silly "What will your kids look like" quiz for a warm night indoors.

4- Make a mix tape for each other to listen to all week. Toss in some hit songs from their high school days for a laugh or two.

5- Run around an Ikea or a trendy grocery store and act like children while you run errands.


6- Show some puppy love by volunteering at an animal shelter (or donating food, toys or laundry soap).

7- Valentine's is coming up, so do the classic dinner and roses deal....with a twist. Do dessert first, do dinner at home, or make bacon roses for your love.

PIN OF THE DAY: Looking for the perfect gift for 'him?' Try these bacon roses. Let's be honest, who doesn't love bacon? #everythingsbetterwithbacon #valentinesday

Posted by KRNV News 4 on Monday, February 9, 2015

8- Love your neighbor by shoving dollar bills into Redbox DVDs, taping dollar bills onto items at the dollar store, or handing out cash at a movie theater to pay for someone else's film.

9- Write legitimately sappy but heartfelt love letters to each other (no peeking) and save them to read on next year's Valentines day


10- Start and finish a DIY project together; maybe one like this cute mug set or this photo clock.

I’ve always wanted to try these cute Sharpie Mug D.I.Y, some instructions seem too easy to be true, but...

Posted by Hippo Blue on Thursday, May 28, 2015

11- Get some March Madness Basketball in by watching a game at home with friends, complete with snacks and very loud cheering.

12- Celebrate St. Patrick's day by making a classic Irish meal in your own kitchen with some Shepard's pie.

13- Believe it or not, pancakes were first made in 1882 on March 25th, so naturally, spend your date night (or morning!) testing out your pancake art skills making the Avengers.


14- April Fool's day falls on a Friday in 2016, meaning the two of you can be devious and come up with a brilliant prank for your kids, friends, and family.

15- Spend time out in the rain. Whether that's a walk in your wellies, or driving through puddles, get wet and wild if the rain falls on a weekend. Have a dramatic pouring rain kiss at the end, of course.

16- Walk down memory lane by dragging out old year books, wedding albums, or any other potentially sweet and/or embarrassing photos after dinner together.

17- Check out a high school sporting event or play you could get cheap tickets for to have an inexpensive night out.

18- Snoop around a model home or real estate for inspiration for your dream home.


19- Host a ritzy Kentucky Derby partywith roses, mint julep drinks and ridiculous hats.

20- May the 4th is a no-brainer date idea. You have to celebrate this Star Wars holiday by binge watching the shows with themed snacks.

21- Thrift shop this weekend. Whether that means finding the most ridiculous coat for you to try on with his horribly ugly plaid suit coat, or finally donating track shorts from high school, playing dress up will always get a laugh.

22- Visit a park, spend a weekend camping, or have a morning hike and go out for breakfast afterwards.


23- With summer here, it'll be easy to find a BBQ to attend, or you both can throw your own.

24- Channel your inner teenager and go to an outdoor concert of a favorite band. Wear matching shirts and chalk color your hair to get into the teen spirit.

25- Play with chalk, blow bubbles, fingerpaint outside to embrace your inner child.

26- LEON Day is a way to celebrate the "6 months from Christmas" mark. (LEON is NOEL spelled backwards). Wear Santa hats, watch a Christmas movie and dig out the Christmas wrapping paper to wrap a little gift for your hot date to open.


27- Having a classic summer means you've got to go to the fair. Find out where your local State fair is and get ready for funnel cakes.

28- Rent a convertible for a summer Sunday drive.

29- Make some grown up s'mores by getting some nice quality dark chocolate and raspberries to squish on with your toasted marshmallow and graham cracker or any one of these 12 ideas.

Salty Caramel Bacon S'more:

Posted by The Kitchn on Tuesday, July 30, 2013

30- Forget dinner at a restaurant and head into the city for a night out with the food trucks. Order drinks, entrees, and dessert from different trucks and enjoy a feast on the cheap.

31- Pack up the car for a road trip to the beach or to a nearby lake for a weekend date of campfires, swimming and star-gazing.


32- Take a tandem bicycle tour (or walking tour) of your own city; stopping off at a candy store or ice cream parlor is mandatory.

33- Climb up on your roof with blankets for night of stargazing.

34- Make a meal from the ingredients you get a farmer's market. Or, go early in the morning and get local juice, fruit and fresh pastries for breakfast.

35- Sign up and participate in a color run.


36- Host a tailgating party before the big game with friends, food, and lots of team spirit. Deck out your cars and clothes to support your team.

37- Apple picking is a must in the fall. Find a local orchard and spend an afternoon picking apples. Another date night could be spent making applesauce or cider with all those apples.

38- Oh, the perfect September picnic can't be beat. Pack up a list of these Food52 goodies, or toss in your own for a romantic meal in the park.

39- Take a drive or hike to see all the colors changing in the mountains.


40- Find a ghost walk for a creepy evening out, or grab friends for a zombie pup crawl happening in your city.

41- Make it a contest to see who can get the most birds at their bird feeder by making 1 (or 2) of these 32 DIY bird feeders.

I'm going to the Goodwill right now to find some cute teacups!

Posted by DIY Scoop on Wednesday, September 2, 2015

42- Check out your city's Oktoberfest or Dia de Los Muertos celebrations.

43- Loads of cities will be screening old style Halloween movies that would be a scream to go to. If theaters aren't participating nearby, host your own Halloween movie night.

44- Take a brisk autumn walk through the oldest graveyard you can find and do charcoal rubbings on the most intricate headstones.


45- Celebrate Britain's Guy Fawkes day by reading up on the history and hosting a huge bonfire.

46- Get ahead of the Christmas game and find stocking stuffers for each other at Target or another favorite store.

47- Set up care packages to hand out to the homeless and spend the night talking to those you meet.

48- Make a cute date night out of Thanksgiving prep; make and freeze pie crusts, prep veggies, set the table while singing old love songs.


49- A cozy winter night in is just what you want in the stressful holiday season. Cuddle up with Netflix and do some finger knitting while you're at it.

Finger knitting is not only an easy start into the world of wool crafts, but it’s also great in helping children concentrate thanks to its ability to improve dexterity and fine motor skills.

Posted by Handimania on Sunday, November 8, 2015

50- Spend an hour or two when you can making ornaments together. Put them on your own tree or gift to a neighbor using one of these 5 easy ornament DIYs.

51- Christmas is a wonderfully romantic holiday, so why not recreate your engagement? Well, at least in part. Go to dinner where he proposed, or play that song she said yes to after the carriage ride. Have a little fun with an evening walking down memory lane.

52- Of course a December date must include seeing the Christmas lights. Whether it's a drive through a nearby neighborhood or a park that really goes all out, pack hot chocolate to keep you warm and cozy.

BONUS 53- After the hustle and bustle (and too much time with loud family members), spend some time alone at a Bed and Breakfast.

Of course, toss in birthday and anniversaries when appropriate or swap out an April date for a September one...and have fun!

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