Online dating is possibly the most popular way to meet new people in the modern age. The many advantages make it a hard opportunity to pass by. You'll meet people with similar interests, and you'll be able to check a prospective date out before you ever get in touch with them.

If you want to try online dating, then you're going to need a killer online dating profile, too. Here's how you can write a fantastic profile and find the right person for you:

1. Don't lie in your profile

First of all, whatever you write in your profile, make sure you're honest about it. The internet is full of stories about potential dates lying about even basic things such as height and weight. You don't have share all your dirty laundry in your profile, but don't outright lie. Someone will discover your secrets, and it won't leave your date with a good first impression of you. Honesty is always the best policy.

2. Give a snapshot of your life

Many writers tend to use their job to describe themselves, but it's really a crutch. Your job doesn't define you, even if you love it. You want to give the reader a snapshot of who you really are, as a person. For example, how would your friends describe you? Funny? Hardworking? Loving? Focus on your traits. Remember, you're not writing a résumé.

3. Use quotes

"Not everyone is a writer, so talking about yourself online can feel daunting," Debra Anderson, professional writer at Elite Assignment Help, told FamilyShare. "That's where quotes can come in. Pick a quote from someone you admire, and use it to describe your goals or your outlook on life. It's easy to wander into trite or common ground here, so try and find a quote that's original and thought-provoking."

4. Make short lists

Create "listicles" as a way of showing the reader what you're into. If you're a big music buff, name your top five albums. If you love surfing, name your top five beaches you want to surf on. It's an interesting way of showing the reader just what you're into, and helps them decide whether they want to get to know you further. Just make a list about anything you're passionate about.

5. Use online tools to help you write

If you don't normally write, it can feel intimidating to try to write a whole dating profile. If this is the case for you, then you can use online tools to make the job easier. Here are a few you should try as you're writing:

  • Via Writing: This grammar resource is one every writer should use. Good grammar will help you make a good impression.

  • PaperFellows: Use this proofreading tool to correct any mistakes before you post your profile.

  • State Of Writing: This site is full of writing guides that can help you with the technicalities of writing.

  • Assignment Help: You'll need to edit your profile before it goes live. Use this service for assistance if you need it.

  • Word Count: Many sites have a word limit on profiles, so use this tool to check if yours will fit.

  • OXEssays: You can try this website for help with writing anything, including dating profiles. Their writers can help you with the writing process.

  • Cite It In: If you choose to use quotes, make sure you're attributing them to the right person with this tool.

6. Be upbeat

No one is looking for someone who's down on the whole dating experience. You may have had a string of bad luck recently, but don't let it show in your profile. Be positive and upbeat, focusing on the good things you have to offer.

7. Don't worry about the future

You may be looking for "the one" to settle down and have babies with. There's nothing wrong with that, but now isn't the time to bring that up. The reader is looking for someone who will be a fun date. If you're laying out exactly what you want from them five years from now, it can just be off-putting. You can talk about what kind of person you'd like to meet, but keep the baby talk until you've found someone you can have a serious relationship with.

8. Don't give too much information

Remember, your dating profile is a public document. Don't give information that reveals where you live or work or any other personal information. If in doubt, keep it out of your profile.

These eight tips will help you get the most out of your profile and find someone that's right for you. Use them when you're writing, and you'll find people lining up to date you!

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