With the wear and tear of everyday life, your husband may get overlooked at times, along with all the amazing things he does. But not everyone has as wonderful a marriage (or husband) as you.

Here are seven signs that you are truly the luckiest woman alive:

He trusts you

He doesn't second-guess your actions.

He goes out of his way to make your day better

Washing the dishes, picking up something you need at the store, giving you a hug - those are the little things love is made of.

He holds your hand

Just because he can.

He values your emotions

He understands your uncontrollable sobbing has little to do with that glass bowl you just shattered and more to do with a bad day. It doesn't matter - he won't criticize you for your emotions.

He wants your opinion

Because there's no one he trusts and admires more than you.

He doesn't need Instagram to prove his love

He may never post a #WomanCrushWednesday, and that's OK. He'd rather show his love to you in person every single day.

He spends time with you (even if it's doing something he hates)

Do you really think he's interested in which boy Rory Gilmore ends up with? Don't kid yourself. He might not particularly enjoy doing the same things or watching the same shows as you, but spending time with you makes it all worth it.

He cares about your day

Even though he comes home exhausted too, he still takes the time to listen to your triumphs and tears of the day.

He compliments you behind your back

You don't worry he's criticizing you to his friends, because he thinks you're pretty great!

He tries to fix the washer himself

As frustrating as it can sometimes be (not to mention the expense it costs to fix what he tried to fix), his handy-man attempts are secretly the sign of an amazing husband. He wants to take care of you. In man language, this says 'I love you' more than anything else.

He puts you before his friends

He enjoys spending time with them, but he's always happy to come home, because wife time trumps any other time.

He puts you before his job

Although he works hard, he knows you are the most precious thing in his life.

He chooses you every day

Of all the women in the world, he chose YOU, and he continues to choose you every day.

Not feeling appreciated for these amazing things will slowly wear him down. Let him know you're the luckiest woman in the world because he chose you!

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