The single life. The best worst days of your life. Being single has its ups and downs - you can do basically whatever you want and go anywhere you want in life, but at the same time, your friends are getting married and having babies and you're ... not.

While everyone else falls in love around you, you're left wondering: What am I doing wrong? If you're doing any of these seven things, the answer is pretty straightforward.

1. Playing too hard to get

Everyone puts up walls. Love has the power and ability to break down defenses and conquer everything you've ever known. When things go sour in a relationship, those walls get a bit thicker. Eventually that wooden fence around your heart becomes a steel wall smothered in concrete, wrapped in barbed wire and booby-trapped, with an armed guard patrolling 24/7.

But if you want to fall in love, don't make it impossible for someone to win you over.

2. Waiting for someone who doesn't exist

If you're waiting for Mr. Perfect, I hate to break it to you, but he doesn't exist (even Superman has his kryptonite). The man of your dreams is simply that: a dream. Instead of waiting for the perfect man, look for the guys who are flawed and worthy of your love.

3. Maintaining low self-esteem

Unfortunately, too many women feel like they need to change in order for men to fall in love with them.

If you believe you need to change yourself in order to fall in love - you are dead wrong.

Love comes in all shapes and sizes. If you are convinced that you aren't good enough for someone to fall in love with you, you're selling yourself short. True love means he'll love you for exactly who you are.

4. Avoiding social situations

It's all too easy to come home, curl up on the couch with your cat and watch chick-flicks rather than spending time with friends. No matter how much you like to joke that you're dating Netflix, the real reason you're still single is because you're not meeting new people.

Some nights with Netflix are just fine, but spending an evening out means you might bump into the love of your life. But even if you don't, you'll be getting out and having fun - enjoying the time you have to be single.

5. Focusing too much on your career

Throwing yourself into your work can be good ... and bad. It's true you need to make money to live and be successful, but a 50+ hour work week means you only have time to work, eat and sleep. If your career is keeping you from doing things that you love, cut back on your hours. Strive to keep a better balance between work and play so you can actually do the things you love (and possibly meet new people).

6. Lying to yourself about your own happiness

Don't tell yourself you will only be happy when you have a boyfriend, because you are totally wrong. Happiness can be found with your friends, your family, your hobbies and passions, not just love. Being single doesn't prevent you from being happy. You can be just as happy as your married friends when you're out doing things that you love to do. When love does come along, of course you'll be happy, but that doesn't mean you can't be happy now.

7. Being afraid of the future

You don't want to admit it, but perhaps you're harboring fear of what a relationship might mean. Falling in love means commitment, intimacy, child-rearing, and a lot of growing up. Dating means losing some independence and freedom - maybe you're not ready to give that up. If you're holding onto the single life, you're denying yourself of the excitement a relationship can bring. Don't sell yourself short.

Being single is great, but so is falling in love. Even though it's intimidating, don't let fear hold you back from experiencing life to the fullest. If you want to update your relationship status from "single" to "in a relationship", make the change and stop doing these seven things.

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