Editor's note: This article was originally published on Becky Moseley's blog, Tales of Beauty For Ashes. It has been republished here with permission.
What is it and why does it matter so much?
Did you know that most men crave, even need, respect more than love? That is a foreign concept to most women who long for a man to love them.
What inevitably happens in a relationship or marriage, is the woman loves her husband the way she longs for, and respect is forgotten.
Ladies, your man NEEDS your respect.
Alright we get it, we want to respect our man.
But, how?
Maybe it is because I am teaching my toddler the ABCs, or maybe it is just because it is catchy, but I came up with a list of things we can do with and for our man to make him feel respected following the ABCs.
The ABCs of Respect
A - Admire him
B - Brag on him
C- Cheerleader
D- Demonstrate
E - Engage
F - Forgive
G - Greet him
H - Helpmeet
I - Interest
J- Just do it
K - Keep yourself up
L - Learn
M- Makeout
N - Nag less
O - Open up
P - Pray
Q - Questions
R - Remember
S - Smile
T - Talk positive
U - Undivided attention
V- Very carefully criticize
W - Wife, not mom
X - eXamine yourself
Y - Yes more
Z - Zip it
I highly encourage you to work on some of these each day.
Try something scary and ask your man, "What are some things that I do that show you respect?" Then follow up with, "What are some things that I do that show disrespect to you?" That should keep you busy.