Before starting a workout regimen, it is important to know the goal behind it, what you feel about starting a fitness regimen, any doubts you have about starting to workout, what are the exercises you love to do and how will you maintain an exercise routine when life gets busy?
Maintaining a regular workout routine is essential for living a healthy life. Exercise is one of the best ways to enhance blood circulation, lose weight, strengthen muscles, and overall health, but before you start a new workout routine, there are a few things you should consider.
You should consult a fitness expert before you start your workout regimen, particularly if you have any chronic problems, or you haven't been exercising for a long time.
Choosing the correct exercise is crucial. Starting with something you love makes all the difference. If you don't enjoy jogging, try jumping rope, instead. If you don't like aerobics, go for cardio exercises.
Before starting the actual workout, perform warm-up exercises for five to ten minutes to improve your heart rate and loosen up your muscles. A warm-up routine may include brisk walking, free-hand exercises or yoga.
Choose the appropriate outfit and proper shoes for your workout regime. By using the appropriate workout clothing, you make your workout routine more comfortable and enjoyable.
Start working out early. Study suggests that people who work out early in the morning are most consistent. Set that alarm clock!
To get the maximum health benefits, you need to perform at least 25-30 minutes of physical activity five times a week or a total of 150 minutes per week.
The best way to start a workout regimen is with small, achievable steps. For example, setting a weight loss goal of 2-3 pounds a week is a good approach for losing weight. If you are exercising for the first time, begin with three days a week, then slowly increase to 5 days or more.
Try avoiding foods rich in calories, which are not suitable with your workout diet program. Keep track of the food you eat daily by starting a food journal. Stick to a low-calorie diet, which will help you to achieve your fitness goal.
Drink lots of water before and after your workout to avoid dehydration. Never forget to do stretching exercises before and after the workout.
Before you wind up your workout regimen, slowly reduce the intensity of your physical activity. This reduces your heart rate to a normal level and prevents you from feeling exhausted or dizzy.