Talking about the dreams and goals you have is very different from actually accomplishing them. You'll never get anywhere if you only talk about your dreams. To put your words into action, here are 10 vital things you need to start doing now to reach your goals:

1. Create a vision board

Once you've set a goal for yourself, visualize it by creating a vision board (or at least keep your goal somewhere you can see it). This way you'll be able to actually picture yourself at the end, having accomplished what you want. Keep your board somewhere you see it every day. That way, you'll be constantly reminded about what you're working toward and you can take action to actually reach your goal.

2. Keep track of your progress in a journal

To keep track of your efforts, write your progress in a journal or on your phone. Write down what steps you have taken to accomplish your goal to clearly see how well things are progressing and to see if your work is paying off. If some things are not working you can switch tactics to something that's more helpful. This way, you'll be able to reach your goal faster.

3. Tell someone about your goal - they'll help you stick to it

Accountability is key to reaching your goals. When you start, make a post on social media or tell someone close to you what your goal is. If someone else knows, you'll not only be accountable to yourself, but to them as well. Having someone on the outside who knows about your goal will be there to cheer you on and help keep you on track.

4. Set smaller goals in order to reach your ultimate one

You'll never reach your ultimate goal if you're trying to do it all at once. Start with small bunches of goals. Setting smaller goals will allow you to make a little progress day by day and week by week. You'll certainly feel more accomplished by reaching smaller, much more attainable goals. Before you know it, by accomplishing all of those small goals, you'll have finally reached your final one.

5. Set a date for the end game

A goal without an end date isn't much of a goal at all. Be sure to set a date so you can do what you can before that date. When choosing a date, choose one that is reasonable and realistic. You're not going to be able to lose 20 lbs in a week. Set a date that is challenging, but realistic... also gives you the chance to beat your goal beforehand!.

6. Be realistic about your goals

Don't set goals that are ridiculous and absolutely unattainable. You will never be able to go on a dream vacation to Pluto and meet aliens. Make sure when you set goals you'll be able to actually accomplish them. Unrealistic goals will only hold you back from actually accomplishing what you want.

7. Believe you can actually do it

Most importantly, you need to believe in yourself. You'll never reach your goals if you don't believe you can actually do it. Get rid of any doubts or false hopes you may have. Those feelings will only hold you back from reaching your goals. Having a certain amount of faith that you can do hard things will give you the necessary push you need to accomplish your dreams. If you have a positive mindset you'll be surprised to see just what you can do.

8. Be in complete control of yourself

You can't control everything. Things will happen in your life that will throw you off-balance but don't let those things control your life - be in control of your own life. Take charge of your life and actually do something that will make a difference. If you take charge of your actions, you'll just be one step closer to reaching your goals.

9. You have to want it

More than anything else on this list, you have to want your goal if you have any chance at achieving it. Any second thoughts or doubts you may have need to be faced directly. Ask yourself if this is the goal you really want. If it isn't, figure out what it is you do want and start working towards it. Because if you don't want it, you're never going to get it.

10. Commit to accomplishing your goals - don't fall short

With anything you put your mind to, you have to be committed. Commit to taking action each day or each week to reach your goals. If you're not committed to the cause, you'll never follow through. You will only fall short of achieving what you've always dreamed of. Don't be afraid to put all of your might, mind, and strength into something. It will only show how passionate you are about doing something you love.

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