Let's face it - getting to the gym is so hard. You have to get all dressed up and go work out around a bunch of other sweaty people. And maybe you even feel a little judged while you're there and just can't wait to get back home to your hot shower and protein shake (or ice cream ... you earned it).

While working out is so important for your health, it's hard to find the time and motivation to actually do it. Life gets crazy, and some days, a full body workout just isn't going to happen - and that's OK.

On the days you can't get to the gym, or if you're just starting a workout routine, it's nice to have short, effective workouts up your sleeve that you can do in the comfort of your living room. Here are 12 10-minute workouts that will transform your body if you stick with them every day.

Set your timer for 10 minutes, and repeat these workouts as many times as you can until your timer runs out. Feel free to mix and match or just focus on a different part of your body every day, and you'll feel and look better in no time.

1. For your abs

  • Scissor kicks (eight reps)

  • Knee hugs (six reps)

  • Toe touch crunch (four reps)

  • Side plank (four reps)

2. For your arms

  • Tricep dips (10 reps)

  • Pushups (20 reps)

  • Plank (40 seconds)

  • Arm circles (50 reps)

3. For your legs

  • Classic squat (10 reps)

  • Sumo squat (10 reps)

  • Lunges (10 on each side)

  • Frog jumps (15 reps)

Just 10 minutes of exercise everyday will make your life happier and healthier. Try these workouts to start out, then build up to more when you feel comfortable. It's always good to push yourself to be better, but make sure you're listening to your body and doing what feels right.

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