1. Having enough money does make people happier than not having enough, but having more money doesn't make people happier.

  2. The key to financial happiness may be wanting less rather than having more.

  3. Don't spend more than you earn.

  4. Don't be afraid of hard work.

  5. A college education is imperative in today's "knowledge" economy.

  6. Remember to save for the future. It will be here soon enough.

  7. Teach your children the value of money. Allow them want something badly enough to buy it themselves.

  8. Buy a house you can afford and that you'll want to live in for a long time.

  9. Don't let what other people think of your car dictate what you drive. You shouldn't care.

  10. Take care of your stuff.

  11. Don't be afraid of public transportation.

  12. People who understand interest collect more than they pay.

  13. Paying off your mortgage truly is cause for celebration.

  14. Credit cards are a convenient way to pay for things you want, but only if you have the money to pay the credit card bill.

  15. Saving 20 percent on something you don't need is an 80% waste of money.

  16. Don't torture yourself. Shopping is torture when you don't have money to buy what you want.

  17. Work is supposed to be work; that's why they pay you to do it.

  18. If it's not raining, you had better be saving, because the rain will come.

  19. You've got to work for money until you can get money to work for you; keep saving and investing.

  20. Make "getting out of debt" something you do and not just something you dream about.

  21. Stop borrowing and start saving; you'll thank yourself someday.

  22. Family finances are a family affair; let everyone help to conserve and save.

  23. You can be eco-wise by being environmentally friendly and economically minded.

  24. You will die without food and shelter. You won't die without Prada.

  25. A new $300 driver may not do nearly as much for your drive as a $5 bucket of balls at the driving range.

  26. Quality family time can happen just as easily camping in a National Park as it does at Disney World; choose the vacation that best fits your budget.

  27. Did you babysit, deliver papers or mow lawns as a teenager? Do your kids?

  28. Don't compare your first home to the home your parents own now; compare your first home to their first home.

  29. Money's only real value is the good you can do with it.

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