While some people may have a tendency to overshare (and perhaps post things that are inappropriate) on Facebook, there are eight things you should never hesitate to post about:
1. Good news
When something good happens to you, it is okay to share it on Facebook! There is a difference between sharing good news and bragging. Sharing good news is letting the world know that something positive, exciting, and life-changing is happening. Expecting a baby, getting a job offer, finishing college...these are things that your friends will want to know and be happy about. Sharing your news on Facebook is a great way of telling everyone without leaving anyone out.
2. Your business
If you've started a new business or are in the middle of a business venture, it is smart to share it on Facebook. Facebook is a great networking tool and can really help spread the word about what you are doing. If your friends get sick of how many times you are posting about your business, they can adjust their own settings to show less of those types of posts. If you are worried about mixing your personal and business life online, consider creating a page just for your business.
3. Uplifting stories
Whether it's your own story, or someone else's you found online, it is always okay to share an uplifting story. Doing just that can instantly change someone's mood, bring a smile to their face, or inspire them. These are all things that bring positivity into a all-too-often negative world, and are definitely worth posting about.
4. Things that worked for you
Did you discover a great way to remove stains from clothes? Did this one trick finally get your kid to conquer potty training? Or did you figure a way to actually enjoy doing the dishes? These are all things you should share on Facebook. Life hacks are great things to tell others about; never hesitate to share something that actually worked for you.
5. Personal triumphs
When you have gone through something hard, challenging or difficult, share it with others. Whether it is losing weight, overcoming a hardship, or even recovering from the loss of a loved one, sharing your journey can help someone with their own obstacles. Some of your friends could be going through the same things you are, and you don't even know it. Your story could truly change their life.
6. Photos
It IS okay to share photos on Facebook. If they are photos of you or your own kids, then you can justifiably post them. You should always use caution when posting photos and perhaps limit the amount of photos you post, but you should not feel like you are not able to have pictures of your family online. After all, posting photos and status updates is what Facebook was founded on. All the other stuff came later.
7. Positivity
If you think someone looks really great in a photo, tell them. If you thought the story your friend posted was hilarious, let her know. Don't hesitate to leave a positive comment on someone's feed. It is always okay to say something nice, and honestly, it is not done often enough. So share away with your positive comments.
8. Questions
If you have a question or want a poll about something, Facebook is a great forum to use. Curious about what brand of diaper cream is the best? Wondering how to remove nail polish from the carpet? Or wanting a good recipe for a green smoothie? Ask your friends. As long as your question is appropriate, ask away. People are usually eager to share their opinion, and it creates a conversation that others may find helpful.
Instead of just using Facebook to waste time, use these ways to make Facebook a positive tool. Post uplifting news, share kind comments, and spread helpful content to make the world just a little bit better.