Your thoughts are powerful. They affect the choices you make and the person you become. They can keep you up all night, and they can even destroy relationships. Your thoughts can impact your successes, and are key to turning your weaknesses into strengths.

It can be hard to take control of your thoughts. They have a strength that can seem almost impossible to overcome. But, it can be done. Here are four ways you can control your thoughts, and take control of your mind.

1. Identify your thoughts

You create two types of thoughts: positive and negative. You often don't realize you are thinking one type or another. Unfortunately, you become the thoughts you think. For example, if you constantly dwell on negative thoughts, you will become a pessimistic person. Whereas, if positive thoughts occupy your mind the most, you will be happier and more grateful for the many blessings in your life.

As thoughts come into your mind, identify whether they are positive or negative. If the thought is positive, come back to it often. Dwell on it. If the thought is negative, cast it away. You have the power to keep thoughts or discard them.

2. Introduce positive and empowering thoughts

If you have a difficult time letting positive thoughts occupy your mind, you are not alone. To help you overcome this challenge, introduce positive and empowering thoughts into your mind each day. Find one thing you are good at and focus on it throughout the day. Find three things on which to compliment yourself and focus on that. When you catch a negative thought cross your mind, immediately turn it into something positive.

3. Don't procrastinate

If a negative thought comes into your mind, cast it out immediately. The more you dwell on the thought, the harder it will be to remove it. One of the challenges to controlling your thoughts is catching yourself with a bad thought. Being a pessimist is a habit that we often don't realize we practice.

To break this habit, spend two or three days focusing on your thoughts. You can count how many positive or negative thoughts enter your mind. You can write down every positive thought you have. Work now to control your thoughts and cast out those thoughts that tear you down right away.

4. Take care of yourself mentally and physically

Regular physical exercise, a healthy diet and a continual education can help maintain good thoughts. When you are physically fit, you feel better about yourself and the way you look as you slowly eliminate poor critical and destructive thoughts. Also, regular exercise releases endorphins that make you much happier and more energetic. When you continually work your mind and improve yourself mentally, you will feel smarter. You will be able to handle difficult challenges that may come your way.

Your thoughts determine the type of person you are. Do you want to be the fun-loving, friendly individual or the Eeyore who is always glum? The choice is yours by how you control your thoughts. Here are more ideas on how to practice positive thinking.

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