When we turn on our computers, TVs, smartphones, and iPads, we are immediately hit with a barrage of horribleness, ugliness and scariness. Some days, it's enough to make you want to tune out completely.
Within minutes, we are inundated with:
Global warming
Everything we eat is bad for us
Political bad-behavior
Medical malpractice lawsuits
Misappropriation of funds by charity organizations
Labeling lies on our food
School shootings
I am not suggesting we turn our backs on our civic duties and passions. What I am suggesting is that we join together in a quiet revolution and share, for one week, only good news. Whether you tweet, like, G+, pin or blog, for one week, beginning the morning after you happen to read this:
Share, Like, Retweet, G+ only uplifting stories
When you read or see something that makes you feel good, laugh, or smile, share it.
Keep your own statuses positive
Share heartwarming or amusing stories about your family.
Hide the negative
When you see something that detracts from happiness, hide or delete it.
Don't engage or comment on negative posts
Simply not engaging helps the negativity stop in its tracks.
Seek out good stories
Use positive, uplifting, happy keywords when you look for video clips or stories to share.
Promote local heroes
I'm sure everyone knows of a few local heroes. Not necessarily emergency response people, but people who have a great outlook through their own adversity. Tell others about them.
Keep a daily journal
Write down, at the end of the day, how you felt that day. Was your mood improved? Did you feel more at peace before you retired to bed?
This whole thought process came about when I saw the story of Conner and Cayden Long, the Sports Illustrated Kids 2012 Sports Kids of the Year. Conner, 9, participates in triathlons on weekends bringing his brother, Cayden, 6, who has cerebral palsy, along. He never wins. Yet, he chooses to continue with his brother, towing him in a cart behind his bike.
When I watched the video, it reminded me of a small newspaper we used to get when I was a kid. It was called Grit.It was loaded with nothing but sweet stories. I loved reading it when I was a girl because I knew there would be nothing in there to scare or disillusion me.
Then there are stories of folks who choose to put themselves out there and share their talents. Paul Potts is a perfect example. He was a quiet little cell phone salesman who sang opera in his room. One day, he summoned up the courage to try out his gift publicly on Britain's Got Talent. I can't imagine how hard that must have been, but that break-out moment has led to a stellar career. In the process, I'm sure he has inspired others to do the same.
It seems that today everyone scrambles to be the first to share bad news. I don't really understand it. They want to tear down our heroes and belittle our dreams. I say, don't let them win. Let their noise drown in a sea of joyful, lyrical music of goodness. Let's all try to find the beauty among the rubble.
I am calling for the revolution. I hope you will join in. I am anxious to see the difference it makes within me and beyond.