You've heard of stretch marks, swollen ankles, and morning sickness. You've certainly seen the burgeoning bellies of pregnant ladies, but those are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to pregnancy side effects. Some come and go, and some will likely remain with you for the full nine months. Here's a list of the top 20 side effects you can expect during your pregnancy. Don't worry - they're not all bad.

Extra hair

- During pregnancy, you won't be shedding the hair on your head as quickly, and you may notice an increase of hair on your belly. Interestingly enough, however, your leg hair will grow more slowly.

A popped belly button

- Say good-bye to your cute little belly button. As your stomach stretches, it will get ever shallower and may even pop outward in the last few months.

Loss of bladder control

- Not only will it feel like your bladder is shrinking, but you'll also possibly lose control of what little room you have left.


- You'll especially notice this side effect if you lie down after a meal, but it can hit you anytime.

Belly touching

- Love it or hate it, your growing belly will become a magnet for random hands.

Loss of balance

- As you grow, your center of gravity will change, and you may start feeling a little wobbly.


- Try not to scratch that stretching stomach if you can help it. Instead, apply your favorite scented lotion.

Changing appetite

- It's likely to decrease during the first trimester then increase during later trimesters.


- It's not ladylike or attractive, but it is certainly unavoidable and a little too early to blame on the baby.

Mood swings

- Feel ecstatic one moment and devastated the next? That's normal. Just learn to roll with it and hope your significant other can learn some patience.

Varicose veins

- Due to the weight of our uterus, blood may pool in the veins in your legs and turn your calves and thighs into an attractive patchwork quilt of blues and purples.

Bigger breasts

- This may be a good or bad thing, depending on what size you started out.

New clothing requirements

- It's a great excuse to go shopping. There are some really stylish maternity clothes available these days.

Difficulty shaving

- It's good that your leg hair is growing more slowly, because bending over to shave your legs may begin to feel like an Olympic effort.

Weight gain

- Though it may be difficult to reconcile, weight gain is necessary for the health of your baby.


- Who knows whether they're psychological or physical? Regardless, you can enjoy the excuse to indulge in your favorite ice cream.

Braxton hicks

- These lovely "little" contractions may start sometime during the third trimester. Just think of them as practice for the "big day."

Increased sense of smell

- You'll experience this particularly in the first trimester. Often, it's the reason women have morning sickness.

ort during sleep

Discomfort during sleep - Maybe it's your body's way of getting you ready for your sleepless nights after the baby is born.

Baby kicks

- The very best part of pregnancy - those first few nudges and then full on karate kicks from the little miracle you're working so hard to create.

No matter how many of these side effects you experience, just keep in mind it's all for a good cause. When you hold that new little bundle of joy for the first time, the last nine months will just fade away.

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