During the course of strict routines during our busy days, it is easy to forget that death will eventually visit each of us. A young life can be taken in a tragic accident, or death may come peacefully in an individual's sunset years. In either case, we will each be brought to experience this inescapable part of life.

Living and working in a war zone, I hear of the untimely deaths of so many people. As a result, I have come to ponder with more feeling the importance of living for today. What if tomorrow never comes? If you knew that you were not going to be here tomorrow, what would you do with today?

Think of each new day as a new opportunity

When you open your eyes in the morning, think of the start of your day as a new birth. You have a world of opportunities ahead of you; a full day to use as you wish. How do you want to be remembered today? What do you want to experience or accomplish? Who do you want to spend time with? What do you want to say to your loved ones?

As you lay your head down on your pillow at night, consider that a symbol of your death. Think about your day and consider how you could have lived more fully. Are there things that you regret doing? Are there experiences that you wish you had? Did you leave anything unsaid to a loved one? Take all of those thoughts. And if you get a chance to open your eyes again the next morning, live your life better than the day before.

Leave something behind for others to find

As I speak with people that have lost loved ones, I see similarities. They all wish that they had something more to remember them. When I saw the look in my mother's eyes as she watched a short video of her father playing the piano, I was inspired to keep a journal. I wanted to leave something behind for my loved ones. I now have volumes of journals. I share life lessons I have learned, experiences that I have had and even mistakes that I have learned from. Though you may not think that your life is very interesting, I promise that your children, your grandchildren and your posterity for generations to come - will.

Let nothing hold you back

We have all made mistakes in life. When we do things that we know are wrong we can feel discouraged and even depressed. Learn from these feelings. As I sat at the feet of a wise leader and role model and shared with him some of my struggles, I could not even look him in the face. Forcefully he invited me to look at him. He lovingly encouraged me to move forward and let nothing stop me from achieving my potential. We do not have time to sit around and have a pity party. We must boldly move forward, repent of inappropriate behavior, stop wasting time and become the type of person that we are destined to become.

You never know when you will be experiencing your last moments. It is easy to put off important things till tomorrow. Do not wait to change your life or to start all over. Each moment is a refreshing new opportunity to become your best self. Do not let the chaotic routines of each day allow you to forget the importance of living your life. Use each day as a new opportunity. Leave something that encourages others to improve their lives and let nothing hold you back from accomplishing great things each new day of your life.

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