"Is there a baby inside of me?"

"Am I turning into a man?"

These are the fears women have when they discover a bulge protruding out of their vagina. Many try to push it back up only to have it fall back out again. How terrifying it must be to deal with the pain and discomfort in the dark, not knowing what's happening to your body.

While this condition isn't the most comfortable thing to talk about it (who wants to go around telling people her uterus turned inside out?), some degree of prolapse affects nearly 50 percent of women, so it's time to destroy the stigma and have this conversation.

What is it?

This condition is called uterine prolapse. According to gynecologist Leo M Stevenson, MD, uterine prolapse occurs when the group of tissues and muscles that support the pelvic organs — the rectum, vagina, uterus and bladder — grow weak. Because their supporting structure is weak, these organs begin to sag out of place. This can cause the top of the uterus to droop down. While most women experience only frist-degree prolapse, with the uterus falling toward the top of the vagina, the uterus can fall the length of the vagina (three to four inches) and protrude out of the body.

How common is it?

The Women's Health Organization reports that 44 percent of women in the United States show some degree of prolapse, and 14 percent of those women have a prolapse that escalates to total uterine prolapse.

What causes prolapse?

"The biggest cause of prolapse is due to pregnancy," Stevenson told Famifi. Specifically, when the ligaments are overstretched or you don't have the right kind of tissue, the organs will droop.

However, there are other risk factors such as pelvic surgeries, obesity, chronic coughing, constipation, frequent heavy lifting and old age.


  • Bulge out of the vagina

  • Incontinence or feeling like you need to constantly urinate

  • Constipation

  • Pain during sex

  • Back pain

  • Trouble having a bowel movement

What does prolapse feel like?

You may first feel like urination or bowel movements are challenging. As it gets more severe, you may feel a pulling sensation in your pelvis.

If you are dealing with second- or third-degree prolapse, you may feel like you're sitting on a ball.

What do I do if I have uterine prolapse?

First of all, don't panic. As stated, prolapse is common and isn't threatening. In fact, milder forms of prolapse don't necessitate treatment. However, if your symptoms are severe enough to cause discomfort, make an appointment to talk to a gynecologist about possible treatments.

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