When Autumn Michaels was only seven months old, doctors discovered she had an inoperable brain tumor close to her optic nerves. As the tumor grew over time, her worried parents, Jason and Angie, had to make a tough decision that would change the course of little Autumn's life.

When Autumn was four years old, her parents made the decision to have the doctors completely remove her optic nerves and parts of the tumor. When they broke the news to Autumn, the brave little girl had a response that touched and shocked her parents, and is now doing the same for the world.

The five touching words

FaithIt reports Jason saying to his daughter, "Autumn, I'm sorry we have to do this." He continued, "You won't be able to see."

Then Autumn responded with the sweetest, bravest remark. She said, "It's OK daddy ... God will see for me."

Ever since that day, Autumn has been a true example of true joy and positivity. Her mom said, "She's always had this amazing view of the world ... Everything is positive. It brings people to her, drags them in."

Autumn wanted to be in the marching band

Autumn is attending high school now, and she's doing great things in her school's band. She had a dream to be in the marching band, but because of her blindness, she wouldn't be able to keep up with her classmates and the precise steps they have to memorize for their routines.

But everything changed when she met her friend Rachel, at band camp. Rachel and Autumn automatically became fast friends. Rachel was kind enough to guide Autumn in the marching band during band camp, and she acted as her eyes.

Rachel continued to help Autumn

Rachel enjoyed being Autumn's eyes, and she ultimately decided to guide her in the marching band throughout the school year. This selfless act was incredibly kind, as Rachel had her own dreams of being in the marching band.

Rachel still plays her instrument in the stands, but she guides Autumn on the field. She says, "I'm still marching. I'm still on the field. I'm still with the band. I'm essentially doing the same thing I would be doing. I'm just doing that with Autumn."

Autumn and her family are incredibly grateful for the selfless act, and the are so appreciative to Rachel. According to USA Today, Autumn is "endlessly optimistic," which is one reason why the two friends were drawn to each other.

It's no doubt that God has watched over Autumn and has blessed her with incredible friends and family, including Rachel. Autumn's four-year-old self was right when she said that everything would be OK and that God would see for her.

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