"It's positive!" The moment you have been waiting for is finally here. You are going to be a mommy. There is truly no greater joy. However, sometimes that isn't what your appearance says.
It is easy to feel drab after you have a baby. After all, you are only getting a fraction of sleep. Your skin could use a pick-me-up as a result of all those nights stumbling into your room and crashing on your bed without washing your face. Your hair has been sporting a messy bun for quite some time. You don't remember the last time you actually brushed your hair. You are not alone. Every mother goes through this phase at one point or another. How do we fix this? How do we give ourselves a mommy makeover when we are tired, busy, and downright lazy? Simplicity, that's how. Seek for the simple solutions rather than trying to get your 7-step skincare regimen done every night.
Makeup wipes should be on the top of your list
They are inexpensive and do the job right. You may not get the exfoliation, buffing, toning, deep cleansing, and moisturizing from the wipes, but your face will be clean. It takes just seconds, which is nice if you are too tired to wash your face. Those days where you have been here, there and everywhere with children in tow, and naps weren't exactly on the kids' list of things to do that day. Grab a wipe, clean your face, and slumber on.
Get a haircut
One of the most frustrating things for many mothers, new and experienced, is their hair. What do you do with that once beautiful mane that now is hidden by headbands and bobby pins? Get a haircut. It doesn't have to be drastic. You don't have to get the "mom bob."� A change or a trim will be just what you need to feel good about your hair again. If you want to wear your hair long, learn new braids or other styles. There are so many options out there rather than the messy bun.
Don't condemn yourself to yoga pants and oversized hoodies
Get up, get dressed. Who cares if nobody sees you; you see you! Your husband sees you, too. Not long ago, we would never have allowed them to see us in a messy bun and hoodie. Of course, with children it's best to avoid the satin and cashmere. Throw on some cute jeans and a cute cotton, knit, or any other machine-washable shirt. When you get dressed for the day you will not only look better, you will feel better.
It's OK to pamper yourself now and then
You work hard, and you deserve it. Paint those nails, girlfriend! Go for a run, do yoga, have some well-deserved "me" time. The happier you are with you, the happier you'll be with life. Your family will see that, and that is important.