Officers from several agencies respond to an accident at 9000 South just off of I-15 Monday, March 3, 2014 after a high speed chase.

There is no doubt that our kids need and deserve the very best we have to give. However, we can also drive ourselves crazy trying to plan, pay for and execute over-the-top parties, birthdays and vacations. Do our children really need lavish doting to feel loved?

Of course not. Some of the best memories of childhood come during the smallest of moments. With little people, it really is the little things that count. It's amazing what your focused attention can do for your child's sense of self-worth. Taking a minute or two out of your day to make your child feel loved may seem like a small thing to you, but it will mean the world to your kid.

If you're looking for a little loving inspiration, keep this list of 20 little ways to show little ones love handy.

  1. Get down on the floor and play.

  2. Let him choose what to have for dinner.

  3. Snuggle on the couch and watch her favorite TV show.

  4. Let the kids pick the radio station or CD in the car.

  5. Stick a note in her lunchbox.

  6. Read an extra book before bed just because.

  7. Go on a daddy-daughter, mother-son date or father-son, mommy-daughter outing. Let him or her pick the activity.

  8. Serve dessert first.

  9. Declare today Crazy, Mixed-up Dress Day and dress silly alongside your kids.

  10. Have a tickle fight.

  11. Give him a sincere, heart-felt compliment.

  12. Do one of her chores for her as a surprise.

  13. Turn up the music and dance it out.

  14. Build a blanket fort and snuggle inside.

  15. Go outside to run through the sprinklers, jump in the leaves or make a snow angel. No sitting on the sidelines and watching. Participate.

  16. Stage a photo shoot with your favorite little model as the star of the show.

  17. Never let him go out the door without hearing, "I love you."�

  18. Learn all of her friends' names and ask about them.

  19. Pray for your kids every single day.

  20. Turn off the TV, put away the tablet, silence your phone and listen to whatever he has to say. Listen for as long as he wants to talk and about whatever he wants to talk about. Be completely present, and give him your undivided attention.

In the blink of an eye, childhood will be over. Your kids will be out the door and away from your constant supervision. The memories you make while you have them at home will last a lifetime. Sometimes we wait for big, grand moments to show our families how we feel. However, every day comes with thousands of little opportunities to make our children feel secure in our love for them.

Don't let today go by without expressing your love and appreciation for your kids. Even if they are driving you crazy - especially if they are driving you crazy - make them feel your love for them. It will bring you closer together and bring peace to your home.

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